Transform Your Sales Strategy with the Three-Legged Stool Approach: Resonate, Differentiate, Substantiate

Transform Your Sales Strategy with the Three-Legged Stool Approach: Resonate, Differentiate, Substantiate

Business-to-business (B2B) sales is more than selling a product or service. It involves a strategic approach that includes understanding the customer’s needs, differentiating your offering, and building trust. This strategic approach is often called the three-legged stool of sales: Resonate, Differentiate, and Substantiate.

Resonating with customers is the first step (leg) in the sales process. It involves answering the questions “Why should the customer act?” and “Why should they act now?” To resonate with customers, you must understand their goals and how your product or service can meet them. This requires careful listening, understanding, and empathy.

The second leg of the stool is differentiation. This answers the question, “Why choose us?” Differentiation is all about highlighting what makes your product or service unique from the competition. This could be anything from superior quality and innovative features to excellent customer service. It’s crucial to communicate this differentiation clearly and effectively to the customer.

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Using Value Propositions to Stand Out in a Competitive Market

Using Value Propositions to Stand Out in a Competitive Market

Understanding and effectively communicating your value proposition is crucial for success in B2B sales. It can be the difference between winning and losing a deal. Whether you’re a salesperson, a sales manager, or the CEO of a small company, this topic is extremely relevant.

A value proposition is not merely a catchy slogan or a well-crafted elevator pitch. It is a broader collection of reasons why a potential buyer should choose your product or service. A value proposition identifies the customer’s needs and goals and demonstrates how your product or service can address these.

One key aspect of a value proposition is its ability to resonate with the customer. This involves deeply understanding the customer’s needs and tailoring your proposition to their specific situation. This allows the sales team to find the match between the customer’s needs and your offer. To resonate effectively, you need to answer two key questions for the customer: Why act? And why now?

The ‘why act’ question establishes the need for your product or service. If the customer doesn’t see a need, they won’t be interested, no matter how great your offering is. The ‘why now’ question creates a sense of urgency. Without this, a customer may acknowledge the need for your product or service but see no reason to act immediately.

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Competitive Edge in Crowded Waters: Mastering Red Ocean Strategies for B2B Growth

Competitive Edge in Crowded Waters: Mastering Red Ocean Strategies for B2B Growth

In the lexicon of strategic business planning, the concepts of “Red Ocean” and “Blue Ocean” serve as metaphors to distinguish between different market dynamics characterized by the degree of competition. A Red Ocean symbolizes sectors with fierce competition, saturated markets, and businesses clash over a finite demand pool. The landscape is marked by aggressive price wars and incremental innovations as companies struggle to carve out and defend their market share. These are arenas where the rules are established, and the boundaries are rigid, constraining growth to zero-sum scenarios.

In stark contrast, the notion of a Blue Ocean represents the exploration or creation of new, uncontested market spaces. These are realms devoid of competition, where businesses can innovate without constraints, often leading to substantial profit margins and exponential growth. This strategic approach focuses on expanding market boundaries and catering to previously unmet customer needs, thereby rendering traditional competition irrelevant.

Despite the allure of Blue Oceans, the reality for many B2B enterprises—especially those I collaborate with—is that navigating the turbulent waters of a Red Ocean can be incredibly advantageous. These waters are not merely a battlefield but rich with signals of well-acknowledged demands and needs. This dynamic is particularly beneficial for companies in B2B markets, where clients are well-informed about their challenges. It obviates the need for businesses to invest heavily in educating potential customers about their needs, allowing them to concentrate on showcasing their solutions as the superior choice. The ease with which companies can enter these markets—where a ready pool of potential clients actively seeks solutions—should not be underestimated, especially given the typically elongated and intricate buying cycles in B2B transactions.

To thrive in such a competitive environment, a business must operate with a lean mindset, optimizing every investment in product development and customer acquisition to ensure robust returns. Mastery of organic growth channels and a robust product-led growth strategy are essential, though these are merely the initial steps toward scaling.

A focused approach, targeting a narrowly defined market segment and refining a particular aspect of the product or service, can dramatically improve customer conversion rates and foster loyalty. This strategic focus allows a company’s offerings to emerge distinctly from the competitive noise.

