Designing Sales Compensation Plans That Drive Performance

Designing Sales Compensation Plans That Drive Performance

The success of any sales-driven organization in the business-to-business (B2B) space hinges on the sales team’s compensation plan. Over my four decades in B2B sales, I’ve observed that nothing influences the performance of sales personnel more directly than the design and implementation of their compensation plans. Compensation is not merely about rewarding sales achievements but crafting a strategy aligning individual salespeople’s goals with the company’s broader objectives.

A well-structured compensation plan acts as both a motivator and a guide. It compels sales teams not only to meet but exceed their targets, fostering an environment where continuous improvement is not just encouraged but becomes a natural byproduct of the system. For small business CEOs, understanding this dynamic is critical for sustaining and driving growth. Sales compensation is more than just a cost; it’s an investment in the company’s future.

In any sales environment, whether the market is brimming with potential or tightly contested, the compensation plan must be a living document that evolves in response to market conditions, company goals, and team performance. With this adaptability, companies can avoid stagnation or regression in their market positions. As businesses strive to scale and adapt, constructing a compensation plan that genuinely drives the right behaviors becomes all the more pertinent.

To delve deeper into this vital subject, CEOs should consider the immediate impacts of their compensation strategies and their long-term implications on sales culture and employee retention. For those ready to explore the intricacies of effective sales compensation and ensure their strategies are well-suited to their specific business contexts, I am here to lend my expertise. With extensive experience tailoring compensation plans to enhance sales productivity and company profitability, I invite you to reach out for further guidance on crafting a plan that meets and exceeds your strategic goals. You can set a time to talk to me using my link above Book Appointment With Sean.

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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Carving Success: Chris Spanier on Sales-Marketing Synergy – E77

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Carving Success: Chris Spanier on Sales-Marketing Synergy – E77

In this insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey continue their conversation with Chris Spanier, a seasoned marketing expert and the founder of Carpe Diem Consulting Group. Building on the momentum from last week’s discussion on storytelling and marketing alignment, Chris delves deeper into strategies for small businesses aiming to enhance their sales and marketing focus without the luxury of a large budget. Tune in to discover actionable advice for fostering a productive partnership between sales and marketing teams and driving company growth.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. Budget Discipline Across Business Sizes: Chris emphasizes the importance of budget discipline, whether in a small business or a corporate setting, and the need for strategic alignment between sales and marketing.
  2. Building Sales and Marketing Synergy: Insight into initiating fruitful conversations between sales and marketing to identify common goals, target audiences, and strategies for mutual success.
  3. Tactics for Limited Budgets: Practical approaches for small businesses to test marketing strategies efficiently and affordably, including rapid iteration and leveraging insights for improvement.
  4. The Importance of Sales and Marketing Collaboration: Chris discusses the transformative impact of sales and marketing working in harmony, sharing a real-life example of this partnership leading to significant business success.
  5. Advice for CEOs on Differentiating Sales and Marketing: Tips for company leaders to understand the distinct roles of sales and marketing, fostering a collaborative rather than hierarchical relationship.

Key Quotes

Chris Spanier:

“When sales and marketing start talking together, and they start planning and supporting each other, then suddenly, it’s like, you’re not the enemy. You’re actually an incredible asset and an ally.”

Sean O’Shaughnessey:

“Marketing and sales are partners in this journey of customer acquisition and revenue growth, not a hand-off relationship.”

Kevin Lawson:

“What do you wish we as salespeople would ask you first before we say, how are you getting us more leads?”

Additional Resources

  • Carpe Diem Consulting Group: Chris Spanier’s marketing consultancy bridges small to medium-sized businesses seeking to establish or enhance their marketing efforts. –


This episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” is essential listening for small business owners, sales leaders, and marketing professionals striving for growth in a competitive marketplace. Chris Spanier shares invaluable insights on making the most of limited budgets, the critical importance of sales and marketing collaboration, and strategic approaches to achieving company-wide success. Through real-life examples and practical advice, Chris, Kevin, and Sean illuminate a path forward for businesses looking to cultivate a powerful synergy between sales and marketing. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a marketing expert dedicated to helping companies seize the day and achieve their goals.

Ready to transform your sales and marketing strategy? Download this episode now for expert guidance on driving profitability and growth in your business.

Boosting Profitability in Sales: Mastering the Art of Negotiation – Video 11 of the New Year Motivation Series

Boosting Profitability in Sales: Mastering the Art of Negotiation – Video 11 of the New Year Motivation Series

As we dive into the New Year, it’s crucial for sales professionals, managers, and CEOs of small companies to reflect on one pivotal aspect of their sales strategy – the art of negotiation. I am committed to guiding you toward more profitable deals this New Year and beyond.

