Designing Sales Compensation Plans That Drive Performance

Designing Sales Compensation Plans That Drive Performance

The success of any sales-driven organization in the business-to-business (B2B) space hinges on the sales team’s compensation plan. Over my four decades in B2B sales, I’ve observed that nothing influences the performance of sales personnel more directly than the design and implementation of their compensation plans. Compensation is not merely about rewarding sales achievements but crafting a strategy aligning individual salespeople’s goals with the company’s broader objectives.

A well-structured compensation plan acts as both a motivator and a guide. It compels sales teams not only to meet but exceed their targets, fostering an environment where continuous improvement is not just encouraged but becomes a natural byproduct of the system. For small business CEOs, understanding this dynamic is critical for sustaining and driving growth. Sales compensation is more than just a cost; it’s an investment in the company’s future.

In any sales environment, whether the market is brimming with potential or tightly contested, the compensation plan must be a living document that evolves in response to market conditions, company goals, and team performance. With this adaptability, companies can avoid stagnation or regression in their market positions. As businesses strive to scale and adapt, constructing a compensation plan that genuinely drives the right behaviors becomes all the more pertinent.

To delve deeper into this vital subject, CEOs should consider the immediate impacts of their compensation strategies and their long-term implications on sales culture and employee retention. For those ready to explore the intricacies of effective sales compensation and ensure their strategies are well-suited to their specific business contexts, I am here to lend my expertise. With extensive experience tailoring compensation plans to enhance sales productivity and company profitability, I invite you to reach out for further guidance on crafting a plan that meets and exceeds your strategic goals. You can set a time to talk to me using my link above Book Appointment With Sean.

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Driving Sales Success through Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Sharing

Driving Sales Success through Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Sharing

Aiming to increase revenue and boost productivity in sales processes, sales managers and company CEOs are constantly searching for effective strategies to streamline their operations and ensure optimal results. One such strategy involves conducting sales meetings for educational purposes. These meetings focus on enhancing knowledge and skills, and this is where the real game begins. 

Imagine a sales meeting where, instead of a mundane round-up of weekly activities, there’s an engaging discussion about a new book that can potentially revolutionize the sales process. Picture a team of four or five salespeople, including you, each reading two chapters of a book overnight. The next day, everyone shares the high-level takeaways from their assigned chapters. This practice allows the team to consume an entire book’s content in a day and empowers each member to become an authority on the subject matter because they’re teaching others. The exercise is educational, promotes team collaboration, and enhances communication skills. 

This approach can be extended beyond books to other areas, such as market research. For instance, if a company is looking to enter a new vertical, different aspects of the industry, like market influencers, challenges, and political, economic, and legal factors, can be assigned to team members for research. Each member returns their findings to the team, comprehensively understanding the new market. This practice is not merely busy work; it’s sales-driving work that benefits the entire team and accelerates learning about the new market.

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From Education to Improvement: The Essential Elements of Effective Sales Meetings

From Education to Improvement: The Essential Elements of Effective Sales Meetings

The importance of effective internal sales meetings with your sales team cannot be overstated. These meetings are not just about discussing individual deals or pipelines but serve a much larger purpose. They are opportunities for education, alignment, and improvement. They are a platform where the entire sales ecosystem comes together to discuss what’s happening in the industry, target market, or the company and how to move in the same direction.

A key reason for having larger quarterly meetings is education. As a sales leader or a CEO, the goal should be to make the sales team more effective and knowledgeable about ongoing developments. This can be achieved by inviting guest speakers, working on sales messaging, or understanding what’s happening in a particular vertical. However, these meetings should not be held just because the quarter came up. They should have a purpose and should add value to the team. If the same information can be shared through a well-written email or a quick update on Zoom, then there is no need for a meeting.

One effective practice for these meetings is role plays. This is a great way to practice and improve skills. However, it’s important to conduct these role plays correctly. There should be three roles: a customer, a seller, and an observer. The customer should be competent, the seller should sell something, and the observer should observe. After each role-play, feedback should be provided on what was done well and what could be improved.