Implementing the ERRC framework—Eliminate, Reduce, Raise, Create—provides a structured method to differentiate a business amidst intense competition. This involves stripping away unnecessary features or processes, simplifying offerings to enhance the customer experience, amplifying key aspects of products that add significant value, and innovating to address unmet needs or create entirely new market niches.

However, introducing innovations, particularly in a Blue Ocean context, poses significant challenges. Convincing businesses to allocate budgets for unrecognizable problems requires a nuanced approach, especially in B2B settings where budget allocations are typically rigid and linked to clearly defined needs. The task of educating potential clients about new issues and subsequently persuading them of the need for novel solutions demands considerable effort. This process is often slow and resource-intensive, requiring a compelling demonstration of potential ROI to secure the necessary funding. The lack of prior recognition of the problem diminishes the perceived urgency and relevance of the solution, making it a lower priority in budget discussions.

Businesses usually budget for known issues, making securing funding for unforeseen solutions difficult. The path to budgetary approval is fraught with challenges, necessitating a strategic shift—from merely selling a solution to actively shaping the perception of a new problem. This requires sales expertise and a deep understanding of the client’s industry, strategic priorities, and the ability to align the problem and solution with the client’s long-term goals. Successfully navigating this terrain can position a company as a thought leader and pioneer in its field.

While Blue Ocean strategies are enticing because they promise reduced competition, for many B2B companies, tapping into the established demand within a Red Ocean is often more pragmatic and immediately beneficial. The key lies in outmaneuvering competitors by being more focused, efficient, and superior in delivering what customers value most.

B2B leaders should consider starting in the Red Ocean to build and scale their operations effectively before potentially transitioning to a Blue Ocean. This approach capitalizes on immediate opportunities and lays a robust foundation for future strategic expansion.

Actionable Takeaway: Critically evaluate your company’s market position and the competitive landscape using the ERRC framework. Reflect on how each framework element can be leveraged to refine your offerings and surpass your competitors. The objective is to compete and dominate by excelling in your customers’ most crucial areas.

Strategizing Success: A Small Business Guide to Sales Mastery

Strategizing Success: A Small Business Guide to Sales Mastery

Understanding the intricacies of sales plans, processes, and methodologies is beneficial and crucial for sustained growth and success in B2B sales. This deep dive offers invaluable insights for salespeople, sales managers, and CEOs of small companies looking to refine their sales strategies and enhance management capabilities.

A sales plan is more than just setting targets; it’s about crafting a roadmap to market success, focusing on who you’re engaging with and the value you bring to the table. It’s about plotting a course that not only aims for success but also navigates potential failures. For small business owners and sales leaders, reevaluating your sales plan and methodologies isn’t just about affirming what’s working; it’s a critical look at how to adapt and thrive in a competitive landscape.

Small companies, in particular, face the unique challenge of scaling their sales efforts nationally or even internationally. In reality, capturing a significant market share in a billion-dollar industry requires more than just having a “good” sales organization. It demands a strategic, well-oiled machine capable of outpacing competitors and captivating a larger audience. This is where the true value of assessing your sales strategy comes into play. By benchmarking against industry leaders and innovators, companies can identify gaps in their approach and areas ripe for improvement.

Transitioning from a solopreneur or founder-led sales approach to a more structured sales organization is a pivotal step for many small businesses. This transition isn’t just about delegation; it’s about envisioning your company’s future and laying down the groundwork to achieve that vision. Whether the goal is to sell the company or to step back from day-to-day sales activities, planning and infrastructure are key.

Moreover, the value a company brings to its customers is paramount. This value perception drives sales and, ultimately, the company’s success. Sales teams need to continuously evolve, ensuring that they are not only meeting but exceeding customer expectations. Therefore, assessing a sales strategy becomes an ongoing process and is integral to maintaining and enhancing this value.

The discussions around sales strategy assessment, transitioning to sales management, and the importance of continuously delivering value underscore a fundamental truth in sales: success is a journey, not a destination. Companies that regularly assess their sales strategy remain open to learning and adapting, and focus on delivering unmatched value are the ones that thrive in the ever-competitive marketplace.

