The Key to Extraordinary Sales: Developing a Compelling Unique Selling Proposition

The Key to Extraordinary Sales: Developing a Compelling Unique Selling Proposition

In B2B sales, professionals grapple with many challenges that can make or break their success. Clearly articulating a unique selling proposition (USP) stands out as a cornerstone for distinguishing oneself from the competition. This capability is not just a nicety—it’s a necessity. As businesses strive to carve out their niche in crowded markets, understanding and communicating what makes them distinct becomes paramount.

The concept of a USP or value proposition is often used interchangeably, yet its essence lies in differentiation. It’s about answering the pivotal question: why should customers choose you over others? This query isn’t trivial; it’s fundamental to the survival and growth of any business. As we delve deeper, it becomes evident that the challenge isn’t just about having a unique offering but about ensuring that every sales and leadership team member can communicate this uniqueness consistently and effectively.

The repercussions of failing to do so are significant. A disjointed message can lead to confusion in the marketplace, eroding trust and making it difficult to attract and retain customers. Furthermore, in an era where talent is a key competitive advantage, a clear and compelling USP can also be a magnet for attracting top sales talent. Articulating what sets a company apart is crucial for winning customers and building a strong, cohesive sales team.

Achieving alignment on a USP requires a deliberate effort. It involves going beyond superficial statements that could apply to any company and digging deep to identify what truly makes your business special. This process can be challenging, requiring businesses to engage in introspection and sometimes difficult conversations. However, the rewards of getting it right are substantial. A well-articulated USP can be the foundation for all sales and marketing efforts, providing a clear, compelling reason for customers to choose your company.

One effective strategy for uncovering your USP is to engage directly with your customers. Businesses can gain often overlooked insights by understanding why they chose your company and what they value most about your offering. This customer-centric approach helps refine your USP and ensures that it resonates with the people you aim to serve.

Furthermore, consistency in communication is key. It is crucial that everyone from the sales team to the marketing team and the CEO can articulate the USP consistently. This doesn’t mean reciting a scripted message but rather understanding the core essence of what makes the company unique and being able to convey that in various contexts.

Communicating a unique selling proposition is not just a sales challenge; it’s a strategic imperative for businesses aiming to thrive in the competitive landscape of B2B sales. It requires a concerted effort to identify, articulate, and consistently communicate what makes your business unique. By doing so, companies can differentiate themselves in the eyes of both customers and potential sales talent, paving the way for sustained growth and success.

Immediate actions that you can use

  1. Conduct a USP Workshop: Organize a workshop with your sales and leadership teams to dive deep into your current unique selling proposition (USP). Use this session to critically assess whether your USP truly differentiates your offering from the competition and aligns with your target customers’ needs. Employ techniques like customer feedback analysis and competitor comparison to refine your USP, ensuring it’s both compelling and clearly communicated by all team members.
  2. Revise Sales Materials and Messaging: Review and revise your sales collateral, website content, and social media messaging to ensure consistency and alignment with your refined USP. This action ensures that all touchpoints with potential customers reinforce the unique benefits of choosing your service or product. Consider involving a cross-functional team in this process to guarantee that the USP is clearly and effectively integrated across all platforms and materials.
  3. Engage in Customer Conversations: Starting today, initiate conversations with a selection of your most valued customers. The objective is to understand why they chose your company over others. Ask specific questions to uncover the aspects of your product or service they find most valuable and unique. Use these insights to validate your USP and discover potential areas for further differentiation. This direct feedback will be invaluable in fine-tuning your sales strategy and enhancing your competitive edge in the market.
Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Building Trust and Credibility in Sales: A Conversation with Tom Daly – E78

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Building Trust and Credibility in Sales: A Conversation with Tom Daly – E78

Dive into the sales world with “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey engage candidly with Tom Daly from Focus Insights Group. This episode, rich with insights and anecdotes, peels back the layers of what makes or breaks sales strategies, highlighting the crucial elements of successful sales encounters. Join us as Tom shares his wealth of experience, offering invaluable advice to sales novices and veterans alike on how to excel in the sales domain.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. The Journey from Sales Novice to Expert: Tom reflects on the early, often challenging days of sales, underscoring the importance of mentorship and learning.
  2. Aligning Sales with Business Goals: How to ensure that sales strategies are effective and align with broader business objectives.
  3. The Role of a Salesperson as a Business Advisor: Moving beyond the traditional sales role to become an indispensable client partner.
  4. Building Trust and Credibility in Sales: Strategies for salespeople to become trusted advisors, leading to long-term client relationships and referrals.
  5. The Importance of Process and Structure in Sales: Tom emphasizes the need for a disciplined approach to sales, akin to accounting, for scalability and predictability.
  6. Advice for CEOs on Sales Process Management: Insights on how CEOs can foster a more structured and effective sales process within their organizations.

