Building a High-Performing Sales Team: The Benefits of Recognizing Effort and Results in Sales Meetings

Building a High-Performing Sales Team: The Benefits of Recognizing Effort and Results in Sales Meetings

Sales drives the engine of any B2B business. Enhancing sales strategies and management capabilities is crucial to success for salespeople, sales managers, and CEOs of small companies. One aspect of this involves rewarding effort and results during sales meetings. This practice motivates the sales team and encourages them to strive for better performance.

Salespeople are naturally competitive and driven, but they also appreciate recognition. While a paycheck is important, it’s also essential for salespeople to feel valued and appreciated for their efforts. This recognition can come in various forms, from verbal praise to tangible rewards. It’s important to remember that recognition should not be limited to monetary rewards. The simple act of acknowledging someone’s hard work and contributions can be incredibly motivating.

A sales meeting is an opportune moment to recognize and reward your sales team’s efforts. It’s not just about discussing targets and strategies; it’s also a chance to celebrate successes, however big or small. These meetings can be used as a platform to highlight the best practices and strategies employed by the team members, fostering a culture of learning and improvement.

Every salesperson has a unique approach and strategy. If nothing else, they experiment with different ways to share the benefits of their product or ask a particular discovery question. By sharing these individual successes or failures during meetings, sales teams can learn from each other, thus promoting a collaborative and supportive environment. The sales leader may prompt these discussions, but the actual learning comes from the experiences and strategies the salespeople share.

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Building a Successful Sales Team: A Guide for CEOs and Managers

Building a Successful Sales Team: A Guide for CEOs and Managers

You can overcome obstacles and significantly improve your sales performance with the right mindset, strategies, and tools. For salespeople, sales managers, and CEOs of small companies, the journey to sales excellence is paved with lessons and insights that can be invaluable in improving management capabilities and driving revenue growth.

The sales process is a critical aspect of any business. It’s the engine that drives revenue and growth and the platform on which customer relationships are built. However, businesses often encounter a unique problem in their sales process. The problem isn’t necessarily about the product or service being sold, the market, or the competition. Rather, it’s about the people involved in the process—the salespeople.

Being a salesperson is a challenging profession. It requires a unique set of skills, a deep understanding of the product or service being sold, and a certain level of resilience to face the inevitable rejections that come with the job. But more than that, it requires a mindset that embraces growth, learning, and continuous improvement.

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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Selling the Hole, Not the Drill: Understanding the Real Value Behind Your Sales – E91

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Selling the Hole, Not the Drill: Understanding the Real Value Behind Your Sales – E91

Welcome to another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where our hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey dive deep into the complexities and strategies of sales. In this episode, they explore the nuanced dynamics of selling through distribution and understanding the real needs of your customers. Whether you’re a seasoned sales veteran or just starting in your career, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge on refining your sales approach to maximize effectiveness and customer satisfaction.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Selling Through Distribution: Sean shares his early career mistakes and the pivotal lessons of focusing beyond just the product features.
  2. Understanding Your Customer’s Needs: Strategies to grasp what the end-user truly requires from a product, rather than just its specifications.
  3. The Importance of Simplicity in Sales: Kevin emphasizes how simplifying your sales message can vastly improve understanding and efficiency in sales processes.
  4. Sales Training and Knowledge Transfer: Both hosts discuss how proper training and knowledge sharing with channel partners and sales teams can lead to better sales outcomes.
  5. The Role of Value in Sales: How to communicate the unique value of a product or service to stand out in a competitive market.
  6. Referral Partnerships and Networks: Sean elaborates on the significance of nurturing relationships with referral partners to enhance lead generation for smaller businesses.
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Driving Sales Success through Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Sharing

Driving Sales Success through Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Sharing

Aiming to increase revenue and boost productivity in sales processes, sales managers and company CEOs are constantly searching for effective strategies to streamline their operations and ensure optimal results. One such strategy involves conducting sales meetings for educational purposes. These meetings focus on enhancing knowledge and skills, and this is where the real game begins. 

