Crafting Your Path to Success: Strategic Sales Planning for Small Businesses

Crafting Your Path to Success: Strategic Sales Planning for Small Businesses

The foundation of success in B2B sales lies in the ability to close deals and the strategic planning and objective setting that precedes any sales activity. This article offers a roadmap for salespeople, sales managers, and CEOs of small companies keen on refining their sales strategies and bolstering their management capabilities.

Connecting your sales objectives with your company’s long-term goals is central to developing an effective sales strategy. Sales leaders should cast a vision for where they want their company to be in five years and reverse-engineering the steps necessary to get there. This approach transcends the conventional wisdom of aiming for a marginal improvement over last year’s performance. Instead, it challenges sales teams to envision a trajectory that aligns with the company’s broader objectives, ensuring that each year’s goals are not mere increments but significant strides toward long-term success.

The critical takeaway here is the importance of setting objectives that are ambitious yet grounded in the realities of your business landscape. Leadership should balance aspirational goals and achievable targets, ensuring that the sales team is motivated but not overwhelmed by the challenges ahead. This process involves a deep dive into your company’s performance, understanding the stable segments of your business, identifying areas ripe for growth, and recognizing potential challenges that may impede progress.

This strategic planning adds complexity for small businesses and startups, where the distinction between sales leadership and the sales force can sometimes blur. Sales objectives must be crafted not only to drive growth but also to ensure sustainability. This involves careful consideration of your sales team’s capacity, the operational support necessary to sustain growth, and the potential financial implications of aggressive sales targets.

Moreover, the process of setting sales objectives is not a solitary endeavor but a collaborative exercise that benefits from diverse perspectives. Whether you’re a seasoned sales leader or a CEO navigating the sales landscape for the first time, exchanging ideas and experiences can illuminate pathways to success that may not be immediately apparent. It’s a dialogue that stretches beyond the confines of your organization, tapping into a broader community of sales professionals who share the common goal of driving their companies forward.

The journey towards setting and achieving meaningful sales objectives is both an art and a science. It requires a clear vision, a deep understanding of your business, and the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances. By adopting a strategic approach to sales planning, you position your company not just to meet its sales targets but to exceed them, ensuring a trajectory of growth and success that is both ambitious and attainable.

Immediate action items that you can do today to improve your business

To transform these insights offered into actionable steps, here are three immediate action items that readers can undertake today to start realigning their sales strategies for enhanced growth and success:

1. Conduct a Vision-Setting Exercise

Start by dedicating time for a vision-setting exercise with your key sales leaders and stakeholders. The goal is to outline where you envision the company in the next five years. This should not be a cursory glance at the future but a detailed session where you map out the long-term goals of your company and how the sales team can contribute significantly to achieving these objectives. Consider the broader impact of your sales goals on the company’s trajectory. After this session, distill the insights into a concise vision statement that aligns with your company’s long-term objectives.

  • Actionable Advice: Schedule a half-day workshop dedicated to this vision-setting exercise within the next week. Prepare by gathering data on your company’s past performance, current market trends, and any forecasts that can inform your discussion.

2. Evaluate Your Current Sales Strategy

Critically examine your current sales strategy. This involves analyzing your sales performance, understanding your business’s stable and high-growth segments, and identifying any potential roadblocks hindering progress toward your newly set objectives. It’s an opportunity to reassess and adjust your approach based on a realistic appraisal of what has been working and what hasn’t.

  • Actionable Advice: Create a checklist for evaluation that covers key areas of your sales strategy. This should include sales processes, team capabilities, market positioning, and aligning sales targets with your overall business goals. Begin this evaluation immediately, aiming to have preliminary findings within two weeks.

3. Foster a Culture of Collaboration and Continuous Learning

The sales objectives should be a collaborative effort involving input from across your organization. Foster a culture where sales teams feel empowered to share insights and feedback. Encourage your team to continuously learn and adapt, recognizing that the sales landscape is ever-changing. Building this culture of collaboration and flexibility will ensure that your sales strategy remains dynamic and responsive to your business’s and the market’s needs.

