Fractional Executives Are Better Than Consultants For Driving Valuable Changes in Small Businesses

Fractional Executives Are Better Than Consultants For Driving Valuable Changes in Small Businesses

Change is inevitable, and small business owners must constantly adapt to stay ahead of their competition. While traditional consultants may offer valuable insights and recommendations, they often lack the hands-on commitment to implement these changes effectively. A consultant will write a report and presentation to advise management of required changes and then count on management to deploy the advice effectively. More than a report or playbook is usually needed to drive tangible results.

Enter the concept of a fractional executive. This innovative solution provides small businesses the strategic guidance and support they need to grow and evolve. In this blog post, we’ll explore the role of a fractional executive, discuss their benefits, and share tips for finding the right fit for your business.

A fractional executive is a seasoned professional who offers expertise and leadership on a part-time or project basis. These individuals often have extensive experience in their respective fields and can fill critical gaps in a company’s leadership team. From acting as a temporary CEO to guiding sales or financial strategies, fractional executives provide services tailored to your business’s unique needs.

The critical difference between a fractional executive and a traditional consultant lies in their level of commitment. While consultants often deliver a one-time report or set of recommendations, fractional executives are actively involved in the day-to-day operations of your business. They work closely with your team to implement changes, monitor progress, and adjust strategies as needed, ensuring that your business thrives in the long term.

Consultants can create beautiful reports using modern tools like Chat GPT. While a report generated by Chat GPT can provide valuable insights and recommendations for a business, it is crucial to recognize that such a report alone is insufficient to drive meaningful changes. To successfully implement and manage the recommended changes, businesses require a more hands-on and personalized approach that addresses their unique challenges and opportunities. A report can serve as an excellent starting point, but companies must invest in dedicated human expertise to ensure that the proposed changes are effectively integrated into their operations.

A Chat GPT report may be insufficient for driving change because it cannot fully account for the intricacies and nuances of each business. While AI-generated reports can be well-researched and informative, they may need a more profound understanding of company culture, team dynamics, and specific market conditions necessary to develop tailored strategies. On the other hand, a human expert can work closely with stakeholders, employees, and customers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the business’s unique needs and challenges, allowing them to develop and implement more effective change initiatives.

Additionally, change management requires ongoing support and guidance, which a Chat GPT report or an absentee consultant cannot provide. Implementing changes often involves overcoming obstacles, refining strategies, and addressing unforeseen issues that arise during the process. A human expert, such as a fractional executive, can provide the necessary support and adaptability to navigate these challenges and ensure the success of the change initiatives. By working closely with the business daily, they can monitor progress, identify areas for improvement, and make real-time adjustments to keep the change process on track.

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92% of Small Companies Don’t Do Much Sales Training

92% of Small Companies Don’t Do Much Sales Training

As a small business leader, you know that sales are the lifeblood of your company. Training your salespeople and non-salespeople on the best practices in B2B sales is crucial. Unfortunately, a recent study by Sales Xceleration® revealed that 92% of all small companies surveyed do not do sales training. This lack of investment is a concerning statistic.

The benefits of sales training for your employees are numerous. By providing training on best practices in B2B sales, you’re investing in the skills and knowledge of your sales team. This can translate into increased sales, higher revenue, and a more robust bottom line. Additionally, a well-trained sales team can improve customer relationships, build trust with prospects, and increase customer loyalty.

But sales training isn’t just for your sales team. Your non-salespeople, including your customer service representatives, marketing team, and even your receptionist, can benefit from sales training. When everyone in your company understands your sales process, they can work together to support your sales team and contribute to your business’s success (I assume you have a documented sales process, but that is the subject of another post). By providing training on best practices in B2B sales, you’re creating a company-wide culture that prioritizes customer satisfaction and sales growth.

Various sales training resources, including online courses, workshops, and in-person training programs, are available. Consider bringing in an external sales consultant such as myself, Sean O’Shaughnessey. Additionally, you can leverage the expertise of your existing sales team by having them lead internal training sessions or mentor other team members.

It’s important to note that sales training isn’t a one-time event. To truly reap the benefits of sales training, you need to make it an ongoing priority. This can mean offering regular training sessions, providing resources and support for employees who want to continue learning independently and incorporating sales training into your onboarding process for new hires. This has been the subject of the last Two Tall Guys Talking Sales podcasts, so it would be good for your team and you to subscribe to that resource.

Sales training is an essential investment for any small business that wants to grow and succeed in today’s competitive marketplace. By providing training on best practices in B2B sales, you’re investing in the skills and knowledge of your team, creating a customer-focused culture, and setting your business up for long-term success. With so many resources available, there’s no excuse for not providing your team with the training they need to succeed. Don’t be one of the 92% of small companies that don’t prioritize sales training – take action today and start investing in the future of your business.