Imagine a sales meeting where, instead of a mundane round-up of weekly activities, there’s an engaging discussion about a new book that can potentially revolutionize the sales process. Picture a team of four or five salespeople, including you, each reading two chapters of a book overnight. The next day, everyone shares the high-level takeaways from their assigned chapters. This practice allows the team to consume an entire book’s content in a day and empowers each member to become an authority on the subject matter because they’re teaching others. The exercise is educational, promotes team collaboration, and enhances communication skills. 

This approach can be extended beyond books to other areas, such as market research. For instance, if a company is looking to enter a new vertical, different aspects of the industry, like market influencers, challenges, and political, economic, and legal factors, can be assigned to team members for research. Each member returns their findings to the team, comprehensively understanding the new market. This practice is not merely busy work; it’s sales-driving work that benefits the entire team and accelerates learning about the new market.

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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – The Four Pillars of Sales Success with Veteran Advisor Chris Goade – E89

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – The Four Pillars of Sales Success with Veteran Advisor Chris Goade – E89

Join Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey in this compelling episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” featuring seasoned sales acceleration advisor Chris Goade. As a pioneer in the field from Dallas-Fort Worth, Chris brings a wealth of experience from top companies like Dr. Pepper, PepsiCo, and 3M. Delve into the intricacies of building effective sales processes and learn firsthand about the transformative power of structured sales strategies.

Key Topics Discussed

  • Building Effective Sales Teams: How creating structured processes can accelerate sales performance.
  • Sales Process Fundamentals: Chris outlines the critical pillars of a successful sales process, including lead generation and customer relationship management.
  • Transitioning from Corporate to Consulting: Chris shares his journey from corporate sales to starting his own consulting business and the lessons learned.
  • The Evolution of Sales Tools and Techniques: Discussion on how sales strategies have adapted over time, especially in response to technological advancements.
  • Maintaining Customer Relationships: The importance of nurturing existing relationships to foster long-term business growth.
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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Fundamentals First: Building a Winning Sales Team with Tom Morgan of Sales Xceleration – E88

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Fundamentals First: Building a Winning Sales Team with Tom Morgan of Sales Xceleration – E88

Welcome to another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where we continue our vibrant discussion this week with special guest Tom Morgan, a former collegiate basketball coach turned sales strategy guru. Diving into the parallels between sports coaching and sales management, this episode is packed with strategic insights to enhance your sales team’s performance as the quarter and year draw to a close.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. The Importance of Early and Ongoing Preparation: Starting strong from the beginning of the year or season sets teams up for success.
  2. Fundamentals in Sports and Sales: A comparison of essential practices like the three-man weave in basketball to fundamental sales activities such as prospecting and client interaction.
  3. Role of Support Players in Success: Discuss how each team member’s effective execution of their role enhances overall performance.
  4. Impact of Precision and Timing: The critical nature of precise actions and decisions in the closing moments of a game or sales quarter.
  5. Role Clarity and Consistent Language in Sales Teams: How clear definitions and consistent communication within teams can streamline processes and improve outcomes.
  6. Creative and Effective Role-Playing: Innovative approaches to role-playing that increase engagement and effectiveness in training sessions.

Key Quotes:

  • Kevin Lawson: “Doing the easy things well translates into doing the hard things more effectively.”
  • Sean O’Shaughnessey: “The ability to do it over and over again, make mistakes in practice so that I didn’t make that same mistake in the game.”
  • Tom Morgan: “It’s those fundamentals… You start to practice those key details. As you get into your sales process, those are the things when you get to the end of a quarter, you’re relying on best practices.”


Whether you’re a sales novice or a seasoned leader, this episode offers invaluable lessons on preparation, practice, and execution that are crucial for any high-stakes environment, not just in sales or sports. Tom Morgan’s expertise in translating athletic coaching techniques into sales strategies provides listeners practical tools and thoughtful strategies to elevate their teams’ performance. Tune in to harness these techniques and ensure your team is ready and fundamentally conditioned for success at the quarter’s end. Don’t miss out on this game-changing discussion—perfect for anyone looking to enhance their strategic approach to sales management.