For salespeople, sales managers, and CEOs alike, the takeaway is clear: your sales strategy’s assessment and continuous improvement are not optional; they are essential to staying relevant, competitive, and successful in today’s business landscape.

Immediate actions that the reader can pursue today

Here are three immediate action items that readers can undertake today to refine their sales strategies, enhance management capabilities, and ensure the sustained growth and success of their B2B sales efforts:

1. Conduct a Sales Plan Audit

Action Steps:
  • Evaluate Current Sales Plan: Look closely at your current sales plan. Assess its alignment with your company’s strategic goals, market positioning, and the value proposition you offer to your clients. Identify areas where your plan excels and where it falls short.
  • Benchmark Against Industry Leaders: Compare your sales strategies, processes, and outcomes with those of industry leaders and innovators. This comparison will help you spot gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  • Develop Improvement Plan: Create a detailed plan to address the identified gaps based on your audit findings. This plan should include specific actions, timelines, and responsible parties to ensure implementation.

2. Transition Towards Structured Sales Management

Action Steps:
  • Define Your Sales Infrastructure: Outline the structure of your desired sales organization. This includes roles and responsibilities, sales processes, and support systems required for efficient operation.
  • Plan for Scale: Consider what tools, technologies, and training your sales team will need to scale up their efforts, both nationally and internationally. This could include CRM software, sales training programs, and scalable sales processes.
  • Implement Gradually: Start the transition by implementing changes in phases. Monitor the impact of these changes on sales performance and team morale. Adjust your approach based on feedback and results to ensure a smooth transition.

3. Enhance Customer Value Perception

Action Steps:
  • Understand Your Customers: Conduct market research to deepen your understanding of your customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points. Use this information to refine your value proposition.
  • Innovate Continuously: Encourage your team to regularly brainstorm and implement new ways to deliver and communicate value to your customers. This could involve product improvements, new service offerings, or enhanced customer service strategies.
  • Measure and Adjust: Implement mechanisms to measure how customers perceive your value. Use customer feedback, surveys, and sales data to continuously adjust your strategies for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Implementing these action items requires a methodical and disciplined approach, but the payoff can be significant. By auditing your sales plan, transitioning towards a more structured sales management system, and enhancing the perception of the value you offer to customers, you can position your company for greater success in the competitive B2B marketplace. Remember, the goal is to meet customer expectations and exceed them consistently, thereby ensuring your company’s growth and long-term success.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Expanding Your Sales Horizon: Conquering New Territories in Consumable Sales – E71

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Expanding Your Sales Horizon: Conquering New Territories in Consumable Sales – E71

Welcome to another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey delve into new territories’ challenges and strategies, especially in consumable sales. This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for salespeople and leaders navigating the competitive landscape of selling products that are regularly consumed by customers. Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or just starting in a new territory, this episode offers valuable insights into crafting successful sales strategies.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. Strategies for New Salespeople in Established Territories: Understanding how to enter and grow in a territory with established competition.
  2. Importance of Being a Trusted Advisor: The role of salespeople in becoming integral to their customers’ operations and decision-making processes.
  3. Selling Beyond the Product: Emphasizing the value of the salesperson and the company in addition to the product itself.
  4. Differentiating in a Competitive Market: How to stand out when selling products that are similar to what competitors offer.
  5. Leveraging Non-Traditional ICPs (Ideal Client Profiles): Finding success by targeting non-traditional clients who may only purchase specific items from the sales line.
  6. Building and Sustaining Customer Relationships: Strategies for maintaining long-term customer relationships in consumable sales.

Key Quotes

  • Kevin: “You’ve got to give somebody enough reason to give us a try. Whether you’ve gone through Sandler, that ‘give us a try’ is a strategy or it’s a pricing strategy, product strategy, and where you play in the market.”
  • Sean: “You need to get that prospect, that company that isn’t buying from you today, to buy something from you. You need to start to develop that relationship. You earn the right to sell more to them.”