  • Actionable Advice: Organize a monthly sales meeting to share insights, challenges, and learning experiences from within and outside your team. This should be a platform for open dialogue, encouraging innovation and adaptability in your sales strategies. Start planning the first of these meetings today, setting a date within the next month.

By implementing these immediate action items, sales leaders and business owners can begin the process of refining their sales strategies to be more aligned with their long-term business objectives. These steps are designed not only to catalyze strategic thinking and planning but also to ensure that the execution of these plans is practical, collaborative, and continuously evolving in response to both internal and external business dynamics.

Strategizing Success: A Small Business Guide to Sales Mastery

Strategizing Success: A Small Business Guide to Sales Mastery

Understanding the intricacies of sales plans, processes, and methodologies is beneficial and crucial for sustained growth and success in B2B sales. This deep dive offers invaluable insights for salespeople, sales managers, and CEOs of small companies looking to refine their sales strategies and enhance management capabilities.

A sales plan is more than just setting targets; it’s about crafting a roadmap to market success, focusing on who you’re engaging with and the value you bring to the table. It’s about plotting a course that not only aims for success but also navigates potential failures. For small business owners and sales leaders, reevaluating your sales plan and methodologies isn’t just about affirming what’s working; it’s a critical look at how to adapt and thrive in a competitive landscape.

Small companies, in particular, face the unique challenge of scaling their sales efforts nationally or even internationally. In reality, capturing a significant market share in a billion-dollar industry requires more than just having a “good” sales organization. It demands a strategic, well-oiled machine capable of outpacing competitors and captivating a larger audience. This is where the true value of assessing your sales strategy comes into play. By benchmarking against industry leaders and innovators, companies can identify gaps in their approach and areas ripe for improvement.

Transitioning from a solopreneur or founder-led sales approach to a more structured sales organization is a pivotal step for many small businesses. This transition isn’t just about delegation; it’s about envisioning your company’s future and laying down the groundwork to achieve that vision. Whether the goal is to sell the company or to step back from day-to-day sales activities, planning and infrastructure are key.

Moreover, the value a company brings to its customers is paramount. This value perception drives sales and, ultimately, the company’s success. Sales teams need to continuously evolve, ensuring that they are not only meeting but exceeding customer expectations. Therefore, assessing a sales strategy becomes an ongoing process and is integral to maintaining and enhancing this value.

The discussions around sales strategy assessment, transitioning to sales management, and the importance of continuously delivering value underscore a fundamental truth in sales: success is a journey, not a destination. Companies that regularly assess their sales strategy remain open to learning and adapting, and focus on delivering unmatched value are the ones that thrive in the ever-competitive marketplace.

For salespeople, sales managers, and CEOs alike, the takeaway is clear: your sales strategy’s assessment and continuous improvement are not optional; they are essential to staying relevant, competitive, and successful in today’s business landscape.

Immediate actions that the reader can pursue today

Here are three immediate action items that readers can undertake today to refine their sales strategies, enhance management capabilities, and ensure the sustained growth and success of their B2B sales efforts:

1. Conduct a Sales Plan Audit

Action Steps:
  • Evaluate Current Sales Plan: Look closely at your current sales plan. Assess its alignment with your company’s strategic goals, market positioning, and the value proposition you offer to your clients. Identify areas where your plan excels and where it falls short.
  • Benchmark Against Industry Leaders: Compare your sales strategies, processes, and outcomes with those of industry leaders and innovators. This comparison will help you spot gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  • Develop Improvement Plan: Create a detailed plan to address the identified gaps based on your audit findings. This plan should include specific actions, timelines, and responsible parties to ensure implementation.

2. Transition Towards Structured Sales Management

Action Steps:
  • Define Your Sales Infrastructure: Outline the structure of your desired sales organization. This includes roles and responsibilities, sales processes, and support systems required for efficient operation.
  • Plan for Scale: Consider what tools, technologies, and training your sales team will need to scale up their efforts, both nationally and internationally. This could include CRM software, sales training programs, and scalable sales processes.
  • Implement Gradually: Start the transition by implementing changes in phases. Monitor the impact of these changes on sales performance and team morale. Adjust your approach based on feedback and results to ensure a smooth transition.