Key Quotes

Tom Daly:

“The professionals that are awesome at sales, they just simply like helping. And they like helping people in a critical way where they can’t help themselves.”

Sean O’Shaughnessey:

“Sales is about transferring trust… It’s easier to transfer trust when it’s your company. It’s harder when you’re a salesperson.”

Kevin Lawson:

“Understanding your market and understanding your value proposition is really important. When you marry those together… you become that trusted advisor.”

Additional Resources

  • Sales Xceleration: Tom’s brand and passion, offering sales optimization services. –
  • Focus Insights Group, LLC: Learn more about Tom’s consultancy, aiding clients to achieve their best sales year. – Focus Insights Group, LLC


This episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” delves into the essence of successful selling, from the foundational days of learning the ropes to mastering the art of becoming a business advisor rather than just a salesperson. Tom Daly, with his extensive experience and passion for sales, shares practical advice on how salespeople can truly make a difference by focusing on their clients’ needs and dreams. Whether you’re a budding salesperson looking to improve your skills or a CEO striving for sales excellence within your organization, this conversation offers a trove of insights and strategies to help you achieve your goals.

Tune in to this episode for a compelling dive into effective sales practices with Tom Daley, and discover how to transform your sales approach from transactional to transformational.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Selling Repeat Products: A Guide to Thriving in Consumable Product Sales – E69

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Selling Repeat Products: A Guide to Thriving in Consumable Product Sales – E69

Welcome to another insightful episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales, hosted by Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey. In this episode, the duo delves into the often overlooked but crucial sales aspect – selling consumable products. They explore strategies and insights for salespeople who deal with regularly consumed and repurchased products, such as manufacturing supplies, paper products, and even everyday items like toilet paper.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. The Unique Challenges of Selling Consumable Products: Understanding the dynamics of selling products that are regularly used up and repurchased.
  2. Strategic Sales Approaches: How to effectively sell consumable products in competitive markets.
  3. The Importance of Value Proposition: Emphasizing the significance of a unique selling proposition (USP) in consumable product sales.
  4. Salesperson’s Role in Consumable Sales: The critical impact of the salesperson’s understanding of the customer’s business and needs.
  5. Territory Management and Growth Strategies: Effective methods for expanding sales territories and managing customer accounts.
  6. Cross-Selling and Team Collaboration: Leveraging the strengths of a sales team through cross-pollination of skills and coaching.

Key Quotes

  • Sean: “In the environment we’re talking about here, where it’s a consumable product… the quality of the salesperson comes to play in a big way.”
  • Kevin: “You need to know where and how you compete. It’s as simple as that. Who do I call on? How do I compete? Is it price? Is it value?”

Additional Resources

  • Sean O’Shaughnessey’s book “Eliminate Your Competition” for more in-depth sales strategies –


In this episode, Kevin and Sean provide valuable insights into the world of selling consumable products. They emphasize the importance of understanding the unique challenges of this market, including the need for a strong value proposition and the crucial role of the salesperson in understanding and meeting customer needs. The discussion also covers effective territory management and the benefits of leveraging team strengths for cross-selling. This episode is a must-listen for sales professionals looking to excel in the consumable products market and for those seeking to enhance their sales strategies in competitive environments.

Listen to this episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales to gain valuable insights and strategies for excelling in the consumable products market, and to learn how to effectively grow your sales territory and manage customer relationships

Seven of Spades: Defining your corporate sales strategy: Creating Unique Selling Propositions (USPs): Define what makes your offering distinct and appealing to prospects.

Seven of Spades: Defining your corporate sales strategy: Creating Unique Selling Propositions (USPs): Define what makes your offering distinct and appealing to prospects.

Crafting the Beacon in Sales: The Art of Unique Selling Propositions (USPs)

The challenge in the modern B2B marketplace isn’t merely about getting noticed but about leaving an indelible mark. For businesses navigating this complex market, the guiding light—their Unique Selling Proposition (USP)—is the deciding factor. But why is a USP so quintessential, and how does one etch it masterfully?

Picture, if you will, an animated marketplace: myriad sellers, each echoing their offerings. Amidst this cacophony, it’s not the loudest but the most distinct voice that captures attention. Here lies the sublime difference between mere visibility and impactful distinction, a difference the USP embodies. Drawing from historical insights, companies that have adeptly sculpted a lucid USP not only differentiated themselves but also witnessed significant enhancement in sales. Consider a brand that doesn’t just sell a product but an ethos—for every purchase, there’s a contribution to a larger cause. Such compelling USPs have been demonstrated to escalate sales metrics impressively.

