From Crisis to Control: Managing Expectations in Sales Leadership

From Crisis to Control: Managing Expectations in Sales Leadership

The concept of “managing up” emphasizes the importance of aligning a sales team’s objectives with the expectations of upper management. This approach is particularly crucial during periods of sales turnaround, where the usual metrics might falter and innovative, agile responses are required.

“Managing up” involves treating higher management as an internal customer whose needs must be understood and met with the same diligence as those of external clients. For sales leaders, this means crafting a clear, actionable plan that communicates the steps necessary to achieve desired outcomes—often under the scrutinizing pressure of performance metrics. This strategic outline helps ensure that everyone, from the CEO to the sales floor, understands what success looks like in practical terms and is committed to the collective goal.

Moreover, the process of managing expectations is not static; it requires continual adjustment and communication. This dynamic approach allows a sales team to pivot quickly in response to evolving market conditions or internal challenges without losing sight of the overall objectives. Sales leaders are advised to articulate the goals and how they plan to achieve them, breaking down the journey into manageable, measurable milestones.

In a successful sales turnaround, it is crucial to set realistic goals that are both ambitious and achievable. This involves a deep understanding of the company’s current position and a candid assessment of what can realistically be accomplished in a given timeframe. The emphasis on SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals ensures that targets are not just aspirational but grounded in the reality of the company’s operational capabilities and market conditions.

Sales turnarounds also necessitate focusing on internal processes and behaviors rather than just end results. A sales leader must foster an environment where the team understands that their daily activities—their behaviors and strategies—are as critical to turning around sales figures as the numbers themselves. This approach helps build a resilient team capable of sustaining performance even when external conditions are challenging.

Celebrating small wins and maintaining morale during a turnaround is vital. It ensures that the team remains motivated and committed to the company’s long-term vision. Recognizing individual and team contributions reinforces a positive, collaborative culture, essential for navigating periods of uncertainty.

Finally, managing up during a turnaround is not merely about staying afloat but setting the stage for future growth. It involves understanding where the company needs to be and how to get there by working backward from the desired outcome. This methodical approach to problem-solving, coupled with effective communication and realistic goal-setting, forms the backbone of a successful sales strategy that can lead a company out of a downturn and towards a prosperous future.

Managing up is as critical as managing down for sales leaders and managers. It requires a balance of strategic foresight, operational excellence, and the interpersonal skills needed to guide a team through complex challenges. This balanced approach secures short-term objectives and paves the way for sustained success and stability.

Here are a few actionable items that a sales leader can do today to enhance management strategies and foster a successful sales turnaround:

  1. Define Clear Objectives:
    • Set aside time today to outline your sales team’s specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Ensure these goals are aligned with upper management’s expectations and communicate them clearly to your team.
  2. Improve Internal Communication:
    • Schedule a meeting with your manager or upper management to discuss current sales strategies and performance. Use this opportunity to clarify expectations, receive feedback, and adjust your strategies as needed.
  3. Foster Team Engagement:
    • Organize a brief team meeting to celebrate recent successes, no matter how small. Use this time to reinforce the team’s role in the larger company objectives, boosting morale and commitment to the turnaround process.
  4. Assess and Adjust Processes:
    • Conduct a quick audit of your current sales processes and identify any immediate inefficiencies that could be hindering your team’s performance. Initiate the steps to refine these processes, involving your team for insights and suggestions.
Strategizing Success: A Small Business Guide to Sales Mastery

Strategizing Success: A Small Business Guide to Sales Mastery

Understanding the intricacies of sales plans, processes, and methodologies is beneficial and crucial for sustained growth and success in B2B sales. This deep dive offers invaluable insights for salespeople, sales managers, and CEOs of small companies looking to refine their sales strategies and enhance management capabilities.

A sales plan is more than just setting targets; it’s about crafting a roadmap to market success, focusing on who you’re engaging with and the value you bring to the table. It’s about plotting a course that not only aims for success but also navigates potential failures. For small business owners and sales leaders, reevaluating your sales plan and methodologies isn’t just about affirming what’s working; it’s a critical look at how to adapt and thrive in a competitive landscape.