From Crisis to Control: Managing Expectations in Sales Leadership

From Crisis to Control: Managing Expectations in Sales Leadership

The concept of “managing up” emphasizes the importance of aligning a sales team’s objectives with the expectations of upper management. This approach is particularly crucial during periods of sales turnaround, where the usual metrics might falter and innovative, agile responses are required.

“Managing up” involves treating higher management as an internal customer whose needs must be understood and met with the same diligence as those of external clients. For sales leaders, this means crafting a clear, actionable plan that communicates the steps necessary to achieve desired outcomes—often under the scrutinizing pressure of performance metrics. This strategic outline helps ensure that everyone, from the CEO to the sales floor, understands what success looks like in practical terms and is committed to the collective goal.

Moreover, the process of managing expectations is not static; it requires continual adjustment and communication. This dynamic approach allows a sales team to pivot quickly in response to evolving market conditions or internal challenges without losing sight of the overall objectives. Sales leaders are advised to articulate the goals and how they plan to achieve them, breaking down the journey into manageable, measurable milestones.

In a successful sales turnaround, it is crucial to set realistic goals that are both ambitious and achievable. This involves a deep understanding of the company’s current position and a candid assessment of what can realistically be accomplished in a given timeframe. The emphasis on SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals ensures that targets are not just aspirational but grounded in the reality of the company’s operational capabilities and market conditions.

Sales turnarounds also necessitate focusing on internal processes and behaviors rather than just end results. A sales leader must foster an environment where the team understands that their daily activities—their behaviors and strategies—are as critical to turning around sales figures as the numbers themselves. This approach helps build a resilient team capable of sustaining performance even when external conditions are challenging.

Celebrating small wins and maintaining morale during a turnaround is vital. It ensures that the team remains motivated and committed to the company’s long-term vision. Recognizing individual and team contributions reinforces a positive, collaborative culture, essential for navigating periods of uncertainty.

Finally, managing up during a turnaround is not merely about staying afloat but setting the stage for future growth. It involves understanding where the company needs to be and how to get there by working backward from the desired outcome. This methodical approach to problem-solving, coupled with effective communication and realistic goal-setting, forms the backbone of a successful sales strategy that can lead a company out of a downturn and towards a prosperous future.

Managing up is as critical as managing down for sales leaders and managers. It requires a balance of strategic foresight, operational excellence, and the interpersonal skills needed to guide a team through complex challenges. This balanced approach secures short-term objectives and paves the way for sustained success and stability.

Here are a few actionable items that a sales leader can do today to enhance management strategies and foster a successful sales turnaround:

  1. Define Clear Objectives:
    • Set aside time today to outline your sales team’s specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Ensure these goals are aligned with upper management’s expectations and communicate them clearly to your team.
  2. Improve Internal Communication:
    • Schedule a meeting with your manager or upper management to discuss current sales strategies and performance. Use this opportunity to clarify expectations, receive feedback, and adjust your strategies as needed.
  3. Foster Team Engagement:
    • Organize a brief team meeting to celebrate recent successes, no matter how small. Use this time to reinforce the team’s role in the larger company objectives, boosting morale and commitment to the turnaround process.
  4. Assess and Adjust Processes:
    • Conduct a quick audit of your current sales processes and identify any immediate inefficiencies that could be hindering your team’s performance. Initiate the steps to refine these processes, involving your team for insights and suggestions.
Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Winning Sales Strategies: Harnessing the Power of Team Play – E87

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Winning Sales Strategies: Harnessing the Power of Team Play – E87

In this engaging episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales, hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey welcome special guest Tom Morgan from Sales Xceleration. Join us as Tom shares intriguing insights from his vast experience in optimizing sales teams by drawing compelling parallels between youth sports coaching and sales management. Broadcasting all the way from Portland, Maine, Tom brings a fresh perspective on effective sales strategies and team dynamics.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Youth Sports and Sales Dynamics: Tom discusses how early coaching experiences with youth sports like soccer and basketball can mirror the strategies used in sales team management.
  • Role Clarity in Sales: The conversation dives into the importance of defining clear roles within sales teams to avoid the “bumblebee soccer” chaos of everyone chasing the same goal without a strategy.
  • Optimizing Small Sales Teams: Tom provides actionable advice on managing and maximizing the efficiency of small sales teams through role alignment and daily standups.
  • Strategic Alignment with Team Strengths: Insights into aligning sales team members with roles that match their strengths and interests to maximize performance.
  • Importance of Daily Standup Meetings: The significance of daily meetings to set clear objectives and ensure team alignment is discussed, drawing parallels to sports coaching practices.

