Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Leading with Generosity- The Servant Leadership Approach to Sales with Tom Daly – E93

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Leading with Generosity- The Servant Leadership Approach to Sales with Tom Daly – E93

Welcome to another enriching episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey dive deep into the art of sales with special guest Tom Daly from Focus Insights Group. In this episode, we explore the concept of servant leadership in sales and how giving more can ultimately lead to receiving more in business and personal growth.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Servant Leadership in Sales [00:01:00 – 00:10:00]: Tom Daly discusses the importance of building productive referral networks and how servant leadership has helped him succeed in sales.
  • The Power of Giving Freely [00:05:00 – 00:08:00]: A detailed exploration of how giving without expecting immediate returns can foster long-term business relationships and personal satisfaction.
  • Balancing Generosity with Business Acumen [00:05:20 – 00:06:30]: Kevin probes the delicate balance between generosity and ensuring business viability.
  • Community and Collaboration [00:06:43 – 00:07:33]: The significance of a supportive community within the sales acceleration network, emphasizing collective success over individual gains.
  • Sales as a Helping Profession [00:08:21 – 00:09:52]: Sean reflects on the philosophy that sales should focus on helping and solving problems rather than just transactional interactions.
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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Activating Your Sales Ecosystem for Growth – E92

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Activating Your Sales Ecosystem for Growth – E92

Join Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey in a compelling episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” which delves into the power of networking and relationship management in sales. Whether you are a seasoned sales professional or just starting, this episode offers invaluable insights into maximizing your sales ecosystem without overwhelming your contacts.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Activating Your Network [00:00:00]: Kevin highlights the importance of leveraging existing relationships and simple, actionable strategies to enhance your sales pipeline.
  • Realistic Relationship Management [00:01:36]: Sean discusses the practical aspects of maintaining a manageable network that can drive business growth.
  • Frequency of Contact [00:04:54]: Explore how often to engage with your network, including referral partners and past customers, without becoming a nuisance.
  • Digital Communication vs. Personal Interaction [00:06:00]: This section dissects the balance between digital outreach and personal connection to optimize relationship value.
  • Segmenting Contacts [00:08:29]: Sean shares his method of categorizing contacts into A, B, and C lists to tailor communication frequency and maintain effectiveness.
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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Selling the Hole, Not the Drill: Understanding the Real Value Behind Your Sales – E91

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Selling the Hole, Not the Drill: Understanding the Real Value Behind Your Sales – E91

Welcome to another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where our hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey dive deep into the complexities and strategies of sales. In this episode, they explore the nuanced dynamics of selling through distribution and understanding the real needs of your customers. Whether you’re a seasoned sales veteran or just starting in your career, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge on refining your sales approach to maximize effectiveness and customer satisfaction.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Selling Through Distribution: Sean shares his early career mistakes and the pivotal lessons of focusing beyond just the product features.
  2. Understanding Your Customer’s Needs: Strategies to grasp what the end-user truly requires from a product, rather than just its specifications.
  3. The Importance of Simplicity in Sales: Kevin emphasizes how simplifying your sales message can vastly improve understanding and efficiency in sales processes.
  4. Sales Training and Knowledge Transfer: Both hosts discuss how proper training and knowledge sharing with channel partners and sales teams can lead to better sales outcomes.
  5. The Role of Value in Sales: How to communicate the unique value of a product or service to stand out in a competitive market.
  6. Referral Partnerships and Networks: Sean elaborates on the significance of nurturing relationships with referral partners to enhance lead generation for smaller businesses.
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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Maximizing Customer Relationships: Insights from Chris Goade – E90

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Maximizing Customer Relationships: Insights from Chris Goade – E90

Join Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey in another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales.” This week, they welcome back Chris Goade from 360 Consulting in Dallas. Chris dives deep into the importance of customer retention and intentional engagement strategies. Discover how to transform average customers into great ones and learn practical techniques to elevate your sales game.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. Defining Ideal Customers: Chris emphasizes the need for businesses to understand and define what makes a great customer, moving beyond just high revenue.
  2. Intentional Customer Interactions: Pre-call planning and intentionality in customer meetings are important to foster deeper relationships and uncover more business opportunities.
  3. Handling Customer Problems: How addressing and solving problems can turn challenging customers into loyal advocates.
  4. Roadmapping Conversations: Strategies for sales leaders to guide their teams in having structured, meaningful conversations with clients.
  5. Growing Existing Customers: Real-world examples of how focusing on existing customers can lead to significant business growth without new customer acquisition.
  6. Salesperson Development: Techniques to help salespeople grow comfortable with engaging higher-level executives and having more strategic business conversations.
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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – The Four Pillars of Sales Success with Veteran Advisor Chris Goade – E89

