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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – From SWOT to Success: Navigating the Competitive Sales Landscape – Episode 46

In this invigorating episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales, hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey dive deep into the realm of competition in sales. From understanding the various forms competition can take to harnessing the power of artificial intelligence in competitive analysis, this episode is packed with insights and actionable advice for sales professionals at all levels.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. The Essence of Competition in Sales: Why understanding and overcoming your competition is crucial.
  2. Recognizing Different Types of Competition: Beyond direct competitors, why the ‘no decision’ outcome is the hidden enemy.
  3. Leveraging SWOT Analysis: Sean and Kevin’s take on its relevance and how to use it effectively for competitive advantage.
  4. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Sales: How tools like Chat GPT can help get a leg up on your competition.
  5. The Importance of Competitive Awareness: Why 57% of companies are at a disadvantage and how not to be one of them.

Key Quotes:

Additional Resources:

Don’t be a part of the 57% that remains oblivious to their competition. Whether you’re in the early stages of your sales journey or a seasoned professional, Sean and Kevin’s insights from this episode offer invaluable strategies and tools to elevate your game. Tune in to “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” to get the upper hand, understand your market better, and, ultimately, eliminate your competition.

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