Small companies, in particular, face the unique challenge of scaling their sales efforts nationally or even internationally. In reality, capturing a significant market share in a billion-dollar industry requires more than just having a “good” sales organization. It demands a strategic, well-oiled machine capable of outpacing competitors and captivating a larger audience. This is where the true value of assessing your sales strategy comes into play. By benchmarking against industry leaders and innovators, companies can identify gaps in their approach and areas ripe for improvement.

Transitioning from a solopreneur or founder-led sales approach to a more structured sales organization is a pivotal step for many small businesses. This transition isn’t just about delegation; it’s about envisioning your company’s future and laying down the groundwork to achieve that vision. Whether the goal is to sell the company or to step back from day-to-day sales activities, planning and infrastructure are key.

Moreover, the value a company brings to its customers is paramount. This value perception drives sales and, ultimately, the company’s success. Sales teams need to continuously evolve, ensuring that they are not only meeting but exceeding customer expectations. Therefore, assessing a sales strategy becomes an ongoing process and is integral to maintaining and enhancing this value.

The discussions around sales strategy assessment, transitioning to sales management, and the importance of continuously delivering value underscore a fundamental truth in sales: success is a journey, not a destination. Companies that regularly assess their sales strategy remain open to learning and adapting, and focus on delivering unmatched value are the ones that thrive in the ever-competitive marketplace.

For salespeople, sales managers, and CEOs alike, the takeaway is clear: your sales strategy’s assessment and continuous improvement are not optional; they are essential to staying relevant, competitive, and successful in today’s business landscape.

Immediate actions that the reader can pursue today

Here are three immediate action items that readers can undertake today to refine their sales strategies, enhance management capabilities, and ensure the sustained growth and success of their B2B sales efforts:

1. Conduct a Sales Plan Audit

Action Steps:
  • Evaluate Current Sales Plan: Look closely at your current sales plan. Assess its alignment with your company’s strategic goals, market positioning, and the value proposition you offer to your clients. Identify areas where your plan excels and where it falls short.
  • Benchmark Against Industry Leaders: Compare your sales strategies, processes, and outcomes with those of industry leaders and innovators. This comparison will help you spot gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  • Develop Improvement Plan: Create a detailed plan to address the identified gaps based on your audit findings. This plan should include specific actions, timelines, and responsible parties to ensure implementation.

2. Transition Towards Structured Sales Management

Action Steps:
  • Define Your Sales Infrastructure: Outline the structure of your desired sales organization. This includes roles and responsibilities, sales processes, and support systems required for efficient operation.
  • Plan for Scale: Consider what tools, technologies, and training your sales team will need to scale up their efforts, both nationally and internationally. This could include CRM software, sales training programs, and scalable sales processes.
  • Implement Gradually: Start the transition by implementing changes in phases. Monitor the impact of these changes on sales performance and team morale. Adjust your approach based on feedback and results to ensure a smooth transition.

3. Enhance Customer Value Perception

Action Steps:
  • Understand Your Customers: Conduct market research to deepen your understanding of your customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points. Use this information to refine your value proposition.
  • Innovate Continuously: Encourage your team to regularly brainstorm and implement new ways to deliver and communicate value to your customers. This could involve product improvements, new service offerings, or enhanced customer service strategies.
  • Measure and Adjust: Implement mechanisms to measure how customers perceive your value. Use customer feedback, surveys, and sales data to continuously adjust your strategies for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Implementing these action items requires a methodical and disciplined approach, but the payoff can be significant. By auditing your sales plan, transitioning towards a more structured sales management system, and enhancing the perception of the value you offer to customers, you can position your company for greater success in the competitive B2B marketplace. Remember, the goal is to meet customer expectations and exceed them consistently, thereby ensuring your company’s growth and long-term success.

Ten of Spades: Addressing Salesperson Underperformance: Identifying Training Needs: Recognize areas for skill development to boost performance

Ten of Spades: Addressing Salesperson Underperformance: Identifying Training Needs: Recognize areas for skill development to boost performance

Elevating Sales Performance: Why Targeted Training is Non-Negotiable

Visualize your sales team as a high-performance sports car: every part is intricately designed to maximize output and speed. When one part fails or underperforms, the entire machine is impacted. An underperforming salesperson isn’t just a localized problem; their performance deficit has a cascading effect on the entire team and, by extension, the organization.