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – The Four Pillars of Sales Success with Veteran Advisor Chris Goade – E89

Join Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey in this compelling episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” featuring seasoned sales acceleration advisor Chris Goade. As a pioneer in the field from Dallas-Fort Worth, Chris brings a wealth of experience from top companies like Dr. Pepper, PepsiCo, and 3M. Delve into the intricacies of building effective sales processes and learn firsthand about the transformative power of structured sales strategies.

Key Topics Discussed

  • Building Effective Sales Teams: How creating structured processes can accelerate sales performance.
  • Sales Process Fundamentals: Chris outlines the critical pillars of a successful sales process, including lead generation and customer relationship management.
  • Transitioning from Corporate to Consulting: Chris shares his journey from corporate sales to starting his own consulting business and the lessons learned.
  • The Evolution of Sales Tools and Techniques: Discussion on how sales strategies have adapted over time, especially in response to technological advancements.
  • Maintaining Customer Relationships: The importance of nurturing existing relationships to foster long-term business growth.
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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Fundamentals First: Building a Winning Sales Team with Tom Morgan of Sales Xceleration – E88

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Fundamentals First: Building a Winning Sales Team with Tom Morgan of Sales Xceleration – E88

Welcome to another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where we continue our vibrant discussion this week with special guest Tom Morgan, a former collegiate basketball coach turned sales strategy guru. Diving into the parallels between sports coaching and sales management, this episode is packed with strategic insights to enhance your sales team’s performance as the quarter and year draw to a close.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. The Importance of Early and Ongoing Preparation: Starting strong from the beginning of the year or season sets teams up for success.
  2. Fundamentals in Sports and Sales: A comparison of essential practices like the three-man weave in basketball to fundamental sales activities such as prospecting and client interaction.
  3. Role of Support Players in Success: Discuss how each team member’s effective execution of their role enhances overall performance.
  4. Impact of Precision and Timing: The critical nature of precise actions and decisions in the closing moments of a game or sales quarter.
  5. Role Clarity and Consistent Language in Sales Teams: How clear definitions and consistent communication within teams can streamline processes and improve outcomes.
  6. Creative and Effective Role-Playing: Innovative approaches to role-playing that increase engagement and effectiveness in training sessions.

Key Quotes:

  • Kevin Lawson: “Doing the easy things well translates into doing the hard things more effectively.”
  • Sean O’Shaughnessey: “The ability to do it over and over again, make mistakes in practice so that I didn’t make that same mistake in the game.”
  • Tom Morgan: “It’s those fundamentals… You start to practice those key details. As you get into your sales process, those are the things when you get to the end of a quarter, you’re relying on best practices.”


Whether you’re a sales novice or a seasoned leader, this episode offers invaluable lessons on preparation, practice, and execution that are crucial for any high-stakes environment, not just in sales or sports. Tom Morgan’s expertise in translating athletic coaching techniques into sales strategies provides listeners practical tools and thoughtful strategies to elevate their teams’ performance. Tune in to harness these techniques and ensure your team is ready and fundamentally conditioned for success at the quarter’s end. Don’t miss out on this game-changing discussion—perfect for anyone looking to enhance their strategic approach to sales management.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Winning Sales Strategies: Harnessing the Power of Team Play – E87

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Winning Sales Strategies: Harnessing the Power of Team Play – E87

In this engaging episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales, hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey welcome special guest Tom Morgan from Sales Xceleration. Join us as Tom shares intriguing insights from his vast experience in optimizing sales teams by drawing compelling parallels between youth sports coaching and sales management. Broadcasting all the way from Portland, Maine, Tom brings a fresh perspective on effective sales strategies and team dynamics.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Youth Sports and Sales Dynamics: Tom discusses how early coaching experiences with youth sports like soccer and basketball can mirror the strategies used in sales team management.
  • Role Clarity in Sales: The conversation dives into the importance of defining clear roles within sales teams to avoid the “bumblebee soccer” chaos of everyone chasing the same goal without a strategy.
  • Optimizing Small Sales Teams: Tom provides actionable advice on managing and maximizing the efficiency of small sales teams through role alignment and daily standups.
  • Strategic Alignment with Team Strengths: Insights into aligning sales team members with roles that match their strengths and interests to maximize performance.
  • Importance of Daily Standup Meetings: The significance of daily meetings to set clear objectives and ensure team alignment is discussed, drawing parallels to sports coaching practices.