Evaluating Past Deal Profitability

Take a moment to review your deals from the previous year. Were they as profitable as they could have been? The ease of offering discounts can often overshadow the challenge of selling at list price. However, your company’s profit model heavily relies on effective negotiation.

Look back at your past deals. Pinpoint the aspects where negotiations fell short. Set a clear goal for this year to avoid repeating these mistakes. Improvement begins with recognizing what didn’t work well in the past.

Embracing Continuous Learning in Negotiation

As I’ve emphasized in a previous video, continuous learning is crucial. This is particularly true in negotiation. A slight improvement in your negotiation skills can significantly impact your bottom line. Consider attending a class, webinar, or consulting with an expert to hone this skill.

If negotiation is not your forte, reach out for assistance. I’m here to offer suggestions, recommend training resources, or even provide personal training to help you negotiate more effectively.

Preparing for Negotiations Proactively

Prepare a list of items you can afford to discount and those you cannot. Develop scripts and strategies for common negotiation scenarios. This preparation will help you remain steadfast during negotiations, ensuring you don’t make concessions on a whim.

Identify services or add-ons you can offer during negotiations that provide value to your client but don’t significantly impact your costs. This strategy can be a game-changer in making your proposals more attractive while maintaining profitability.

This is the year to enhance your negotiation tactics. By doing so, you’re not just closing deals; you’re maximizing the value and profitability of each transaction. Remember, effective negotiation is not about conceding profits but finding a mutually beneficial ground where your company’s value is rightly recognized and compensated.

Happy New Year, and here’s to your profitability and success in the New Year!

Check out my video below (the final video in this year’s series to start the New Year with confidence and capability).

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Closing Strong: Mastering Year-End Sales Without the Discount Dilemma – E62

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Closing Strong: Mastering Year-End Sales Without the Discount Dilemma – E62

Welcome to another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey delve into the critical aspects of sales, especially as the year winds down. This episode is a must-listen for sales professionals looking to close their year on a high note. Kevin and Sean share their seasoned perspectives on prioritizing deals, managing customer relationships, and the art of effectively closing sales without succumbing to the pressure of year-end discounts.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. The Importance of Prioritizing Deals: Understanding how to focus on deals with the highest probability of closing.
  2. Effective Sales Strategies for Year-End: Tactics to avoid unnecessary discounts and focus on profitable deals.
  3. Building and Maintaining Customer Trust: Strategies for nurturing trust and client relationships.
  4. Time Management in Sales: Maximizing efficiency and effectiveness in the final sales push of the year.
  5. Navigating Internal Processes and Decision-Makers: Tips for understanding and working within a client’s internal purchasing processes.
  6. Post-December 15th Strategies: How to engage with clients after the critical sales period.

Key Quotes

  • Kevin Lawson: “Focusing on the right things is never a wrong thing. This is a time management moment. Don’t get caught up in the hype of what’s my biggest deal. Get caught up in the hype of what relationships have I secured.”
  • Sean O’Shaughnessey: “You need to focus on getting deals done that are profitable for the company. Don’t focus on what if I gave him a 22 percent discount that was only good for the next three days? Those are bad deals for the profitability of your company.”

Summary Paragraph

This episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” is a treasure trove of wisdom for sales professionals. Kevin and Sean, with their extensive experience, offer invaluable advice on prioritizing deals, building trust, and closing the year strongly without falling into the discount trap. Their conversation is not just about strategies but also about the mindset required to succeed in sales. This episode is your go-to resource if you want to refine your sales approach, especially as the year ends. Tune in to gain insights that could transform your sales journey!

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Mastering Sales Compensation: Strategies for Business Growth – Episode 58

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Mastering Sales Compensation: Strategies for Business Growth – Episode 58

Are you struggling to create a sales compensation plan that aligns with your business goals and motivates your sales team? Look no further! In this episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales, hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey dive deep into the intricacies of crafting effective sales compensation plans. With decades of experience in sales and management, Kevin and Sean share invaluable insights on how to set up your sales team for success. Whether you’re a startup aiming for your first million or an established business looking to optimize, this episode is a must-listen!