3. Enhance Customer Value Perception

Action Steps:
  • Understand Your Customers: Conduct market research to deepen your understanding of your customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points. Use this information to refine your value proposition.
  • Innovate Continuously: Encourage your team to regularly brainstorm and implement new ways to deliver and communicate value to your customers. This could involve product improvements, new service offerings, or enhanced customer service strategies.
  • Measure and Adjust: Implement mechanisms to measure how customers perceive your value. Use customer feedback, surveys, and sales data to continuously adjust your strategies for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Implementing these action items requires a methodical and disciplined approach, but the payoff can be significant. By auditing your sales plan, transitioning towards a more structured sales management system, and enhancing the perception of the value you offer to customers, you can position your company for greater success in the competitive B2B marketplace. Remember, the goal is to meet customer expectations and exceed them consistently, thereby ensuring your company’s growth and long-term success.

March 2024 Newsletter

March 2024 Newsletter

Crafting a Sales Process Flowchart: Visualize the stages in your sales process for consistency – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 9

Crafting a Sales Process Flowchart: Visualize the stages in your sales process for consistency – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 9

Welcome to “Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses,” the essential podcast for B2B sales professionals, managers, and CEOs of companies aiming for revenue growth. In today’s episode, we’re diving into the core of any thriving sales organization: the Sales Process Flowchart. Guided by Sean O’Shaughnessey, a veteran in sales strategy, we’ll explore how to craft and refine your sales process for peak efficiency and effectiveness.

Our esteemed sponsor, Kevin Lawson of Lighthouse Sales Advisors and Sales Xceleration, is our sponsor for this episode. Kevin offers unparalleled sales leadership solutions for small businesses, focusing on navigating sales growth challenges and scaling up operations through his extensive experience. Kevin’s fractional consultancy is the answer for those looking for expert guidance in sales team development without the commitment of a full-time executive.

Contact Kevin:

Key Topics Discussed

  • Blueprint of Success: Discover the importance of having a well-defined Sales Process Flowchart as your guide through the sales journey.
  • Stages of the Sales Process: Sean breaks down each stage of the sales process, from prospecting to nurturing long-term relationships.
  • Customizing Your Sales Approach: Learn the significance of tailoring your sales process to fit your unique business model and industry requirements.
  • Visualizing the Sales Funnel: An exploration of how visualizing your sales funnel can identify potential leaks and optimize the sales journey.
  • Leveraging Technology: Insight into how automation tools and CRM systems can enhance your sales process and free up your team to focus on selling.
  • The Dynamic Nature of Sales Processes: Emphasizing the importance of continuous feedback and adaptation to keep your sales process relevant and effective.

Key Quotes

  • “Success doesn’t come from random acts of effort. It requires a blueprint, a master plan that orchestrates every step of the sales journey.”
  • “Imagine your Sales Process Flowchart as the architectural plan for a skyscraper. Without it, you’re merely stacking bricks without knowing how high they should go.”
  • “Technology is the wind beneath our sales team’s wings, freeing them up to do what they do best—sell.”

Additional Resources

  • Sales Management Association Study: Highlights the performance impact of using a formal sales process.
  • Harvard Business Review Study: Shows a significant revenue increase for businesses with a standardized sales process.

Action Items You Can Do Today

  • Develop a Visual Sales Process Flowchart: Start with a simple outline and refine it to suit your team’s needs.
  • Solicit Feedback from Your Sales Team: Use their frontline insights to improve your sales process.
  • Customize Your Approach: Ensure your sales stages align with your business model for increased efficiency.
  • Invest in Training and Technology: Equip your team with the necessary knowledge and tools to excel.
  • Embrace Continuous Improvement: Regularly update your sales process based on feedback and changing market conditions.

Today’s episode with Sean O’Shaughnessey has armed you with the knowledge to construct a Sales Process Flowchart that is the backbone of a successful sales strategy. Implementing the discussed actionable strategies will refine your sales process, making it a powerful engine for business growth. Stay tuned for more insightful episodes to further empower your journey to becoming a sales powerhouse.