It’s critical to realize that top-performing salespeople—let’s call them the eagles of the sales world—are keenly aware of this dynamic. Eagles prefer flying with eagles. They don’t want to share the sky with pigeons. When they sense a lack of commitment or skill in their peers, it doesn’t just frustrate them; it can often drive them to look for new skies, affecting talent retention. Therefore, addressing underperformance isn’t just about the laggards; it’s also about keeping your top talent engaged and committed.

Mapping the Landscape: A Diagnostic Strategy

Before you can course correct, you must know where the course diverges. The diagnostic phase in identifying underperformance is analogous to a medical diagnosis: specific, nuanced, and multi-layered.

Skill Gap Analysis: The cornerstone of any diagnostic approach is identifying the skills essential for success in a sales role and comparing them to each salesperson’s current skill set. The resulting gap becomes the focal point for development.

Quantitative Metrics: Data like sales numbers and conversion rates are early indicators of performance issues. They provide an objective basis for determining which team members are falling short of expectations.

Qualitative Insights: Beyond numbers, insights can also come from the team’s ecosystem. Peers, managers, and clients often provide invaluable feedback that fills the gaps left by quantitative metrics.

Fine-Tuning Performance: The Role of Tailored Training

Once you’ve diagnosed the problem, the next step is targeted intervention through specialized training. This isn’t about generic, off-the-shelf programs but bespoke training modules designed to address specific deficits.

Specialized Training Modules: For instance, if a lack of product knowledge is the issue, a training program emphasizing product specifications and unique selling points becomes the go-to solution. Similarly, modules focusing on persuasive techniques are warranted if communication skills are lacking.

The Power of Mentorship: One of the most effective interventions is to pair underperforming salespeople with your eagles. This provides real-world insights into effective sales strategies, boosts morale, and fosters a culture of excellence.

Post-Training Evaluation: Following training, it’s imperative to reassess performance to ensure that the skill gap has indeed been bridged. This cycle of assessment and re-assessment keeps the training programs dynamic and relevant.

Beyond Training: Adopting a Holistic View

While skill-focused training is invaluable, it’s crucial to remember that not all performance issues are rooted in a lack of skill. Emotional well-being, company values alignment, or personal issues can impact performance. A truly practical remedial approach is comprehensive, addressing skills and the underlying emotional and psychological factors.

To encapsulate, each salesperson in your organization is a crucial gear in the well-oiled machine of your sales operation. Top performers, the eagles, don’t want to fly with pigeons; they want to soar with other eagles. By effectively diagnosing performance issues and deploying tailored training, you’re not just elevating the struggling individuals but also creating an environment where your best talent will want to stay. The result is a resilient, high-performing sales team better equipped to meet and exceed the complex challenges of today’s market.

Unlocking Sales Potential with MEDDPICCC: A Comprehensive Guide

Unlocking Sales Potential with MEDDPICCC: A Comprehensive Guide

Elite sellers are the linchpin of any successful sales organization. These high-performing individuals are often the highest-paid employees within a company—and for a good reason. Their skills in identifying, qualifying, and closing opportunities bring in significant revenue and provide a competitive edge in the marketplace. So, how can you groom an average salesperson into an elite seller? Enter MEDDPICCC, an advanced sales qualification methodology that serves as a roadmap for understanding every component of a purchasing decision process and, therefore, the sales process.

If you’re serious about elevating your sales game, you cannot afford to miss our in-depth video tutorial on MEDDPICCC. This comprehensive guide explores the nuances of transforming your business by adopting this powerful tool. By the end of the video, you’ll be better equipped to forecast sales accurately and close more deals efficiently.

This blog post will offer a sneak peek into what MEDDPICCC entails, why it’s crucial for your sales strategy, and how to get started.

Understanding the MEDDPICCC Methodology


The acronym MEDDPICCC stands for Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Paper Process, Identify Goals, Coach, Champion, and Competition. Each component provides critical insights into a prospective customer’s buying experience, helping sales reps tailor their approach accordingly.

The core benefit of MEDDPICCC is that it assists you in qualification. Knowing whom to target and how to approach them is essential for any sales professional. When you focus on quality over quantity, you save time, effort, and resources—allocating them where they’ll make the most impact.