However, while conducting these meetings, it is important to avoid a few pitfalls. One such pitfall is not having enough variation in the meeting for different learning types. If the meeting only consists of slides or videos, it might not cater to everyone’s learning style. Therefore, mixing up the media and providing breaks is important to keep the team engaged.

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Enhancing Sales Performance Through Effective One-on-One Coaching Meetings

Enhancing Sales Performance Through Effective One-on-One Coaching Meetings

The effectiveness of sales management is paramount, particularly in how sales managers support their team members to enhance performance. The nuanced relationship between a salesperson and their manager can significantly influence their success, a topic that is gaining traction among CEOs and sales leaders seeking to maximize their team’s capabilities.

One-on-one meetings between sales managers and salespeople are not just routine check-ins but pivotal moments that can define a sales team’s success trajectory. These interactions are opportunities for sales managers to transition from merely overseeing to actively fostering the growth of future sales leaders. The effectiveness of these meetings hinges on the preparation and the approach both parties bring to the table.

A key aspect of these meetings is the focus on the sales pipeline. These are not annual reviews but regular, detailed discussions that provide immediate, actionable feedback. The format of these meetings should allow salespeople to lead the conversation, highlighting challenges and insights into their deals. By doing so, they take ownership of their responsibilities and develop critical analytical skills. It’s crucial for salespeople to come prepared, not with just a superficial overview but with a deep dive into their accounts, ready to discuss specifics such as potential roadblocks in deal closures and strategies for advancing stages in the sales pipeline.

Micromanagement can be a pitfall in these scenarios. While it may be tempting for managers to steer conversations, especially with less experienced salespeople, it’s essential to restrain this impulse. The goal is to guide salespeople to independently spot issues and develop solutions, fostering a more robust and self-reliant sales force.

Integrating technology, such as CRM systems, plays a crucial role. The sales leader and salesperson must thoroughly review all relevant data before meetings. This preparation prevents redundancy during discussions and ensures that the focus is on strategizing rather than information regurgitation. Such meticulousness shows respect for each other’s time and reinforces the value of each meeting.

Training salespeople to identify potential issues streamlines the sales process and prepares them to handle complexities in future deals. This approach enhances their problem-solving skills and aligns with broader business objectives, contributing to the company’s overall health and success.

The transformation of routine management into strategic mentorship can significantly impact a sales team’s effectiveness. Sales leaders must foster an environment where salespeople are empowered to analyze and lead discussions about their work, making these one-on-one meetings a cornerstone of a thriving sales culture. By doing so, they not only improve the immediate outcomes of their deals but also build a resilient and forward-thinking sales team.

Immediate Steps for Sales Leaders to Elevate Their Team’s Performance

  1. Schedule Regular One-on-One Meetings: Set a consistent schedule for one-on-one pipeline review meetings with each salesperson. These should be frequent enough to provide real-time feedback and support, ideally weekly or bi-weekly.
  2. Prepare Thoroughly for Each Meeting: Review the salesperson’s current pipeline and deal statuses in the CRM before each meeting. This preparation allows you to provide targeted advice and focus on strategic discussions rather than information recap.
  3. Empower Salespeople to Lead Discussions: Encourage sales representatives to prepare and lead the meetings. Provide a structure for these sessions but allow them to fill in the details and drive the agenda. This approach helps develop their analytical and leadership skills.
  4. Focus on Professional Development Goals: Be prepared to discuss sales targets and strategies during these meetings. You should identify and plan for each salesperson’s professional development and tailor coaching and feedback to help them grow into future sales leaders.
From Crisis to Control: Managing Expectations in Sales Leadership

From Crisis to Control: Managing Expectations in Sales Leadership

The concept of “managing up” emphasizes the importance of aligning a sales team’s objectives with the expectations of upper management. This approach is particularly crucial during periods of sales turnaround, where the usual metrics might falter and innovative, agile responses are required.