Contact Information

  • Sean O’Shaughnessey: Email – Sean@NewSales.Expert

For more expert advice on transforming your sales strategies, don’t forget to subscribe to “Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses.” Join us next time for another deep dive into the strategies that can elevate your sales game. Until then, keep selling smart and forging meaningful connections with your customers.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – From Stories to Sales: Leveraging Narrative Power with Jeff Clair – E75

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – From Stories to Sales: Leveraging Narrative Power with Jeff Clair – E75

Join hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey on “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” for a captivating conversation with special guest Jeff Clair, a fractional VP of sales and the brain behind ClairVoyant Consulting LLC. In this episode, Jeff shares his invaluable insights on the power of storytelling in sales, offering practical tips for salespeople to engage and connect with their prospects effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or new to the field, this discussion is packed with advice to elevate your sales approach through compelling storytelling.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. The Art of Storytelling in Sales: Jeff emphasizes the importance of storytelling as a memorable and impactful way to communicate with prospects.
  2. Remembering and Crafting Stories: Insights into how salespeople can remember and craft stories that resonate with their audience, making the prospect the story’s hero.
  3. The Role of Salespeople as Guides: Drawing parallels from popular movies, Jeff illustrates how salespeople should position themselves as guides in their storytelling, akin to characters like Yoda in “Star Wars.”
  4. Practicing Storytelling: The significance of practicing storytelling within sales teams, including role-playing exercises to refine this skill.
  5. Connecting Stories to the Buyer’s Journey: Jeff connects the dots on how storytelling fits into the buyer’s journey, providing a framework for new and seasoned sales professionals to enhance their sales strategies.
  6. Role-Playing and Feedback: An exploration of effective training techniques, including role-playing, to help salespeople become more engaging and confident storytellers.

Key Quotes

Jeff Clair:

“People tend not to remember the facts, but they remember stories…great storytellers infuse different senses, which is really great.”

Kevin Lawson:

“Practice makes easy. Not practice makes perfect…there’s always room for improvement.”

Sean O’Shaughnessey:

“Practice allows you to figure out how to do it better…those people in small organizations tend not to practice enough.”

Additional Resources

  • The Story Brand by Donald Miller: Recommended reading for salespeople and marketing professionals to master the art of storytelling in business.


This insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” dives deep into the transformative role of storytelling in the sales process. With his rich experience in sales leadership, Jeff Clair shares why stories captivate, how to craft them effectively, and the importance of salespeople seeing themselves as guides for their prospects. Through role-playing and practice, Jeff underscores the significance of confidence and personalization in storytelling, ensuring that each story resonates deeply with the intended audience. This discussion is a must-listen for anyone looking to harness the power of storytelling to not just sell but to connect and inspire action.

Elevate your sales game with the art of storytelling. Download this episode now and transform how you engage with your prospects.

Elevating Product Knowledge: Creating Sales Growth in the New Year – Video 2 of the New Year Motivation Series

Elevating Product Knowledge: Creating Sales Growth in the New Year – Video 2 of the New Year Motivation Series

The key to success in today’s changing business landscape is continually improving your sales strategies. As someone who has worked as a VP of Sales, I have personally witnessed the transformative impact of honed sales methodologies and comprehensive product knowledge. This year, it is crucial that we shift our focus and elevate our approach.

The Power of Product Knowledge: Your Ultimate Sales Advantage

One frequently underestimated aspect is having in-depth knowledge about your products or services. It’s not about being aware of what you offer; it’s about truly understanding what makes your offering unique and valuable to your customers. Regular training sessions dedicated to product knowledge should be a part of our schedule. We need every member of our sales team to be able to articulate the features and benefits of our products confidently.

Preparation breeds confidence. Sales leadership should client scenarios and engage in role-playing during sales meetings to enhance your team’s skills further.

Also, take the time to create a product FAQ that can be used as a quick reference guide. Equipping everyone, not just your sales team, with the necessary knowledge to effectively handle customer conversations is essential.

While buyers hold significance in the purchasing process, it’s essential to consider decision-makers who may extend beyond buyers. Customize your conversations to engage and influence these individuals. This involves understanding their needs and how your product offers unique solutions.

Over the next two weeks, I encourage you and your team to explore and discuss two new features of our product. By integrating these features into your sales narratives, you can enhance the depth and relevance of your client interactions.

Finally, incorporate client success stories into your sales pitches. Each feature, benefit, and capability of our product should be supported by real-life examples that resonate with our clients on a level.