One of the most frustrating challenges in sales is forecasting. Without a structured approach, your predictions are little more than educated guesses. MEDDPICCC gives you a robust framework for assessing opportunities, enabling you to forecast with a greater degree of accuracy. What is the decision process within the prospect? If you don’t know, how can you forecast a date or even the size of the deal? How does the prospect issue orders to new vendors? If you don’t know, the timing of the order after you have “won” is probably just a guess, and it is likely incorrect.

How to Get Started with MEDDPICCC

Acquainting Your Team: The Crucial First Step

The inception point of any change within an organization lies in awareness and education. You can’t implement what you don’t understand. This tenet holds especially true for MEDDPICCC, a methodology that demands a nuanced understanding of multiple components. Comprehensive training isn’t just for your sales professionals; it extends to sales managers and even C-suite executives. Why? Because MEDDPICCC isn’t just a sales tool; it’s an organizational strategy.

Think of your company as a well-oiled machine. For the machine to work efficiently, each big or small cog must perform its function seamlessly. Sales managers will use MEDDPICCC for strategizing and forecasting. Executives will use it for decision-making and setting organizational objectives. Hence, the methodology must permeate through your corporate hierarchy.

Actionable Steps:

Building a Repository of Cases: The Power of Real-World Examples

Once you have an understanding, the next logical step is application. Here, a repository of case studies can be invaluable. These aren’t merely stories but instructional narratives that bring the MEDDPICCC components to life. They serve a dual purpose: validating the methodology and offering a blueprint for its practical application.

Consider the power of a case study in explaining, for instance, the importance of ‘Identify Pain’ in the sales process. A well-documented case could vividly demonstrate how understanding a client’s ‘pain points’ led to a tailored solution, leading to a successful deal closure. Such concrete examples are invaluable for training, reiteration, and continuous learning.

Actionable Steps:

  • Collect past sales data and identify cases where MEDDPICCC components were effectively employed.
  • Engage with your sales team to document their successful sales narratives.
  • Regularly update this repository as new cases emerge and ensure it is easily accessible to the entire team.

Continuous Monitoring and Fine-Tuning: The Never-Ending Cycle

Implementing MEDDPICCC isn’t a one-off event; it’s an ongoing process. Your marketplace isn’t static; it’s dynamic and ever-changing. Likewise, your MEDDPICCC strategy should be flexible and capable of adapting to new challenges and opportunities.

Continuous monitoring allows for a feedback loop that helps you assess how well your strategy works. Are you qualifying leads more effectively? Is your forecasting becoming more accurate? Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge these factors. But don’t just stop at assessment; make the necessary adjustments to ensure the methodology aligns with your evolving business goals.

Actionable Steps:

  • Establish a set of KPIs specifically for evaluating the effectiveness of MEDDPICCC.
  • Conduct quarterly reviews to assess how well the methodology is aiding your sales process.
  • Make data-driven adjustments to your MEDDPICCC strategy, and inform your team about these changes.

The Roadmap to MEDDPICCC Mastery and the evolution to elite selling

  • Begin by watching our comprehensive video guide on MEDDPICCC. This long-form content is designed to give you a complete understanding and is packed with actionable insights.
  • Conduct a workshop on MEDDPICCC with your sales team. Options for half-day, full-day, or two-day workshops are available. Interested parties should contact Sean@NewSales.Expert or use our calendar to make an appointment with Sean.
  • Introspect: How well does your existing sales process align with the MEDDPICCC methodology? Where do gaps exist, and what steps can you take to close them?

For those who want to make the transition from average sellers to elite sellers, understanding and implementing MEDDPICCC is not optional—it’s imperative. Armed with this methodology, you’ll be better positioned to qualify your opportunities, allowing you to focus your time and resources where they’ll deliver the most value. In addition, it empowers you to forecast sales with unprecedented accuracy.

Don’t miss the opportunity to dive deeper into MEDDPICCC by watching our detailed video tutorial. If you are serious about achieving bigger and more profitable sales opportunities, this video is your first step on the path to mastery. For those interested in more personalized guidance, I offer specialized workshops tailored to your business needs. Feel free to reach out and start your journey towards sales excellence.

Now, ask yourself this: Are you ready to elevate your sales strategy with MEDDPICCC? If so, your first action should be to watch the video. Because remember, knowledge isn’t just power; it’s profit.

