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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Scaling from Your First 10 Customers to 50, 100 and Beyond – Episode 54

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Scaling from Your First 10 Customers to 50, 100 and Beyond – Episode 54

If you’ve got your first 10 customers and are wondering, “What next?” then this episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales is essential listening. Hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey explore the transformational journey from acquiring your first customers to scaling up your business. Dive into critical topics like product-market fit, market messaging, the role of the CEO as a salesperson, and much more. Arm yourself with practical, real-world advice to take your business to the next level.

Key Topics Discussed

The Crucial Jump from 10 to 50 Customers

Kevin and Sean examine the strategic shift required when you’re looking to grow from 10 customers to a more substantial customer base. They stress the importance of formalizing and aligning your offering with a well-defined buyer persona.

Understanding Buyer Personas

A recurring topic was the art and science of buyer personas. Kevin emphasizes the need to revisit and revise these as your business evolves. The objective is to understand who you’re selling to and what problem you’re solving for them.

Sales Leadership & Standardization

Sean explores the standardization of sales processes and offerings, particularly for scaling from a one-person operation to a multi-person sales team. This standardization is crucial for scalability and profitability.

The Role of the CEO in Sales

The hosts delve into the inevitable shift in the sales role of the CEO as the company grows. While the CEO might be heavily involved in sales initially, scaling to 50 or 100 customers requires a dedicated sales team.

Selling Tools vs. Selling Solutions

Sean provides a compelling analogy between selling tools and selling solutions. He emphasizes the importance of selling a standardized product rather than a customizable toolkit, using historical examples like Henry Ford and Steve Jobs.

Key Quotes

Kevin: “One challenge I see here that sales leaders need to solve is how to formalize and standardize the attraction process.”

Sean: “You need to really start focusing on who do you sell to, what problem do you really solve, and how do you sell this thing so that other people can sell for you.”


Don’t miss this episode if you’re gearing up for rapid growth. Both Kevin and Sean provide actionable insights that will equip you to transition from a startup to a scalable business. With a blend of theoretical knowledge and real-world advice, they lay down a roadmap for you to follow. Whether you’re a CEO doing sales, a startup looking to break into the market, or a sales leader aiming for standardization, this episode is your guide to elevating your sales game. Tune in now to pave the way for your business growth!

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