“Managing up” involves treating higher management as an internal customer whose needs must be understood and met with the same diligence as those of external clients. For sales leaders, this means crafting a clear, actionable plan that communicates the steps necessary to achieve desired outcomes—often under the scrutinizing pressure of performance metrics. This strategic outline helps ensure that everyone, from the CEO to the sales floor, understands what success looks like in practical terms and is committed to the collective goal.

Moreover, the process of managing expectations is not static; it requires continual adjustment and communication. This dynamic approach allows a sales team to pivot quickly in response to evolving market conditions or internal challenges without losing sight of the overall objectives. Sales leaders are advised to articulate the goals and how they plan to achieve them, breaking down the journey into manageable, measurable milestones.

In a successful sales turnaround, it is crucial to set realistic goals that are both ambitious and achievable. This involves a deep understanding of the company’s current position and a candid assessment of what can realistically be accomplished in a given timeframe. The emphasis on SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals ensures that targets are not just aspirational but grounded in the reality of the company’s operational capabilities and market conditions.

Sales turnarounds also necessitate focusing on internal processes and behaviors rather than just end results. A sales leader must foster an environment where the team understands that their daily activities—their behaviors and strategies—are as critical to turning around sales figures as the numbers themselves. This approach helps build a resilient team capable of sustaining performance even when external conditions are challenging.

Celebrating small wins and maintaining morale during a turnaround is vital. It ensures that the team remains motivated and committed to the company’s long-term vision. Recognizing individual and team contributions reinforces a positive, collaborative culture, essential for navigating periods of uncertainty.

Finally, managing up during a turnaround is not merely about staying afloat but setting the stage for future growth. It involves understanding where the company needs to be and how to get there by working backward from the desired outcome. This methodical approach to problem-solving, coupled with effective communication and realistic goal-setting, forms the backbone of a successful sales strategy that can lead a company out of a downturn and towards a prosperous future.

Managing up is as critical as managing down for sales leaders and managers. It requires a balance of strategic foresight, operational excellence, and the interpersonal skills needed to guide a team through complex challenges. This balanced approach secures short-term objectives and paves the way for sustained success and stability.

Here are a few actionable items that a sales leader can do today to enhance management strategies and foster a successful sales turnaround:

  1. Define Clear Objectives:
    • Set aside time today to outline your sales team’s specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Ensure these goals are aligned with upper management’s expectations and communicate them clearly to your team.
  2. Improve Internal Communication:
    • Schedule a meeting with your manager or upper management to discuss current sales strategies and performance. Use this opportunity to clarify expectations, receive feedback, and adjust your strategies as needed.
  3. Foster Team Engagement:
    • Organize a brief team meeting to celebrate recent successes, no matter how small. Use this time to reinforce the team’s role in the larger company objectives, boosting morale and commitment to the turnaround process.
  4. Assess and Adjust Processes:
    • Conduct a quick audit of your current sales processes and identify any immediate inefficiencies that could be hindering your team’s performance. Initiate the steps to refine these processes, involving your team for insights and suggestions.
Boosting Business Performance: Integrating Sales and Marketing Efforts

Boosting Business Performance: Integrating Sales and Marketing Efforts

The symbiotic relationship between sales and marketing is more crucial than ever. This dynamic duo drives the revenue generation engine, which is especially crucial when businesses are keen to set a positive trajectory.

Marketing’s influence cannot be understated. It often shapes the business’s success months in advance. Strategies implemented by marketing today can significantly impact revenue streams later in the year. Therefore, it’s essential for sales and marketing to align and integrate their processes to ensure that marketing efforts translate into tangible sales results.

