Sean O’Shaughnessey’s Calendar Booking

Book time with Sean O'Shaughnessey

15 minute phone call

Sometimes, a quick phone call is all that is needed to catch up.

I would enjoy understanding more about you and how I can help you succeed.

30 minute phone call

Sometimes, a quick phone call is all that is needed to catch up.

I would enjoy understanding more about you and how I can help you succeed.

Web Call with Sean

Do we have a lot to discuss? Let’s set up a Google Meet conference call.

I would enjoy understanding more about you and how I can help you succeed.

Coffee with Sean

Let’s have coffee and learn more about each other and our businesses.

I would enjoy understanding more about you and how I can help you succeed.

Lunch with Sean

Let’s have lunch and learn more about each other and our businesses.

I would enjoy understanding more about you and how I can help you succeed.

Drinks with Sean

Let’s have drinks together and learn more about each other and our businesses.

I would enjoy understanding more about you and how I can help you succeed.