Additional Resources

  • Book: “Challenger Sale” – Recommended by Sean for understanding how to challenge and drive customer businesses –
  • Sandler Training – Mentioned by Kevin as a resource for sales strategies –


In this episode, Kevin and Sean provide a comprehensive guide on effectively breaking into new territories, especially in industries where products are consumed regularly. They emphasize the importance of being more than just a salesperson; being a trusted advisor and an integral part of the customer’s business. The discussion covers strategies for differentiating in a competitive market, leveraging non-traditional client profiles, and building sustainable customer relationships. This episode is a must-listen for sales professionals looking to expand their reach and deepen their impact in new territories. Join us next week for more insights on “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales.”

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – The Trusted Advisor: Excelling in Consumable Product Sales – E70

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – The Trusted Advisor: Excelling in Consumable Product Sales – E70

Welcome to another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where hosts, Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey, delve into the often-overlooked realm of consumable sales. In this episode, they explore strategies for making that initial sale and ensuring repeat business in a competitive market. Whether you’re selling paper, steel, lubricants, or any consumable product, this episode is packed with valuable insights for sales professionals at all levels.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. The Importance of Being a Trusted Advisor: Understanding the significance of building solid customer advisory relationships in consumable sales.
  2. Selling Beyond the Product: How to add value and differentiate yourself when selling widely available products that are similar across competitors.
  3. Strategies for New Territory Development: Tips for sales leaders and salespeople on effectively breaking into and growing new sales territories.
  4. Crafting a Unique Selling Proposition (USP): The necessity of developing a compelling USP, even for distributors of similar products.
  5. Role of Sales Managers and CEOs: The importance of leadership in providing tools and processes to support the sales team in delivering value.
  6. Maintaining Customer Satisfaction: Strategies for keeping customers engaged and ensuring repeat business in a competitive environment.

Key Quotes

  • Sean: “The value you bring is you. The value you bring is your ability to understand the prospect, your ability to guide the prospect.”
  • Kevin: “Figure out for yourself what makes the most value for your customers. When they say, ‘thank you,’ what do they say thank you for?”

Additional Resources

  • Book: “Challenger Sale” – Recommended for understanding the concept of challenging and driving customer business –
  • Book: “Eliminate Your Competition” by Sean O’Shaughnessey


In this episode, Kevin and Sean provide a deep dive into the world of consumable sales, emphasizing the importance of being more than just a salesperson – being a trusted advisor. They discuss the necessity of understanding your product and your customer, crafting a unique selling proposition, and the critical role of sales managers and CEOs in empowering their teams. Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or just starting, this episode offers practical advice and strategies to excel in the competitive market of consumable sales. Tune in to “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” for these and more invaluable sales insights.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Mastering the Art of Sales: Strategies to Outshine Your Competitors in 2024 – E68

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Mastering the Art of Sales: Strategies to Outshine Your Competitors in 2024 – E68

Welcome to another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey delve into the art of salesmanship. In this episode, Sean, author of “Eliminate Your Competition,” shares his expertise on outmaneuvering the competition and achieving sales success in 2024. Join us for a deep dive into the strategies that can transform your sales approach and set you up for a prosperous year.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. Understanding Competition: Sean emphasizes the importance of competition in sales, explaining how it can actually benefit the sales process by reducing the likelihood of a ‘no decision’ outcome.
  2. Five Sales Strategies: Sean outlines the five fundamental sales strategies – Frontal, Flanking, Fragment, Defend, and Develop – and explains how each can be effectively utilized in different sales scenarios.
  3. Strategy in Detail:
    1. Frontal Strategy: Focused on leveraging clear advantages over competitors, requiring excellence in execution and resource intensity.
    2. Flanking Strategy: Involves shifting the customer’s focus to new issues that favor your solution, requiring a deep understanding of the customer’s needs.
    3. Fragment Strategy: Useful for politically weaker positions or less feature-rich products, focusing on a subset of issues.
    4. Defend Strategy: Essential for existing customers, focusing on expanding influence and defending against competitors.
    5. Develop Strategy: Ideal for long-term engagement where immediate purchase isn’t imminent, focusing on building credibility and relationships.
  4. Salesperson Types and Strategies: Sean discusses how different types of salespeople, like Trappers, Hunters, Farmers, and Gatherers, may prefer different strategies based on their strengths and sales approach.

Key Quotes

  • Sean: “Competition is a good thing in sales. It often means you’re more likely to avoid losing a deal to No Decision.”