In this context, sales enablement emerges as a key strategy, bridging marketing initiatives and sales execution. By segmenting the customer journey into three categories—leads, prospects, and customers—both teams can tailor their strategies to effectively move individuals through the sales funnel. Marketing focuses on generating awareness and attracting leads, while sales teams convert these leads into qualified prospects and, ultimately, loyal customers.

The conversation around leads often circles back to the quality of leads generated by marketing and the clarity with which sales teams define what constitutes a ‘good lead.’ This mutual understanding and cooperative process streamline efforts and ensure that marketing is not just generating leads but the right leads.

Moreover, discussing the effectiveness versus efficiency in marketing strategies can significantly refine the targeting process. Marketing must be efficient and effective, emphasizing the right messaging and content that resonates with the ideal client profile (ICP). This approach ensures that the prospects entering the sales pipeline are more likely to convert as they align closely with the business’s target demographic.

A noteworthy strategy for enhancing this alignment is developing a concise value selling proposition. This tool aids marketing teams in crafting messages that encapsulate what the business does in a clear, compelling manner, which sales teams can then leverage to engage and convert leads effectively.

For smaller businesses or those without extensive in-house marketing teams, sales leadership can strategically define and refine marketing strategies. Questions like “Why do people pay us?” or “What differentiates us from our competition?” can ignite discussions pinpointing the business’s core value. Engaging directly with customers to understand why they chose and continue to choose your company provides invaluable insights that can shape future marketing and sales strategies.

Ultimately, the integration of sales and marketing is not merely about aligning goals but about creating a cohesive strategy that utilizes the strengths of each to optimize the customer journey. Whether it involves developing compelling content that speaks directly to the needs of potential clients or refining the sales process to highlight the value over features, each element is crucial in building a robust sales and marketing framework that attracts and retains customers.

For businesses looking to deepen their understanding of this integral relationship, embracing discussions around sales enablement, value proposition, and customer feedback is essential. These elements are not just isolated tactics but parts of a comprehensive approach that can dramatically improve how businesses attract and maintain their customer base, ensuring sustained growth and success.

Company leaders can start implementing some of these topics today!

  • Evaluate Your Current Sales and Marketing Alignment: Take the time today to review how your sales and marketing teams are currently aligned. Identify any gaps in communication or process and schedule a meeting to discuss these findings with both teams. This will help set the stage for improved collaboration and efficiency.
  • Define Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP): If you haven’t already, work on defining or refining your ICP. This involves gathering insights from your sales and marketing teams to ensure the profile accurately reflects the customers most likely to buy and benefit from your product or service. This alignment is critical for targeting and attracting the right leads.
  • Develop a Concise Value Proposition: Collaborate with key stakeholders from both teams to craft a clear, compelling value proposition that communicates the unique benefits of your offerings. This should be a concise statement that potential customers can easily communicate and understand, guiding your marketing content and sales pitches.
  • Solicit Customer Feedback: Contact a select group of new and long-term customers to gather feedback on why they chose your company and why they stay. Use this feedback to adjust your sales strategies and marketing messages, ensuring they resonate deeply with your target audience and reflect the actual value you provide.
Building High-Performing Sales Teams: Accountability, Strategy, and Success

Building High-Performing Sales Teams: Accountability, Strategy, and Success

Navigating the complexities and ensuring a robust and productive team are pivotal to achieving sustained success in sales. Accountability within a sales team requires pinpointing underperformance and creating an environment where feedback is constructive and growth is nurtured. The notion that no team member should be surprised by a change in their employment status underscores the importance of transparent communication. Setting realistic expectations and having regular discussions ensures that salespeople know where they stand and what is expected of them.

Underperformance can stem from various factors, but a common issue highlighted is the lack of skills. Identifying this gap is the first step toward rectification, paving the way for targeted coaching and development. Coaching isn’t just about improving skills; it’s about instilling the right behaviors that drive success. This is particularly crucial in small businesses where the owners might juggle multiple roles, potentially overlooking critical aspects of their operations, including sales.