However, the journey of crafting a USP isn’t always smooth sailing. Companies often grapple with the challenge:

  • The Quest for Distinctiveness: Especially pertinent to sprawling enterprises, there exists an often-arduous search for that unique element. It’s like a ship amidst crosswinds, grappling for a definitive direction.
  • The Illusion of Resonance: A USP might be alluring, but if it fails to resonate with its core audience, it’s a misstep—a beacon that misguides rather than leads.

Navigating these challenges to etch a resonating USP is where the analytical marries the artistic. First, there’s the introspective dive—a company must be deeply attuned to its ethos, its foundational promises. Only when a company is profoundly aware of its essence can it then articulate that message to its prospects. Subsequent to this is the empirical phase, where understanding the audience becomes pivotal. What are their aspirations? Their values? Drawing upon robust market research facilitates the alignment of a USP with these consumer insights. The final stretch of this journey is iterative refinement. Much like an artist refining his masterpiece, a compelling USP emerges from continuous honing, molded by feedback and real-world resonances.

Yet, one must remember—a USP transcends being a mere slogan. In this information-rich epoch, consumers have a heightened sense of discernment. They can swiftly sieve out authentic commitments from hollow echoes. Thus, at the core of a compelling USP is the pulse of authenticity. It isn’t just what you profess; it’s what you consistently manifest.

The Unique Selling Proposition stands as a sentinel in the marketplace’s panorama. It’s not just a strategy or a tagline—it’s an assertion of identity, a clarion call proclaiming, “This is our essence. This is why we’re unparalleled.” For the architects of business strategy, CEOs, and sales visionaries, this isn’t just a task—it’s a craft. A melding of introspection, market acumen, creativity, and authenticity. In the sales narrative’s vast tapestry, a well-woven USP isn’t just a strand—it’s the golden thread that binds the story together, making it both memorable and mesmerizing.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Revamping Your Outbound Sales Approach: Value Proposition, Touch Points, and Tactics – Episode 43

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Revamping Your Outbound Sales Approach: Value Proposition, Touch Points, and Tactics – Episode 43

Welcome to another exciting episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales with hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey. This episode delves into the vital world of outbound sales in a post-COVID landscape. We discuss strategies for creating an effective outbound pipeline, reflecting on our experiences with trade shows, and how to nail your unique value proposition. Discover how to master omnichannel outreach and understand why persistence is key in today’s competitive market.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. The Trade Show Experience: Kevin and Sean open up about the highs and lows of trade shows and how the pandemic has shifted the industry’s focus from this traditional method of sales and marketing.
  2. Creating an Effective Outbound Pipeline: Our hosts emphasize the importance of having a clear, unique value proposition and understanding how it can resonate with your potential customers.
  3. Omni Channel Outreach: Kevin and Sean highlight the significance of reaching out to prospects across various channels – emails, phone calls, social media, and even traditional mail. They discuss the need for persistence in reaching out and making numerous touches to get a prospect’s attention.
  4. Prospecting and Value Proposition: Sean shares insights on how a value proposition can differ based on the industry and target audience. They talk about understanding and tailoring your value proposition to your audience for better customer engagement.
  5. Leveraging Tools for Sales Outreach: The hosts discuss a range of tools that can assist in streamlining and tracking your outreach efforts, from LinkedIn prospecting tools to CRMs and even task management tools.

Key Quotes:

  • Kevin: “Trade shows in a pre COVID environment were the lifeblood of many sales organizations… But here we are in a post-COVID world, and what we saw in the midst of COVID was pipeline evacuation.”
  • Sean: “The first thing I tell everybody is, “What are you going to say, and what makes it unique and valuable to your prospects?”
  • Sean: “Your unique value proposition may be targeted to a specific customer and you might have a different one targeted to a different customer… but then you need to make unique messaging for every one of those and unique tries for each one of those.”

Additional Resources:

  • CRM Tools
  • LinkedIn prospecting tools
  • Task management tools (Asana, Trello,


In this episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales, Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey offer a practical, insightful guide to successfully navigating outbound sales in our new normal. They share their expertise in creating a compelling, unique value proposition, omnichannel outreach’s importance, and persistence’s role in sales. You’ll gain a wealth of advice, from understanding your value in a specific industry to leveraging various outreach tools to streamline and enhance your prospecting process. Listen to this episode for a deep dive into the tactics and strategies that can reshape your approach to outbound sales.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – The Art of Differentiation: How to Excel in Sales and Earn More Money – Episode 34

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – The Art of Differentiation: How to Excel in Sales and Earn More Money – Episode 34

In this episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales, Sean O’Shaughnessey and Kevin Lawson discuss the importance of standing out and differentiating oneself in the competitive world of sales. They explore how salespeople can escape the commodity mindset and become trusted advisors to their clients, ultimately leading to more money and success.