Additional Resources

  • Book: “Eliminate Your Competition: A Trapper’s Guide to Increasing Your Commission” by Sean O’Shaughnessey, available wherever books are sold –


In this episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” Sean O’Shaughnessey shares invaluable insights from his book “Eliminate Your Competition,” guiding listeners through various sales strategies to outsmart competitors in 2024. Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or new to the field, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge on approaching sales challenges creatively and effectively. Tune in to learn how to adapt these strategies to your sales style and set yourself up for a successful year in sales.

Understanding Competitive Landscape: Recognize your client’s relationships with your competitors to better position your offerings – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 4

Understanding Competitive Landscape: Recognize your client’s relationships with your competitors to better position your offerings – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 4

Welcome to a new episode of “Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses.” In this podcast, hosted by sales expert Sean O’Shaughnessey, we delve into the intricacies of competitive analysis in sales, a critical skill for sales professionals, managers, and business owners in mid-sized companies. This episode is brought to you by the podcast “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” a podcast by Sean O’Shaughnessey and Kevin Lawson focusing on boosting sales management and methodologies.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. Analyzing Client’s Vendor Relationships: Understand the importance of examining your clients’ past and current vendor choices to glean their preferences and decision-making processes.
  2. Understanding Client Preferences for Competitors: Dive into why clients prefer specific competitors, considering factors like cost, quality, service, and innovation.
  3. Differentiating from Competitors: Learn to identify gaps in your competitors’ offerings to position your solutions effectively.
  4. Strategic Positioning in Sales and Marketing: Master the craft of aligning your product’s strengths with your client’s needs through strategic messaging.
  5. SWOT Analysis for Clients: Utilize SWOT analysis to understand and effectively help your clients reach their goals more efficiently than your competition.
  6. Integrating Competitive Insights: Explore ways to integrate competitive insights into client conversations, positioning yourself as a knowledgeable partner.

Key Quotes

  • “It’s not just about understanding your competitors; it’s about strategically leveraging this knowledge to enhance your sales approach.”
  • “If you are precisely the same as your competitor, why should the prospect change vendors or select between you and your competitor?”
  • “A great sales organization will customize the standard marketing message to the needs of each potential customer or prospect.”

Additional Resources

Action Items You Can Do Today

  1. Conduct a Vendor History Analysis: Investigate your client’s past vendor choices to understand their evolving needs and preferences.
  2. Undertake Competitor Analysis: Perform a detailed analysis of why clients prefer certain competitors, utilizing customer feedback and industry reports.
  3. Perform Gap Analysis: Identify gaps in competitors’ offerings and compare them to your own, extending this comparison to various aspects like customer service and pricing strategies.
  4. Refine Strategic Positioning: Regularly update your strategic positioning based on market research and client feedback.
  5. Develop Client-Specific SWOT Analyses: Craft a tailored SWOT analysis for each key client, focusing on how your solutions address their unique challenges.
  6. Strategically Use Competitive Insights: Integrate your competitive insights into sales conversations in a consultative manner, focusing on the unique value of your offerings.


Remember that understanding and leveraging your competition knowledge is key to meeting and exceeding your client’s needs. Implement these strategies to transform your sales approach, leading to greater success and client satisfaction. Tune in next time for more invaluable B2B sales insights.


Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where Sean O’Shaughnessey and Kevin Lawson discuss a single sales topic.

Kevin and Sean together have about 60 years of experience in professional selling. This podcast helps people in sales, sales leadership, and business leadership or company owners realize the maximum value of their company by improving their revenue generation capability. This podcast is designed to help those people enhance their companies’ sales management practices, methodologies, processes, teams, and messaging.

Sean O’Shaughnessey and Kevin Lawson are Fractional Vice Presidents of Sales. They operate their own companies separately but have partnered for this podcast to advise salespeople and SMB companies on successful strategies and methodologies.

Kevin is the CEO of Lighthouse Sales Advisors. Lighthouse Sales Advisors is a sales leadership solution provider for small businesses. Lighthouse helps business owners navigate the potential pitfalls around sales growth, sales turnaround, or scaling up by leveraging sales acumen and decades of experience to build effective sales teams.