Key Topics Discussed

  • The Importance of Timely Compensation Plans: Why releasing compensation plans in line with the fiscal year is crucial for sales teams.
  • Simplicity is Key: The need for straightforward, easy-to-understand compensation plans.
  • Aligning Compensation with Business Goals: How to incentivize behaviors that align with your company’s objectives.
  • Understanding Costs and Profitability: The role of CEOs and CFOs in determining the budget for sales commissions.
  • Attracting Talent with Compensation Plans: How a well-structured plan can be a recruitment tool for top sales talent.

Key Quotes

  • Kevin Lawson: “Compensation plans are the bedrock for someone’s income. And we should treat it as such, not as a cost line.”
  • Sean O’Shaughnessey: “The magic of writing a great compensation plan is to make sure that you maximize the things that you want to maximize to grow your business within that budget that you put together.”

Additional Resources


Don’t miss out on this episode if you want to revamp or create a sales compensation plan that works. Kevin and Sean offer a comprehensive guide that covers everything from the timing of releasing plans to aligning them with your business goals. Tune in to Two Tall Guys Talking Sales and equip yourself with the knowledge to build a compensation plan that retains and attracts top sales talent. Start setting your sales team—and your business—up for success today!

Researching Industry Trends: Stay updated on shifts in the market to provide relevant solutions – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 1

Researching Industry Trends: Stay updated on shifts in the market to provide relevant solutions – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 1

Welcome to another episode of “Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses.” This podcast is your compass in navigating the complex world of B2B sales, especially in the enterprise landscape. In this riveting episode, our host, Sean O’Shaughnessey, deep dives into a topic of crucial significance for sales professionals: Researching Industry Trends in the Enterprise Space. If you’re eager to transform from a transactional vendor into a strategic partner, this episode is your blueprint for success.

Key Topics Discussed

  • The Importance of Research for Enterprise Sales – Unearth the value of knowing your client’s business landscape, from understanding decision-making structures to identifying specific needs.
  • Risk Mitigation as a Sales Strategy – Leverage quality research to transition from merely providing solutions to actively mitigating risks at an enterprise level.
  • Being Predictive, Not Just Reactive – Adopt a visionary approach by predicting future market trends and tailoring your sales strategies to match long-term client needs.
  • Crafting Tailored Sales Messages – Learn how to craft sales proposals that don’t just meet current needs but align with the strategic objectives of your enterprise clients.
  • Strategies for CEOs and Sales Managers – Understand the role of top management in fostering a culture that prioritizes research and long-term client alignment.

Key Quotes

“Market research becomes your navigation tool, guiding you through the labyrinthine structures of enterprise decision-making.”

“Your deep understanding of market dynamics enables you to frame your offering in a way that lowers or even eliminates certain risks.”

“With your research, you become more than a salesperson. You become a consultant equipped with actionable insights into your client’s industry.”

Additional Resources

  • SWOT Analysis Templates – For conducting industry-specific research.
  • Public Records and Financial Reports – Annual reports, quarterly filings, and investor presentations for understanding company goals and strategies.
  • CRM Systems – Efficient tools for sales professionals to organize and manage research data.


Our sponsor for this episode of “Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses” is Carpe Diem Consulting Group. Carpe Diem Consulting Group and its founder, Chris Spanier, drive growth by crafting effective marketing and compelling brand stories for their clients. They love collaborating to bring fresh strategic perspectives that increase their clients’ impact and connections through results-driven marketing – enhancing your online presence, crafting better messaging, prospecting assistance, and more. Working with Carpe Diem Consulting Group leads to more compelling brand narratives, deeper engagement with customers and prospects, and measurable success. You can reach Chris at chris@CDCG.US.

About Sean:

Sean is a professional sales leader with over 38 years of experience in complex business-to-business sales.

Sean helps company owners realize the maximum value of their company by improving their revenue generation capability. ​He helps owners enhance their sales management, methodologies, processes, teams, and messaging to accomplish this.

In his current role as a Fractional Vice President of Sales, Sean has:

  • Helped a company increase its value by 50% with a significant and successful acquisition of the company.
  • Helped a company scale from its angel investments to its series B investments.
  • Helped a company achieve a 50% increase in revenue with a 300% increase in profitability in a single year.
  • Stabilized and put predictability into the sales teams of his clients.

If you need help making your sales organization a top-performing part of your company, you can contact Sean at Sean@NewSales.Expert.

About the podcast:

Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses focuses on arming CEOs with the knowledge and tools they need to build an exemplary sales operation. This is not a podcast that skims the surface; it delves deep into each facet of sales management, shedding light on the best practices that can elevate a company from mere competence to true excellence. “Driving New Sales” is not just a podcast; it’s a toolkit for building sales powerhouses that are responsive, proactive, efficient, and exemplary.