Key Quotes:

  • Kevin Lawson: “When you talk about lack of role clarity, it’s like coaching a young soccer team. It really rears its ugly head in the day in and day out of sales.”
  • Sean O’Shaughnessey: “Leveraging small teams effectively is crucial, as they lack the breadth and depth of larger corporate teams. How we coach through that is essential.”
  • Tom Morgan: “In a sales team, just like in sports, getting the right people into the right roles based on their strengths and interests is crucial for success.”


Dive into this episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales to uncover how the principles of coaching, team dynamics, and strategic play in sports can be effectively translated into building winning sales teams. Whether you’re a CEO, a seasoned sales leader, or a new salesperson, this discussion will equip you with practical strategies to enhance role clarity and drive team performance. Don’t miss out on these valuable insights—tune in now to transform your sales approach and achieve new heights in your sales career.

Proactive Coaching: The Key to Unlocking Exceptional Sales Performance

Proactive Coaching: The Key to Unlocking Exceptional Sales Performance

A shift is occurring away from simply correcting problems after they’ve happened toward a more proactive and developmental approach to coaching sales teams. This evolution in strategy empowers sales leaders, CEOs, and managers to not only meet but also exceed their targets through effective team management and personal development.

The concept of continuous improvement in sales begins with a focus on coaching. Unlike traditional reactive methods, modern sales leadership emphasizes coaching as a tool for ongoing development rather than merely correcting errors. This proactive coaching involves setting strategic goals with sales teams and using performance reviews—not as a critique but as a platform for growth and future planning. This method mirrors practices from top professionals in various fields who, regardless of their success, regularly receive coaching to enhance their performance.

Applying a coaching mindset to sales involves recognizing each team member’s individual needs and strengths. This personalized approach ensures that all team members, from the highest performers to those who might be struggling, receive the guidance they need to improve. The dialogue between a sales leader and their team shifts from what went wrong to what can be optimized, fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation.

An important part of this coaching process is the practical application of strategic planning, such as using quarterly business reviews (QBRs) to assess past performance and set proactive goals for future achievements. These sessions provide a structured framework for both leaders and salespeople to reflect on successes, learn from challenges, and plan actionable steps for ongoing improvement.

Leadership in sales also extends beyond internal team dynamics to personal development. Sales leaders are encouraged to invest in their own skills and capabilities to better serve their teams. This commitment to personal growth is crucial as it models the importance of lifelong learning to their teams, thereby instilling a similar mindset in their salespeople.

Effective sales leadership thus requires a dual focus: enhancing the team’s capabilities while simultaneously improving one’s own leadership skills. This approach not only achieves better sales outcomes but also builds a more resilient and adaptive sales organization, where both leaders and team members are committed to continuous improvement and excellence in their craft.

The role of a sales leader today is not just about managing a team but about actively participating in and fostering an environment of growth and excellence. By adopting a coaching mentality and focusing on both team and personal development, sales leaders can create dynamic teams that meet their current sales targets and are equipped to handle future challenges, ensuring sustained success and growth in the competitive market.

Here are a few actionable suggestions that a sales leader can do today!

  1. Schedule a Strategic Coaching Session: Identify a sales team member who could benefit from targeted coaching. Set up a one-to-one meeting for this week, focusing not on past shortcomings but on potential growth areas and setting actionable goals.
  2. Review and Refine Sales Metrics: Take a closer look at the metrics currently used to evaluate your team’s performance. Consider whether these truly capture the critical drivers of success or if they need adjustment to better reflect and promote your sales organization’s strategic goals.
  3. Initiate a Personal Development Plan: Reflect on your own leadership skills and identify areas for personal growth. Commit to a specific action, such as enrolling in a leadership workshop, starting a new book on advanced sales strategies, or scheduling regular check-ins with a mentor to enhance your leadership effectiveness.