Key Quotes:

  • Kevin Lawson: “When you talk about lack of role clarity, it’s like coaching a young soccer team. It really rears its ugly head in the day in and day out of sales.”
  • Sean O’Shaughnessey: “Leveraging small teams effectively is crucial, as they lack the breadth and depth of larger corporate teams. How we coach through that is essential.”
  • Tom Morgan: “In a sales team, just like in sports, getting the right people into the right roles based on their strengths and interests is crucial for success.”


Dive into this episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales to uncover how the principles of coaching, team dynamics, and strategic play in sports can be effectively translated into building winning sales teams. Whether you’re a CEO, a seasoned sales leader, or a new salesperson, this discussion will equip you with practical strategies to enhance role clarity and drive team performance. Don’t miss out on these valuable insights—tune in now to transform your sales approach and achieve new heights in your sales career.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – The Gap Analysis Advantage: Bridging Client Needs with Optimal Solutions with Chris Cocca – E86

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – The Gap Analysis Advantage: Bridging Client Needs with Optimal Solutions with Chris Cocca – E86

Welcome to this week’s episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales, where hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey are joined by Chris Cocca, a sales expert, to discuss the vital aspects of discovery meetings and qualifying prospects for a robust sales pipeline. Tune in as they delve into the methodologies that distinguish successful sales strategies, particularly focusing on the RAIN training concept and the essential practice of understanding client aspirations and afflictions.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. RAIN Training and Strategic Selling: Chris Cocca shares insights into how RAIN training complements traditional strategic selling concepts, helping salespeople better understand where their clients currently are and where they aim to be.
  2. Aspirations and Afflictions: The discussion highlights the importance of understanding clients’ aspirations and afflictions to maximize the perceived value of offered solutions.
  3. Gap Analysis in Sales: Kevin underscores the importance of gap analysis in sales processes, emphasizing how salespeople should position themselves as solutions within the business context.
  4. The Role of CRM Systems: Chris stresses the significance of CRM systems in capturing and utilizing quality data for sales success, illustrating how technology underpins effective sales strategies.
  5. Role-Playing for Sales Training: A discussion on the practical application of role-playing exercises as a method to enhance sales personnel’s discovery skills.
  6. The Importance of Proper Discovery: Sean wraps up the discussion by reinforcing the necessity of a well-executed discovery process, which is crucial for improving sales outcomes.

Key Quotes:

  • Kevin Lawson: “I love that you’re tying the gap analysis because as salespeople, we need to be thinking about that gap because it’s the, where do I fit into this business as a solution?”
  • Sean O’Shaughnessey: “Practice makes easy for asking discovery questions. Asking those business-related questions. Curious how you do that.”
  • Chris Cocca: “The further apart that those aspirations and afflictions are, the more value you can show because you’ve got a lot to work with. If that gap is really narrow and you don’t define that really well, guess what happens? It’s all about price.”

Additional Resources:

  • “Strategic Selling” by Miller Heiman
  • RAIN Sales Training Platform


This episode is a treasure trove of insights for any sales professional looking to sharpen their discovery skills and improve their sales strategy. From understanding the critical role of CRM systems to mastering the art of asking the right questions during client meetings, our guests cover it all. Whether you’re a seasoned sales leader or a new salesperson, this discussion offers valuable techniques that can be immediately implemented to enhance your sales process and ultimately drive better results. Don’t miss out—listen now and transform your sales approach!