I invite you to dive into these strategies in my latest video resource. The second video of this series is linked below. This video (and the others in the series) goes beyond being a guide; it explores achieving sales mastery in the new year and beyond. Begin today. Make this year your most successful yet!

Segmenting Target Market: Categorize potential clients to tailor strategies effectively – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 7

Segmenting Target Market: Categorize potential clients to tailor strategies effectively – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 7

Welcome to a new episode of “Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses.” Today’s discussion, led by Sean O’Shaughnessey, focuses on market segmentation and its pivotal role in enhancing sales strategies for small and medium-sized businesses. This episode is sponsored by Kevin Lawson of Lighthouse Sales Advisors and Sales Xceleration, offering seasoned sales leadership solutions for small businesses.

Key Topics Discussed

  • Understanding Market Segmentation: Sean dives into the essence of market segmentation, likening it to the precision and personalization of a master tailor.
  • The ‘MASA’ Criteria for Effective Segmentation: Explore the Measurable, Accessible, Substantial, and Actionable elements that form the foundation of successful market segmentation.
  • High-Value vs. Low-Value Customer Segments: Learn to differentiate and prioritize segments based on value, focusing resources on the most profitable groups.
  • Tailoring Offerings to Customer Needs: The significance of customizing products and services to meet the unique requirements of each target segment.
  • Applying Geographic, Demographic, and Psychographic Segmentation in B2B Sales: Insights into using these segmentation strategies to effectively identify and target potential business clients.
  • Leveraging Data Analytics and Market Research: Utilize data-driven approaches for informed segmentation and proactive market strategy adjustments.

Key Quotes

“Market segmentation is not just about splitting your market into groups; it’s about recognizing and catering to your customers’ unique needs and preferences.”

“High-value customers usually offer higher margins and are more likely to be repeat purchasers, potentially even advocating for your brand.”

“Regular reviews and adjustments to your segmentation strategy are crucial to maintain its effectiveness and relevance in the ever-evolving marketplace.”

Our Sponsor

Thank you to Kevin Lawson of Lighthouse Sales Advisors and Sales Xceleration for sponsoring today’s podcast. Kevin is a sales leadership solution provider for small businesses. Kevin helps business owners navigate the potential pitfalls around sales growth, sales turnaround, or scaling up by leveraging sales acumen and his decades of experience to build effective sales teams.

Kevin Lawson of Lighthouse Sales Advisors can be reached at and

Action Items You Can Do Today

  • Segment Your Customer Base: Classify customers into high, medium, and low-value segments based on purchase history, interaction frequency, and service costs.
  • Determine Customer Lifetime Value: Use data analytics to calculate the lifetime value of each customer segment and prioritize accordingly.
  • Develop Specialized Marketing and Sales Campaigns: Craft targeted strategies for each segment, primarily focusing on high-value customers to maximize revenue.
  • Regularly Review and Update Your Segmentation Strategy: Stay attuned to market changes and adjust your segmentation approach to ensure continued relevance and effectiveness.

Thank you for tuning into “Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses.” In this episode, Sean O’Shaughnessey has provided valuable insights into market segmentation, demonstrating its critical role in a successful sales strategy. Implement these actionable steps and witness a transformative impact on your business. Stay subscribed for more insightful episodes exploring practical strategies to drive new sales and enhance your company’s growth.

Contact Information

Sean O’Shaughnessey: Sean@NewSales.Expert


Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Elevating Sales Success: Insights from Membrain’s Chief Revenue Officer Paul Fuller – E65

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Elevating Sales Success: Insights from Membrain’s Chief Revenue Officer Paul Fuller – E65

Welcome to another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey engage in a compelling conversation with Paul Fuller, the Chief Revenue Officer of Membrain. In this episode, they delve into the challenges and strategies of leading a sales team, especially as we approach the new year with fresh goals and targets.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. The Role of a Chief Revenue Officer: Paul Fuller shares his experiences and responsibilities in driving sales and revenue growth.
  2. Motivating Sales Teams for the New Year: Strategies to inspire and prepare sales teams for achieving new goals as the fiscal year resets.
  3. The Importance of Sales Methodology and CRM Tools: Discussion on how effective sales methodologies and CRM tools can enhance sales performance.
  4. Setting Realistic Sales Goals: Balancing company needs with individual salesperson goals for optimal performance.
  5. The Art and Science of Sales: Exploring the blend of methodical processes and creative problem-solving in sales.