The dialogue also touches upon the importance of diversifying strategies beyond a single mode of customer engagement. For instance, relying solely on email without integrating calls can limit a salesperson’s effectiveness. Similarly, focusing too intensely on a single key account to the detriment of prospecting new clients can jeopardize overall sales performance.

Sales managers play a crucial role in facilitating the development of their team members, not only by setting expectations but also by actively participating in joint sales calls and understanding the challenges their salespeople face. Unfortunately, many sales managers haven’t engaged in such activities with their team members in years, highlighting a gap in leadership engagement that can contribute to underperformance.

Peer accountability, celebrating small wins, and fostering a culture where successes are recognized and rewarded contribute significantly to a healthy sales environment. These practices motivate salespeople and help to identify those struggling, offering them the support needed to improve. It’s a collective effort, emphasizing that sales is not just about individual achievements but about lifting the entire team, reflecting the adage that a rising tide lifts all boats.

Therefore, Addressing underperformance is not just about identifying weaknesses but creating an ecosystem where salespeople are supported, skilled, and motivated to excel. It involves a comprehensive approach, from ensuring adequate training and development to fostering a culture of accountability and support.

For sales managers and CEOs, the key takeaway is the importance of being actively involved in their team’s development, understanding their challenges, and providing the resources and support necessary for success. Sales is a complex and demanding field, but with the right strategies and a supportive environment, outstanding results are possible.

Actionable items that you can use today!

  1. Evaluate Communication and Expectations: Initiate a comprehensive review of your current communication practices and the clarity of expectations within your sales team. Ensure that every member clearly understands their goals, the metrics by which they are evaluated, and the consequences of underperformance. This could involve revising job descriptions, performance metrics, or the regularity and format of feedback sessions.
  2. Implement a Peer Accountability System: Start the process of establishing a peer accountability system by organizing a team meeting to discuss its benefits. Encourage your sales team to share their successes and challenges openly, and pair team members to serve as accountability partners. This system should aim to foster a supportive environment where salespeople can learn from each other and motivate one another toward achieving their sales targets.
  3. Develop a Mini-Coaching Plan: Identify at least one salesperson on your team who may be struggling or showing signs of underperformance. Design a short, targeted coaching plan to address their specific challenges, whether they be skill-based or motivational. This plan could include shadowing a high-performing team member, attending a specific training session, or setting up regular coaching meetings to work on identified areas of improvement.
The Art of Retention: Mastering Client Information for Sales Success

The Art of Retention: Mastering Client Information for Sales Success

The adage “knowledge is power” holds undeniable truth. The ability to meticulously document and retain client information and sales opportunities is a cornerstone for cultivating a thriving sales environment. This necessity spans industries, transcending the boundaries of size and scope within organizations. For sales professionals, sales managers, and CEOs of smaller companies, mastering this aspect of sales operations can be the difference between merely surviving and truly flourishing in today’s competitive marketplace.

The foundation of a robust sales strategy is not only in its execution but also in its preparation and follow-through. Every interaction with a client or a potential lead is a gold mine of insights, preferences, and feedback, which, when documented diligently, can illuminate the path to more personalized, effective, and, thus, successful sales efforts. This approach ensures that if a salesperson were to transition roles within a company or leave the organization altogether, the continuity of relationship and understanding with the client would not depart with them.

The challenge many organizations face is not the lack of data but its sprawl across disparate systems—from CRMs to email threads, from note-taking apps to spreadsheets. This fragmentation makes information retrieval laborious and increases the risk of valuable insights slipping through the cracks. It underscores the importance of having a centralized system where all client interactions, from the casual check-in to the formal proposal, are documented meticulously.

For sales managers and CEOs, particularly of smaller firms or those in the nascent stages of establishing their sales processes, the emphasis should be on creating a culture where data documentation is valued as much as the sale itself. This might involve training, implementing user-friendly CRM systems, and perhaps leading by example. The objective should be to make the documentation process as seamless and integrated into the sales process as possible, minimizing it as a perceived chore and underscoring it as a vital tool for success.

