Elevating Your Sales Operations with New Sales Expert

Elevating Your Sales Operations with New Sales Expert

My mission is to bridge the expertise gap that hinders many companies from scaling their operations to the desired heights. The core issue often resides within the sales sector of these organizations, and this is where my expertise becomes a game changer.

Understanding the Challenge

Many company owners, be they founders or inheritors of the business, come to a crucial realization at some juncture in their entrepreneurial journey. Despite their prowess in product development, manufacturing, or service provision, they identify a glaring deficiency in their sales acumen. This inadequacy, unfortunately, bars them from propelling their companies to the next level of revenue generation and market share acquisition. The earnest attempts they might have made to rectify this situation often end in futility due to a lack of specialized knowledge in sales. Hence, they seek external expertise to resolve this bottleneck.

Affordable Expertise

A common concern among these business owners is the affordability of engaging a sales expert. While it’s true that the investment required for a full-time engagement may seem steep, my services are offered on a fractional basis, making them a viable option for many. The value of having a seasoned professional revamp your sales operations far outweighs the cost.

Creating a Self-Sufficient Sales Operation

With a wealth of 38 years of experience, I step into your organization to set up a robust sales team, instill effective sales methodologies, and fine-tune the messaging to resonate with your target market. By doing so, I lay a solid foundation for your sales team to thrive long after my engagement concludes. The emphasis is on creating a self-sufficient sales apparatus that continues to deliver results, allowing me to transition to aiding other businesses facing similar challenges.

Actionable Advice

  • Evaluate your current sales operations to identify areas of improvement.
  • Consider the value of engaging an external sales expert on a fractional basis to address these areas.
  • Ensure the transition plan post-engagement is straightforward, enabling your sales team to sustain the improvements.

Reflect on these steps and envision the transformation your sales operations could undergo with the right expertise steering the helm. The goal is to achieve a state of self-sufficiency in your sales operations that guarantees sustained revenue growth, thereby unlocking the full potential of your enterprise.

Fractional Executives: The Cost-Effective Solution for Small Businesses in Need of Expertise

Fractional Executives: The Cost-Effective Solution for Small Businesses in Need of Expertise

Fractional executives are experienced professionals who work part-time or on a project basis, providing expertise and guidance to help businesses achieve their goals. Often, small businesses need more resources and expertise, making it difficult for them to achieve growth and success. While hiring a full-time executive may not be feasible due to the costs involved, fractional executives can provide a cost-effective solution to this problem. 

A fractional executive differs from a consultant, but the difference may confuse some. Typically, a consultant will provide advice and guidance, but they are separate from your company. A fractional executive works alongside your team, helps in company operations, and is responsible for the outcomes of those operations. They are an extension of your existing leadership team. In most instances, a fractional executive provides all of the responsibilities to your company as a full-time executive.

Cost-effective Expertise

One of the most significant benefits of using fractional executives is cost savings compared to a full-time employee with a similar amount of experience. Hiring a full-time executive can be expensive. Fractional executives work on a part-time or project basis, meaning companies can save money by only paying for the services they need. Additionally, businesses can avoid the costs of recruiting, hiring, and training a full-time executive.

As explained in the FRACTIONALS UNITED BLOG, it is essential to explore the cost of an FTE (full-time employee) compensation plan compared to fractional monthly retainers. The data is eye-opening!

According to data gathered (March 2023) by Salary.com, the median (50th percentile) core compensation (salary+benefits*) for the following C-Suite leaders is as follows:

  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO)- $558,999 ($46,583/mo) + 22% bonus
  • Chief Operating Officer (COO)- $622,672 ($51,889/mo) + 23% bonus
  • Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)- $464,651 ($38,720/mo) + 25% bonus
  • Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)- $408,619 ($34,051/mo) + 12% bonus
  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO)- $387,001 ($32,250/mo) + 15% bonus
  • Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)- $449,340 ($37,445/mo) + 25% bonus
  • Chief Talent Officer (CTAO)- $337,197 ($28,099/mo) + 20% bonus

Bonus comp and equity cash totals were excluded from this comparison since both are variable compensation, only sometimes guaranteed. The average percentage offered was noted instead.

The average monthly retainer for fractional executives starts at around $5,000 and goes upwards to $15,000 per month. Retainers vary depending on the experience, scope of work, and level of hourly commitment per month (i.e., 25%, 50%, or 75% commitment to the team/company). The retainer may be higher if the professional has more years of experience, is in high demand, or if the organization is in a large metropolitan area.

If we assume that any given fractional executive discipline is $10,000 per month, then:

  • Fractional CFO – 21% of an FTE
  • Fractional COO – 19% of an FTE
  • Fractional CMO – 26% of an FTE
  • Fractional CRO – 29% of an FTE
  • Fractional CTO – 31% of an FTE
  • Fractional CHRO – 27% of an FTE
  • Fractional CTAO – 26% of an FTE
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