Key Quotes

  • Paul Fuller: “Our why is to elevate the sales profession. It’s about empowering ourselves, our partners, and the companies we work with.”
  • Kevin Lawson: “Good management is always good management, whether you’re doing it with high technology influence or low technology influence.”
  • Sean O’Shaughnessey: “How do you find that importance in what you sell and in your life, especially when it’s not as inherently exciting as some products?”

Additional Resources

Summary Paragraph

This episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” is a must-listen for sales professionals seeking to start the new year on a strong note. With Paul Fuller’s insights on effective sales leadership, the importance of CRM tools, and the art of sales, listeners are equipped with valuable strategies to elevate their sales game. Whether you’re a seasoned sales leader or new to the field, this episode offers practical advice and motivation to achieve your sales goals in the upcoming year.

Monitoring Client News and Updates: Stay informed about client updates to address their changing needs  – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 5

Monitoring Client News and Updates: Stay informed about client updates to address their changing needs  – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 5

Welcome to the latest episode of “Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses,” where we dive into the critical aspects of B2B sales. Today, Sean O’Shaughnessey, a seasoned consultant in sales organization enhancement, sheds light on the importance of staying updated with client news and updates. This episode is proudly sponsored by “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” a podcast by Sean O’Shaughnessey and Kevin Lawson focusing on boosting sales management and methodologies.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. The Power of Staying Attuned to Client’s Business World: Sean discusses the significance of being proactive and informed about clients’ activities and how this approach transforms sales teams into strategic forces in B2B sales.
  2. Practical Tools and Strategies for Monitoring Client Updates: Explore the utility of Google Alerts and the role of social media in gaining insights into clients’ strategic moves.
  3. Interpreting Client News as Opportunities: Understanding how to read between the lines of client announcements and news for potential sales opportunities.
  4. Context and Timing in Sales Outreach: The importance of timing your sales outreach to align with clients’ immediate needs or strategic goals.
  5. Leveraging Analytics and CRM for Comprehensive Understanding: How to use analytics and CRM software to analyze client data and market trends for a more informed sales strategy.
  6. Aligning Monitoring Efforts with Sales Objectives: Ensuring all gathered information is strategically used to drive sales goals.

Key Quotes

  • “Staying informed about your clients’ activities is not just advantageous; it’s essential.”
  • “Google Alerts is a straightforward yet powerful tool… It’s about maximizing efficiency and staying one step ahead.”
  • “Data and tools are only as effective as the strategy behind them.”

Additional Resources

Action Items You Can Do Today

  1. Set Up Advanced Google Alerts: Tailor your alerts with specific queries for each client to filter the most relevant information.
  2. Actively Engage on Social Media: Monitor and engage with your clients’ social media activities to build relationships and gather insights.
  3. Analyze Client Structural Changes: Stay informed about your clients’ mergers, expansions, or layoffs and adapt your sales strategies accordingly.
  4. Conduct In-Depth Report Analysis: Regularly review clients’ quarterly and annual reports to tailor your sales approach effectively.
  5. Perfect Your Outreach Timing: Use your insights to determine the best timing for your sales approach, making it as impactful as possible.


In today’s episode, Sean O’Shaughnessey has provided invaluable insights into how monitoring client news and updates can revolutionize your sales strategy. Remember, successful sales are not just about the transaction; they are about offering timely, relevant solutions that align with the client’s current state and needs. Stay tuned for more episodes to continue transforming your business into a sales powerhouse.


Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where Sean O’Shaughnessey and Kevin Lawson discuss a single sales topic.

Kevin and Sean together have about 60 years of experience in professional selling. This podcast helps people in sales, sales leadership, and business leadership or company owners realize the maximum value of their company by improving their revenue generation capability. This podcast is designed to help those people enhance their companies’ sales management practices, methodologies, processes, teams, and messaging.