Join us next week for more insightful discussions on Two Tall Guys Talking Sales.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Transforming Opportunities: Chris Cocca’s Insights on Perfecting the Discovery Meeting – E85

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Transforming Opportunities: Chris Cocca’s Insights on Perfecting the Discovery Meeting – E85

In this invigorating episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales, hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey delve into the crucial nuances of discovery meetings with the seasoned sales leader, Chris Cocca. They explore why many deals falter at this stage and how refining the process can dramatically enhance sales outcomes. Tune in to gain deep insights on optimizing discovery meetings to ensure you’re not just participating but capitalizing on these opportunities.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Understanding Discovery Meetings: A primer on what constitutes a discovery meeting and its pivotal role in sales.
  2. Common Pitfalls in Discovery: Chris Cocca discusses the frequent missteps that lead to lost deals post-discovery, emphasizing the need for thorough preparation and engagement.
  3. Refining the Process: Strategies for new and seasoned sales professionals to craft effective discovery processes within their organizations.
  4. Probing Beyond Surface-Level: Techniques for digging deeper during these meetings to uncover clients’ real needs and pain points.
  5. Impact Questions: How to frame questions that reveal the true impact of solutions on a client’s business, which are essential for closing deals.
  6. Managing Multiple Discovery Meetings: This section discusses the feasibility and strategic approach to conducting more than one discovery meeting, depending on the deal size.

Key Quotes:

  • Kevin Lawson: “9 out of 10 losses are a result of a miss during the discovery stage. This implies a critical look at our processes and the necessity for thorough post-mortems on losses.”
  • Sean O’Shaughnessey: “It’s hard to pre-write the third and fourth questions because they are unique to each opportunity. How do you coach your salespeople to dig deeper?”
  • Chris Cocca: “The first answer is never the full answer. You’ve got to probe deeper. It’s about asking the right impact questions to truly understand the client’s pain and needs.”


Don’t miss this compelling episode where Kevin, Sean, and Chris dissect the art of the discovery meeting—a stage where many promising deals are lost. Discover actionable strategies to refine your approach, ask the right questions, and ultimately secure a successful outcome. Whether you’re a rookie in sales or a seasoned veteran, this discussion will equip you with the insights to transform your discovery process and better align with client needs. Tune in now to ensure your next discovery meeting paves the way to a closed deal, not a missed opportunity!

Remember to download this episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales to hear the full conversation and improve your sales strategies today!

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – From Missed Quotas to Major Wins: Turning Sales Pitfalls into Triumphs – E84

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – From Missed Quotas to Major Wins: Turning Sales Pitfalls into Triumphs – E84

In this insightful episode, hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey discuss common pitfalls in sales management and strategies for maintaining customer relationships through effective tools like CRM systems. If you’ve ever missed a deal due to a forgotten follow-up or struggled with customer engagement, this episode is packed with practical advice to enhance your sales processes and hit your targets consistently.

Key Topics Discussed

  • The Importance of Follow-up: How missing follow-ups can impact sales and solutions to prevent these issues.
  • Effective Use of CRM Systems: Exploring how CRM systems can streamline operations and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.
  • Project Management and Deadline Adherence: Discussing the critical role of timely project delivery in sales success.
  • Real-world Sales Challenges: Analyzing scenarios from retail and construction to understand complex sales dynamics.
  • Building Lasting Customer Relationships: Strategies for staying top of mind without being overtly sales-driven.
  • Tools vs. Human Effort in Sales: Balancing technology and personal effort in managing customer relationships.

Key Quotes

Kevin Lawson: “There’s nobody else accountable for that but me and my brain. I’ve missed a quarterly quota because I wasn’t diligent and thoughtful enough about my follow-up.”

Sean O’Shaughnessey: “We need to just take care of our customers. Embracing the value of a CRM system is crucial because today, most of us don’t have someone taking care of all the details for us.”

Kevin Lawson: “If you’re not asking your clients, ‘When do you need this by?’ or ‘How much do you need at what time?’ then you’re not really managing your sales effectively.”


Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or just starting out, this episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” is a treasure trove of knowledge. Kevin and Sean tackle the realities of sales management, from the undeniable benefits of using CRM systems to ensuring punctuality in project deadlines. They share personal anecdotes and real-world examples that highlight common mistakes and pitfalls and offer actionable solutions to enhance your sales strategy. Tune in to learn how to leverage technology to boost your sales performance and build stronger, lasting customer relationships. Don’t miss out on transforming your sales approach—listen to this episode today!