Nine of Spades: Addressing Salesperson Underperformance: Setting Performance Benchmarks: Define standards for success to measure against.

Nine of Spades: Addressing Salesperson Underperformance: Setting Performance Benchmarks: Define standards for success to measure against.

Understanding the Nature of Sales Benchmarks

Let’s start by grounding ourselves in the foundational premise: Sales benchmarks are not merely numerical goals but the defining coordinates of success. If you will, consider them as your organization’s North Star, guiding your sales team through the complexities of quotas, customer relationships, and revenue targets. Benchmarks transcend the limitations of raw numbers and extend into the realm of qualitative assessment—whether it’s the ability to understand customer needs or to align solutions accordingly.

To further clarify, think of benchmarks as akin to a financial portfolio’s balance of risk and return. They offer a comprehensive view of performance, much like a diversified portfolio that offers an integrated financial health assessment. Each component—be it customer retention rates, average deal sizes, or response times—contributes to this multifaceted view. Benchmarks thereby act as a composite score that tells you where you are, where you should be, and, most importantly, how to get there.

The Nuances of Crafting Benchmarks: It’s About Alignment

Creating effective benchmarks requires alignment with broader organizational goals, current market realities, and the sales team’s inherent capabilities. Striking this balance is akin to setting the interest rate in an economy. Set it too high, and you risk stalling growth; set it too low and invite complacency.

Thus, the process of setting benchmarks demands an understanding of averages and outliers. If a high percentage of your sales team consistently meets the benchmarks, they may not be challenging enough. Conversely, if only a small fraction achieves them, it could demoralize the rest and raise questions about the benchmarks’ attainability. The idea is to challenge your team just enough to stretch their capabilities while ensuring the goals are rooted in reality.

Diagnosing and Addressing Underperformance: A Structured Approach

The objective of performance benchmarks isn’t to point fingers at underperformers but to provide a structured mechanism for evaluation and growth. Having established benchmarks, the onus shifts from mere identification to a deep-rooted understanding of ‘why’ the underperformance occurred.

Is it a lack of training? Is it a mismatch between talents and tasks? Or perhaps it’s a more systemic issue related to product-market fit? Each diagnosis demands its unique course of action, requiring leaders to blend empathy with decisiveness. As you identify these pain points, you’re not merely putting a spotlight on them; you’re transforming them into actionable insights. Provide the necessary tools, training, or environmental changes, and monitor the impact on performance against the set benchmarks. In this way, underperformance becomes not a point of failure but an opportunity for both personal and organizational growth.

Benchmarks: Your Compass in the World of Sales

To CEOs, Sales Managers, and leaders in the trenches, understand that performance benchmarks are not just numbers on a performance review sheet but the milestones on your roadmap to success. They offer a dynamic, multi-dimensional gauge by which to measure, evaluate, and, most crucially, enhance performance.

Just as a ship’s captain would be rudderless without a compass, your sales team would navigate in the dark without well-defined benchmarks. These are not mere numbers but signposts in your journey toward sales excellence. They offer a vision of what could be and a measurement of what is. Establishing and adhering to these benchmarks provides direction, clarity, and a lens through which to transform challenges into growth opportunities.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Scaling from Your First 10 Customers to 50, 100 and Beyond – Episode 54

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Scaling from Your First 10 Customers to 50, 100 and Beyond – Episode 54

If you’ve got your first 10 customers and are wondering, “What next?” then this episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales is essential listening. Hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey explore the transformational journey from acquiring your first customers to scaling up your business. Dive into critical topics like product-market fit, market messaging, the role of the CEO as a salesperson, and much more. Arm yourself with practical, real-world advice to take your business to the next level.

Key Topics Discussed

The Crucial Jump from 10 to 50 Customers

Kevin and Sean examine the strategic shift required when you’re looking to grow from 10 customers to a more substantial customer base. They stress the importance of formalizing and aligning your offering with a well-defined buyer persona.

Understanding Buyer Personas

A recurring topic was the art and science of buyer personas. Kevin emphasizes the need to revisit and revise these as your business evolves. The objective is to understand who you’re selling to and what problem you’re solving for them.

Sales Leadership & Standardization

Sean explores the standardization of sales processes and offerings, particularly for scaling from a one-person operation to a multi-person sales team. This standardization is crucial for scalability and profitability.

The Role of the CEO in Sales

The hosts delve into the inevitable shift in the sales role of the CEO as the company grows. While the CEO might be heavily involved in sales initially, scaling to 50 or 100 customers requires a dedicated sales team.