Key takeaways from the episode include:

  • The importance of differentiating oneself in the sales process
  • Understanding and embracing the role of an expert in your field
  • “The Challenger Sale” book’s approach, and its impact on sales success
  • The dangers of proposing too early and devaluing your offering
  • Creating value for your clients by helping them be successful
  • Evaluating and improving your sales pipeline to increase revenue

The hosts also mention insightful books and previous podcast guests, such as Kelly Crandall and Jim Hardwick (both Fractional Sales VPs aligned with Sales Xceleration), who provide valuable perspectives on sales and leadership.

Sean and Kevin encourage our listeners to reach out with any questions or topics they would like to see covered in future episodes.

Don’t miss this episode full of practical advice and insights on improving your sales game, adding value to your clients, and ultimately making more money. Listen now to learn from the experts, and start transforming your sales approach today!

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Adapting Sales Strategies in a Changing World – Episode 32

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Adapting Sales Strategies in a Changing World – Episode 32

In this episode of the podcast, Kevin and Sean discuss the necessity for sales leaders to adapt their advice and strategies in today’s ever-changing environment. With the numerous changes and challenges that businesses face daily, sales leaders must constantly evolve and stay ahead of the curve to help their teams succeed.

The discussion touches on how being a trusted advisor to clients is crucial for success regardless of market shifts and economic turmoil. The ability to understand and professionally empathize with clients and their challenges allows salespeople to guide clients and prospects toward solutions effectively. Emphasizing the significance of leading indicators in sales activities and reframing value propositions according to clients’ perspectives is vital.

To achieve enduring success, sales leaders must instill the importance of understanding a prospect’s business, its competitors, and its market value to the sales team. This will ultimately make them trusted advisors to their clients and help them navigate the complex and ever-changing business landscape.

Fractional Executives Are Better Than Consultants For Driving Valuable Changes in Small Businesses

Fractional Executives Are Better Than Consultants For Driving Valuable Changes in Small Businesses

Change is inevitable, and small business owners must constantly adapt to stay ahead of their competition. While traditional consultants may offer valuable insights and recommendations, they often lack the hands-on commitment to implement these changes effectively. A consultant will write a report and presentation to advise management of required changes and then count on management to deploy the advice effectively. More than a report or playbook is usually needed to drive tangible results.

Enter the concept of a fractional executive. This innovative solution provides small businesses the strategic guidance and support they need to grow and evolve. In this blog post, we’ll explore the role of a fractional executive, discuss their benefits, and share tips for finding the right fit for your business.

A fractional executive is a seasoned professional who offers expertise and leadership on a part-time or project basis. These individuals often have extensive experience in their respective fields and can fill critical gaps in a company’s leadership team. From acting as a temporary CEO to guiding sales or financial strategies, fractional executives provide services tailored to your business’s unique needs.

The critical difference between a fractional executive and a traditional consultant lies in their level of commitment. While consultants often deliver a one-time report or set of recommendations, fractional executives are actively involved in the day-to-day operations of your business. They work closely with your team to implement changes, monitor progress, and adjust strategies as needed, ensuring that your business thrives in the long term.

Consultants can create beautiful reports using modern tools like Chat GPT. While a report generated by Chat GPT can provide valuable insights and recommendations for a business, it is crucial to recognize that such a report alone is insufficient to drive meaningful changes. To successfully implement and manage the recommended changes, businesses require a more hands-on and personalized approach that addresses their unique challenges and opportunities. A report can serve as an excellent starting point, but companies must invest in dedicated human expertise to ensure that the proposed changes are effectively integrated into their operations.

A Chat GPT report may be insufficient for driving change because it cannot fully account for the intricacies and nuances of each business. While AI-generated reports can be well-researched and informative, they may need a more profound understanding of company culture, team dynamics, and specific market conditions necessary to develop tailored strategies. On the other hand, a human expert can work closely with stakeholders, employees, and customers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the business’s unique needs and challenges, allowing them to develop and implement more effective change initiatives.

Additionally, change management requires ongoing support and guidance, which a Chat GPT report or an absentee consultant cannot provide. Implementing changes often involves overcoming obstacles, refining strategies, and addressing unforeseen issues that arise during the process. A human expert, such as a fractional executive, can provide the necessary support and adaptability to navigate these challenges and ensure the success of the change initiatives. By working closely with the business daily, they can monitor progress, identify areas for improvement, and make real-time adjustments to keep the change process on track.