Sean is the CEO of New Sales Expert. He helps company owners realize the maximum value of their company by improving their revenue generation capability. He helps owners enhance their sales management, methodologies, processes, teams, and messaging.

Contact Sean

You can learn more about Sean O’Shaughnessey at www.NewSales.Expert. You can drop him an email at Sean@NewSales.Expert. You can connect with Sean on LinkedIn at

Embark on transforming your sales approach with Sean O’Shaughnessey’s expertise. This episode is a treasure trove of strategies and actionable steps to elevate your understanding of competitive analysis and its application in sales. Tune in to shift your perspective from just another salesperson to a strategic, value-driven partner in your client’s success.

Four of Spades: Understanding your client’s business: Analyzing Customer Goals: Understanding Competitive Landscape: Recognize your client’s relationships with your competitors to better position your offerings.

Four of Spades: Understanding your client’s business: Analyzing Customer Goals: Understanding Competitive Landscape: Recognize your client’s relationships with your competitors to better position your offerings.

Crafting the Perfect Sales Strategy: Understanding the Competitive Landscape

In the world of sales, understanding the competitive landscape is as vital as the seasoned chess player’s ability to predict their opponent’s moves. Think of the business landscape as a grand chessboard. Each company, akin to a player, tactically moves, adjusts to threats, and seeks positions of influence. These moves signify their strategy, and a crucial part of this strategy revolves around their competitive dynamics. For sales leaders and professionals, this knowledge doesn’t just serve to inform—it reshapes the narrative and the very essence of their pitch.

The Significance of the Competitive Environment

Let’s delve into a hypothetical situation to provide depth to our premise. Suppose you’re approaching Company A—a company recently disillusioned by a competitor’s solution. If your pitch mirrors the competitor’s offering, you’re at a disadvantage. The inherent bias against similar solutions is palpable. However, being aware of this dynamic and highlighting how your superior solution pivots your pitch from ordinary to compelling. It’s not just a strategy; it’s foundational to successful selling.

The Ever-changing Nature of Competition

But here’s where the complexity sets in. Competitive relationships are like rivers; they are seldom static. They change, influenced by external market shifts, internal strategic decisions, and evolving company needs. The true challenge is the fluidity of these relationships. Rarely does a company broadcast its grievances or alliances with competitors. Thus, as sales professionals, it’s imperative to recognize and navigate these nuances.

Navigating the Maze of Competition

To truly understand and utilize this knowledge, a multifaceted approach is paramount. Start with a bird’s-eye view. Familiarize yourself with the significant industry players and their affiliations. Who are the allies, competitors, or potential merger interests?

Delving deeper, the gold often lies in direct client interactions. Comments referencing past associations, like “We used to work with…” can provide invaluable insights into their competitive history. Furthermore, creating channels for feedback post-pitch can reveal comparisons they make with competitors—insights that can refine future strategies.

Moreover, staying updated is non-negotiable. Attend industry conferences, join forums, and subscribe to trade journals. In an era of technological advancement, tools like CRM systems and competitive analysis platforms provide real-time insights into a company’s competitive standing and relationships.

My book, Eliminate Your Competition, can be a great window into dealing with competitors. Understanding your major competition, your minor competitors, and your niche competitors can be helpful in how you develop your strategy to entice your prospect to become a customer. There is a benefit in having competition also since without competition, you are unsure if the prospect is truly serious about making a change, in other words, spending their money on your product.

You may purchase my book Eliminate Your Competition from your favorite book retailer. The ebook version is available at the most popular retailers such as Apple, Amazon, Barnes & Noble. The paperback version is also widely available at such retailers as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Books A Million.

Crafting the Masterstroke: Your Sales Pitch

Armed with such rich insights, the pitch transforms. It’s no longer about selling a product or a service. It’s about situating your solution within a broader competitive context, differentiating it, and accentuating its unique value. For example, if a prospective client had scalability concerns with a competitor’s product, spotlighting scalability as a cornerstone of your offering isn’t just strategic—it’s transformative.

The Competitive Chessboard

Navigating the intricate business world, with its fluid relationships and shifting loyalties, is reminiscent of a grand chess game. The board, filled with complex moves and strategies, demands foresight and precision. CEOs, sales managers, and professionals must understand that in the realm of sales, this is more than just about the product.