Selling Tools vs. Selling Solutions

Sean provides a compelling analogy between selling tools and selling solutions. He emphasizes the importance of selling a standardized product rather than a customizable toolkit, using historical examples like Henry Ford and Steve Jobs.

Key Quotes

Kevin: “One challenge I see here that sales leaders need to solve is how to formalize and standardize the attraction process.”

Sean: “You need to really start focusing on who do you sell to, what problem do you really solve, and how do you sell this thing so that other people can sell for you.”


Don’t miss this episode if you’re gearing up for rapid growth. Both Kevin and Sean provide actionable insights that will equip you to transition from a startup to a scalable business. With a blend of theoretical knowledge and real-world advice, they lay down a roadmap for you to follow. Whether you’re a CEO doing sales, a startup looking to break into the market, or a sales leader aiming for standardization, this episode is your guide to elevating your sales game. Tune in now to pave the way for your business growth!

Six of Spades: Defining your corporate sales strategy: Segmenting Target Market: Categorize potential clients to tailor strategies effectively.

Six of Spades: Defining your corporate sales strategy: Segmenting Target Market: Categorize potential clients to tailor strategies effectively.

The Art of Tailoring Sales: Why Market Segmentation Matters

Embark with me on a journey across the sprawling business landscape, an expanse echoing with the cacophony of countless potential clients. As vast as this sounds, CEOs and sales leaders quickly recognize a fundamental truth: their offerings aren’t for everyone, no matter how exceptional. The cost of gaining any customer, regardless of that prospect’s business, location, or specialty, risks the profitability of selling to them all. This realization is where the art and science of market segmentation come into play. This approach, akin to a seasoned sailor charting a course through diverse waters, ensures businesses traverse the right seas, leading them toward unparalleled prosperity.

In the realm of business, imagine a master tailor. He meets diverse clients daily, each with their preferences, sizes, and desires. A one-size-fits-all suit? It’s a fantasy. Instead, he meticulously measures, understands individual tastes and crafts a suit that fits impeccably. This artistry mirrors market segmentation, where businesses dissect the extensive market into specific sections, ensuring their strategies align seamlessly, much like that well-fitted suit. The effectiveness of such an approach isn’t theoretical. Historical data unveils a striking revelation: 75% of B2B firms grew their market share if they managed to personalize their sales and marketing directly to the individual customer. This isn’t merely a figure but a testament to the monumental influence of aligning offerings with distinct market needs.

However, as we dive deeper, the waters of segmentation aren’t always placid. Over-segmentation can be treacherous, dispersing focus like a ship trying to anchor at numerous ports, eventually reaching none. Furthermore, a mere segmentation without an accurate understanding can mislead, like mistaking a looming storm for a serene day at sea.

So, how do businesses chart this course effectively?

  1. Establishing the Pillars of Segmentation: The segmentation can hinge on varying criteria, be it demographic nuances, behavioral patterns, or geographical distinctions. A tech solution catering to bustling urban enterprises would understandably differ from one aimed at serene, rural family-owned businesses.
  2. Deep Dive into Data: The depth of knowledge determines the journey’s success. Harness data analytics to grasp the intricacies of each segment, echoing a sailor studying sea charts before setting sail.
  3. Strategic Customization: With a sound understanding of your most profitable customers, mold your sales strategies, ensuring they resonate with each segment’s unique aspirations and needs.
  4. Embrace Adaptability: The seas of business are ever-evolving. Thus, gather feedback and recalibrate strategies, ensuring alignment with the shifting dynamics.

However, segmentation’s influence isn’t confined merely to optimizing sales. This tailored approach weaves deeper customer relationships. Clients perceive this customized attention, feeling valued and inevitably gravitating towards businesses that reflect their specific needs. Furthermore, this clarity in approach empowers sales teams. Each pitch, each dialogue is infused with purpose and precision. The approach transitions from casting expansive nets in hope to that of expert fishermen, with each cast deliberate and confident.

Market segmentation unfurls as a harmonious blend of art and science. This orchestration is about understanding, tailoring, and fostering profound connections. The outcome for CEOs and sales maestros mastering this realm isn’t mere sales acceleration. It’s about sculpting experiences, nurturing relationships, and consistently delivering unparalleled value.

As the contours of sales constantly change, segmentation emerges as an enduring beacon. It accentuates a profound understanding, recognizing who truly holds value and optimizing strategies to serve them immaculately. In the intricate mosaic of sales, segmentation assures that every piece, every shade, and every nuance aligns impeccably, weaving a saga of sustained growth and success.