Nine of Spades: Addressing Salesperson Underperformance: Setting Performance Benchmarks: Define standards for success to measure against.

Nine of Spades: Addressing Salesperson Underperformance: Setting Performance Benchmarks: Define standards for success to measure against.

Understanding the Nature of Sales Benchmarks

Let’s start by grounding ourselves in the foundational premise: Sales benchmarks are not merely numerical goals but the defining coordinates of success. If you will, consider them as your organization’s North Star, guiding your sales team through the complexities of quotas, customer relationships, and revenue targets. Benchmarks transcend the limitations of raw numbers and extend into the realm of qualitative assessment—whether it’s the ability to understand customer needs or to align solutions accordingly.

To further clarify, think of benchmarks as akin to a financial portfolio’s balance of risk and return. They offer a comprehensive view of performance, much like a diversified portfolio that offers an integrated financial health assessment. Each component—be it customer retention rates, average deal sizes, or response times—contributes to this multifaceted view. Benchmarks thereby act as a composite score that tells you where you are, where you should be, and, most importantly, how to get there.

The Nuances of Crafting Benchmarks: It’s About Alignment

Creating effective benchmarks requires alignment with broader organizational goals, current market realities, and the sales team’s inherent capabilities. Striking this balance is akin to setting the interest rate in an economy. Set it too high, and you risk stalling growth; set it too low and invite complacency.

Thus, the process of setting benchmarks demands an understanding of averages and outliers. If a high percentage of your sales team consistently meets the benchmarks, they may not be challenging enough. Conversely, if only a small fraction achieves them, it could demoralize the rest and raise questions about the benchmarks’ attainability. The idea is to challenge your team just enough to stretch their capabilities while ensuring the goals are rooted in reality.

Diagnosing and Addressing Underperformance: A Structured Approach

The objective of performance benchmarks isn’t to point fingers at underperformers but to provide a structured mechanism for evaluation and growth. Having established benchmarks, the onus shifts from mere identification to a deep-rooted understanding of ‘why’ the underperformance occurred.

Is it a lack of training? Is it a mismatch between talents and tasks? Or perhaps it’s a more systemic issue related to product-market fit? Each diagnosis demands its unique course of action, requiring leaders to blend empathy with decisiveness. As you identify these pain points, you’re not merely putting a spotlight on them; you’re transforming them into actionable insights. Provide the necessary tools, training, or environmental changes, and monitor the impact on performance against the set benchmarks. In this way, underperformance becomes not a point of failure but an opportunity for both personal and organizational growth.

Benchmarks: Your Compass in the World of Sales

To CEOs, Sales Managers, and leaders in the trenches, understand that performance benchmarks are not just numbers on a performance review sheet but the milestones on your roadmap to success. They offer a dynamic, multi-dimensional gauge by which to measure, evaluate, and, most crucially, enhance performance.

Just as a ship’s captain would be rudderless without a compass, your sales team would navigate in the dark without well-defined benchmarks. These are not mere numbers but signposts in your journey toward sales excellence. They offer a vision of what could be and a measurement of what is. Establishing and adhering to these benchmarks provides direction, clarity, and a lens through which to transform challenges into growth opportunities.

Ace of Spades: Understanding your client’s business: Researching Industry Trends: Stay updated on shifts in the market to provide relevant solutions.

Ace of Spades: Understanding your client’s business: Researching Industry Trends: Stay updated on shifts in the market to provide relevant solutions.

Sailing Through the Business Sea: The Imperative of Understanding Client Industries

In the intricate dance of sales management, salespeople often become profoundly attuned to their own products, services, and performance metrics. However, they sometimes lose sight of an elemental cornerstone: genuinely understanding the client’s business. This omission is akin to a sailor venturing into the sea without comprehending its currents and tides. A lack of this depth of knowledge can lead one astray, making the voyage uncertain and potentially perilous.

Let’s start with an underlying principle: triumph isn’t simply about the merit of your product or service in the sales ecosystem. It’s intricately tied to the bigger picture of your client’s sector, their unique requirements, and inherent challenges. For instance, a physician would never recommend a new drug without an exhaustive assessment. Similarly, a sales maven should not provide solutions without a comprehensive grasp of the client’s operational goals and challenges.