Moreover, the utility of well-maintained records extends beyond the immediate sales cycle. It provides a historical context that can be invaluable for forecasting, product development, marketing strategies, and customer service. It enables a level of personalization in client interactions that can significantly enhance client satisfaction and loyalty, serving as a competitive edge in today’s market where personal touch can be a differentiating factor.

Emphasizing data integrity and documentation is paramount to crafting a repeatable sales process. A repeatable process is not merely about replicating actions but about ensuring that each step is informed by the accumulated knowledge of past interactions, market trends, and client feedback. It’s about building a repository of intelligence that can guide current and future sales strategies.

For sales professionals, managers, and CEOs, particularly in smaller companies, the imperative to document and retain client information and sales opportunities cannot be overstated. It is a critical strategy for capturing sales and creating sustainable, growth-oriented sales operations.

Immediate action items that you can take regarding this article

  1. Conduct a CRM Audit: Review your current CRM setup to ensure it aligns with your sales process. Identify any gaps in data capture, especially in the areas of client information and sales opportunities. Ensure that your CRM supports custom fields relevant to your sales process and that the sales team can easily enter and access all necessary information.
  2. Standardize Data Entry Practices: Develop a concise guide outlining the standard operating procedure for data entry into your CRM. This should include guidelines for recording client interactions, the minimum information required to create new contacts and leads, and how to update opportunities. Distribute this guide to your sales team and incorporate it into your onboarding process for new hires.
  3. Implement Regular Data Cleaning Sessions: Schedule monthly data cleaning sessions to review and cleanse the CRM database. This could involve checking for duplicate records, ensuring all client interactions are up-to-date, and verifying that sales opportunities are accurately documented. Engaging the sales team in this process helps to highlight the importance of data accuracy and encourages compliance with data entry practices.
  4. Enhance Sales Process Training: Organize a training session focused on the sales process, emphasizing the importance of documenting client information and sales opportunities. Use real-life examples to demonstrate how effective use of the CRM system can lead to improved sales outcomes. Encourage the sales team to share their experiences and best practices for managing client information and tracking sales opportunities.

By taking these steps, readers can immediately start improving their sales operations’ efficiency, ensuring that client information and sales opportunities are accurately captured and managed. This will enhance the sales process and provide a solid foundation for strategic decision-making and future growth.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Sales Mastery with Tom Daly: Transforming Newbies into Business Leaders – E80

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Sales Mastery with Tom Daly: Transforming Newbies into Business Leaders – E80

Join hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey on “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” for another enriching episode, this time featuring the insightful Tom Daly from Focus Insights Group. Building on the momentum of our previous conversation in the last episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales, Tom delves deeper into the world of sales, sharing his expertise on nurturing new talent and guiding companies to refine their sales strategies for sustained success. Whether you’re a fledgling salesperson or a seasoned executive, Tom’s advice is bound to enlighten and inspire.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. Transitioning from Pitch Person to Business Leader: Tom offers invaluable advice for new sales professionals on evolving from knowing just the features and benefits of their products to becoming strategic business advisors to their clients.
  2. The Importance of a Structured Onboarding Program: Emphasizing the critical role of a meticulously planned onboarding process to ensure new salespeople are set up for success from day one.
  3. Role of Sales Management in Nurturing New Talent: Discussion on how sales managers should not just be top sales producers but mentors who demonstrate, guide, and provide constructive feedback to their teams.
  4. Building a Sales Strategy: Tom underlines the necessity for sales managers to have a clear, actionable sales strategy aligned with the company’s business plan to drive success.
  5. Sales as a Business Management Function: Reinforcing the concept that effective sales management is synonymous with astute business management, focusing on strategic planning and execution.