Sean O’Shaughnessey and Kevin Lawson are Fractional Vice Presidents of Sales. They operate their own companies separately but have partnered for this podcast to advise salespeople and SMB companies on successful strategies and methodologies.

Kevin is the CEO of Lighthouse Sales Advisors. Lighthouse Sales Advisors is a sales leadership solution provider for small businesses. Lighthouse helps business owners navigate the potential pitfalls around sales growth, sales turnaround, or scaling up by leveraging sales acumen and decades of experience to build effective sales teams.

Sean is the CEO of New Sales Expert. He helps company owners realize the maximum value of their company by improving their revenue generation capability. He helps owners enhance their sales management, methodologies, processes, teams, and messaging.

Contact Sean

You can learn more about Sean O’Shaughnessey at www.NewSales.Expert. You can drop him an email at Sean@NewSales.Expert. You can connect with Sean on LinkedIn at

Discover how to stay ahead in the competitive world of B2B sales with Sean O’Shaughnessey’s expert insights. This episode of “Driving New Sales” is an essential listen for any sales professional, manager, or small business CEO looking to elevate their sales strategy and stay attuned to their clients’ evolving business world. Tune in now for strategies that will transform your approach to sales!

Jack of Spades: Setting Up Performance Improvement Plans: Offer structured guidance for those not meeting benchmarks.

Jack of Spades: Setting Up Performance Improvement Plans: Offer structured guidance for those not meeting benchmarks.

In the tightly woven tapestry of a sales organization, each thread—each salesperson—must hold its own for the entire structure to maintain its integrity. Imagine a well-practiced orchestra where each musician is critical to the harmonious output. If even one violinist is off-key, it disrupts not just the symphony but also influences the collective perception of the audience. Similarly, when one salesperson consistently misses the mark, the dissonance affects not just their numbers but the collective performance and morale of the entire team.

Performance Improvement Plans: A Constructive Pathway, Not a Corporate Guilt-Trip

A prevalent misunderstanding of Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) is their perceived function as a corporate guillotine, an ultimatum for those who underperform. But that’s far from the truth. When deployed with intent and care, a PIP serves as a roadmap that leads the lost back onto the path of productivity and achievement.

A Performance Improvement Plan starts with clarity. Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives are laid out. Suppose a salesperson faces difficulty in closing deals. The PIP would set a precise target, for example, improving the closing ratio by 20% over the next quarter.

But merely establishing ambitious milestones is an exercise in futility if not paired with the right tools and resources. It’s the responsibility of leadership to ensure that the salesperson has what they need to reach their new goals. This may include specialized training modules, mentorship from senior salespersons, or even software solutions that aid in customer relationship management.

Review and Reflection: The PIP Feedback Loop

Consistent monitoring and feedback mechanisms are integral to the PIP process. This is not about keeping tabs or playing “big brother,” but rather, establishing a feedback loop. These should be structured as collaborative dialogue, focusing on problem-solving rather than fault-finding. Once the set duration for the PIP ends, an in-depth review ensues. This is a pivotal moment that serves dual purposes—applauding improvement and identifying areas that require further fine-tuning.

Encompassing Compassion: People Over Numbers

While we emphasize numerical targets and performance metrics, we must not lose sight of the human element. Performance Improvement Plans should be designed and implemented with an empathetic understanding of the unique circumstances affecting each salesperson’s performance. The PIP, therefore, becomes not just a tool for improving metrics but also a gesture of organizational compassion and well-being.

It’s worth remembering that instilling a culture of Performance Improvement Plans is not merely a strategy to elevate individual salespersons; it’s a mirror reflecting the maturity of an organization and its investment in its people. It’s about showing that the organization values sustained effort and long-term growth over short-lived gains and snap judgments.

The Sculptor’s Patience

Implementing a Performance Improvement Plan is similar to the patience exhibited by a sculptor. When faced with an unpolished stone, instead of discarding it outright, the sculptor sees potential. With measured chisel strikes, what was once a mere rock transforms into art. Similarly, PIPs offer that measured guidance, turning the rough stone of underperformance into the refined sculpture of a high-performing sales asset. Through this targeted, compassionate approach, leaders not only foster individual success but contribute to building an organizational culture centered on growth, empathy, and resilience.