Picture the world of commerce as a sprawling symphony with its distinct sections – finance, technology, health, entertainment, and more. Introducing a novel element into this setting without recognizing its intended cadence and synchronization is like striking a discordant note amidst a harmonious performance.

Moreover, the essence of industries is not static. They’re akin to living entities, evolving and reshaping, influenced by many external dynamics. Remember the challenges of supply chains a few years ago during the global pandemic crisis, which was disruptive to nearly every industry. Reflect on the tech sphere, where an innovation leap of merely 10% can redefine market paradigms. Or ponder the fashion industry, where trends can instantly pivot demand dynamics. This underlines the paramount significance of monitoring industry currents. It’s about envisioning not just the present but anticipating the future trajectory. And this foresight isn’t just academic—it’s a tangible asset sculpting sales tactics, product innovations, and client dialogues.

With each industry wave comes a plethora of challenges and windows of opportunity. A sales expert attuned to these modulations can craft proactive strategies. For instance, if insights indicate a surging trend of telecommuting in a domain, a firm dealing in office essentials might transition towards catering to home office needs. The fulcrum here lies in actionable strategies. Recognizing a shift is the starting line. The finish line? Crafting aligned strategies saying, “We recognize your industry’s transition, and our solution is primed to cater to it.”

To the CEOs, sales leaders, and organizational vanguards heeding this narrative, the takeaway is obvious: arm your sales brigades with the arsenal to perpetually decode industry waves. Foster a culture of perennial learning through seminars, journals, or deep-dive analytical sessions.

The commercial realm doesn’t exist in isolation. A ripple in one segment can cascade through others. By ensuring your salespeople are enlightened about their relative industry and the overarching market landscape, you elevate them, and consequently, your enterprise, to a pedestal of relevance, cognizance, and adaptability.

Truly grasping your client’s domain transcends the immediate deal. It crafts enduring alliances, painting you as an ally, not merely a supplier. Demonstrating to a client your intrinsic understanding of their industry’s intricacies, evolutions, and potential paths carves an indelible impression. It resonates with the ethos, “As your domain transitions, we remain with you, presenting apt solutions at every juncture.”

In the fluctuating oceans of commerce, let profound insight and cognition be your navigating star, directing you toward triumph, pertinence, and perennial collaborations.

August Newsletter

August Newsletter

I hope you enjoy my August Newsletter

I hope you enjoy my August Newsletter

Published: Tue, 08/15/23

Sean O’Shaughnessey
CEO and President
New Sales Expert LLC
[email protected]

6561 Bluegrass Way
Mason OH 45040

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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Mastering Mid-Year Reviews: The Sales Perspective – Episode 35

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Mastering Mid-Year Reviews: The Sales Perspective – Episode 35

In this enlightening episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” Sean O’Shaughnessey and Kevin Lawson delve into the fundamental aspect of setting clear expectations in sales, mirroring the way parents do with their children. With mid-year reviews around the corner, it’s time to reflect, analyze, and readjust your sales strategies.

Kevin starts with a compelling anecdote about his childhood bedtime routine to explain the critical importance of clear communication and setting expectations. The duo emphasizes that salespeople and leaders must carry the same burden to ensure success. They then transition into discussing data, people, and customers, shedding light on how they interplay in the sales ecosystem.

Sean broadens the conversation to the art of adaptation and how market changes could necessitate mid-year modifications to sales processes. This aspect is brought into sharp focus with the unprecedented disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Both hosts agree on the necessity of data-informed decision-making, underlining the importance of balancing past performance with future potential. They delve into the aspects contributing to understanding a customer’s potential, including market changes and various environmental factors.

Kevin and Sean also touch upon the essentiality of upskilling the sales team, the significance of coaching, and the benefit of taking a hard look at individual performance. The conversation concludes with a detailed discussion on data analysis, with both hosts advocating for leveraging your CRM system for a thorough assessment of your sales process, the documentation, and the distribution of deals.

So, whether you’re a seasoned salesperson or new to the game, this episode is filled with vital insights that you can incorporate into your sales strategy, setting you up for success in the latter half of the year.

May Newsletter Featuring Information About Fractional Executives

May Newsletter Featuring Information About Fractional Executives