Key Quotes

Tom Daley:

“You have to demonstrate. Then you have to do it. Then you have to have somebody try it, then you have to critique them and then you have to show them again and rinse and repeat.”

Sean O’Shaughnessey:

“I really try to teach my salespeople to think like a business person. It helps them a lot when they start to negotiate because now we can negotiate like a business person as opposed to a salesperson that wants a commission check.”

Kevin Lawson:

“Practice makes easy, not practice makes perfect. Practice makes easy because, man, I love your phrase. It’s an unnatural human behavior to start cold calling.”

Additional Resources

  • Sales Xceleration: Tom’s brand and passion, offering sales optimization services. –
  • Focus Insights Group, LLC: Learn more about Tom’s consultancy, which helps clients achieve their best sales year. – Focus Insights Group, LLC


This episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” with Tom Daly has been a deep dive into the art and science of building a successful sales career and managing a sales team effectively. Tom’s seasoned perspective sheds light on transitioning from being a pitch-focused salesperson to a strategic business advisor, offering actionable strategies for salespeople at every career stage. With a focus on the importance of structured onboarding, the critical role of sales management, and the development of a solid sales strategy, this conversation is a treasure trove for anyone looking to elevate their sales game.

If you’re a new salesperson looking to make your mark, a sales manager aiming to nurture your team, or a CEO striving for sales excellence, this episode is packed with wisdom you won’t want to miss. Download now and start transforming your sales approach today.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Uniting Sales and Marketing: A Masterclass with Chris Spanier – E76

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Uniting Sales and Marketing: A Masterclass with Chris Spanier – E76

In this enlightening episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey welcome Chris Spanier, a marketing maven with deep expertise in fostering collaboration between sales and marketing teams. Chris shares his insights on building synergy around B2B sales cycles and how to effectively align sales and marketing efforts for maximum impact. Join us as we delve into the dynamics of this crucial partnership and uncover strategies for achieving mutual success.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. Bridging the Gap Between Sales and Marketing: Chris emphasizes the importance of sales and marketing teams working in harmony, rather than at odds, to capitalize on every opportunity.
  2. The Power of Collaboration: Insights into how open communication and shared goals can transform sales and marketing teams into formidable allies.
  3. Storytelling as a Sales and Marketing Tool: The discussion highlights how compelling narratives can engage prospects and reflect their needs, ultimately driving success.
  4. Feedback Loops and Iterative Improvement: Chris advocates for continuous dialogue between sales and marketing to refine strategies and better serve customers.
  5. The Role of Leadership in Fostering Unity: Exploring how leadership can motivate sales and marketing teams to work together through shared incentives and aligned objectives.

Key Quotes

Chris Spanier:

“It’s just so powerful when you have sales and marketing coming alongside together and working together. It’s just great.”

Sean O’Shaughnessey:

“Marketing and sales are partners. One is not the customer of the other; they’re partners in this journey of customer acquisition.”

Kevin Lawson:

“Can you dig in, get a handhold on how storytelling has a major role in how we go to market, whether you have an internal or external [marketing department]?”

Additional Resources

  • The Story Brand by Donald Miller: Recommended reading for understanding the impact of storytelling in marketing and sales. –
  • Simon Sinek’s “Find Your Why”: A guide to discovering the purpose that drives you and your business. –


This episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” is a must-listen for anyone involved in the intricate dance between sales and marketing. Chris Spanier sheds light on the significance of unity and collaboration for achieving common business goals. Through a blend of personal anecdotes and actionable advice, Chris, Kevin, and Sean explore how storytelling, shared objectives, and regular feedback can transform the relationship between sales and marketing into a dynamic partnership. Whether you’re a sales manager, marketing director, or CEO, this conversation offers valuable insights on aligning your teams for success.

Tune in to discover how you can leverage the combined strengths of your sales and marketing teams to drive growth and create meaningful customer relationships. Download this episode now and start building a more cohesive, effective approach to your business strategy.