Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Special Episode: CEO Workshop – Defining Your Corporate Sales Strategy – E63

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Special Episode: CEO Workshop – Defining Your Corporate Sales Strategy – E63

Sales Strategy Isn’t Just About Hitting Numbers: It’s Your Operational Backbone for Success

A well-defined sales strategy is indispensable for long-term business success.

Importance of Market Segmentation

Don’t fall into the trap of a one-size-fits-all approach. Market segmentation is your tool to tailor unique strategies for distinct customer profiles, ensuring maximized reach and impact.

Crafting a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

A compelling USP is your golden ticket in a saturated market. Your competitive edge makes your offer not just another option but the go-to solution for your target audience.

Sales Process Flowchart: Consistency is Key

A detailed sales process flowchart is the backbone of your sales execution. It provides a replicable structure and methodology, helping your team stay aligned and focused while enabling timely interventions to address bottlenecks.

Balance Short-term Gains and Long-term Objectives

Quick wins can boost morale but cannot derail your broader goals. CEOs must ensure alignment between immediate gains and long-term strategic objectives, further amplified when integrated with marketing initiatives.

Culture of Continuous Learning

Stagnation is your enemy. Cultivate a culture where past data serves as a scoreboard and a treasure trove of insights for future strategy adjustments.

Regular Reviews for Adaptability

The market won’t wait for you to catch up. Periodic reviews and adjustments ensure your strategy is a living, breathing entity, agile enough to adapt to market conditions and competitive pressures.

Remember, a well-defined, adaptable sales strategy is the key to corporate excellence. Take control and be the strategic architect of your company’s success.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Breaking the Sales Rollercoaster: Strategies for Steady Success – E60

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Breaking the Sales Rollercoaster: Strategies for Steady Success – E60

Welcome to another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey dive deep into B2B sales management, sharing their extensive knowledge and experience. This episode is a must-listen for sales professionals who handle the entire sales cycle, from lead generation to closing deals. Kevin and Sean explore effective strategies to avoid the pitfalls of one-dimensional outreach and the rollercoaster effect in sales. Their conversation is packed with actionable advice, making it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to enhance their sales skills.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. The Full Sales Cycle Challenge: Understanding the complexities of managing every stage of the sales process.
  2. Diversifying Outreach Strategies: The importance of using multiple channels and methods in sales outreach.
  3. Avoiding the Rollercoaster Effect: Strategies to maintain a consistent pipeline and steady revenue flow.
  4. Building and Utilizing a Robust Contact List: Effective ways to create and engage with a list of potential leads.
  5. The Art of Persistent Outreach: How repeated, varied contacts can lead to successful conversions.
  6. Personalizing Sales Approaches: Tailoring strategies to meet potential clients’ specific needs and preferences.

Key Quotes:

  • Kevin: “We need to be pulling all these threads to weave the cloth that we want to cover our table.”
  • Sean: “You need to make them smarter. And in order to do it, just like when you were in high school, when you were in college, and you were trying to learn a new subject, learn a new thing, did you ever have it where your professor was trying to teach you something? It just wasn’t sticking.”

Additional Resources

Summary Paragraph

In this episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” Kevin and Sean provide a treasure trove of insights for sales professionals. They emphasize the importance of a multi-faceted outreach strategy, consistent engagement, and personalization in the sales process. Their practical tips and real-world examples make this episode a valuable listen for anyone in sales, from newbies to seasoned pros. Tune in to learn how to transform your sales approach, build a robust pipeline, and achieve consistent success in your sales career.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Special Episode: CEO Workshop – Avoiding B2B Sales Mistakes That Are Limiting Revenue Growth – Episode 57

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Special Episode: CEO Workshop – Avoiding B2B Sales Mistakes That Are Limiting Revenue Growth – Episode 57

Welcome to a special episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales, hosted by seasoned sales professionals Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey. Today’s episode is a goldmine for small business owners, consultants, and sales teams looking to scale and outperform their competition. 

This is the audio version of a CEO Workshop recorded on LinkedIn on October 19. You can watch the entire webinar (along with the slides) by going to 

Sean O’Shaughnessy and Kevin Lawson have decided to release these workshops as podcast episodes. The topic of this episode is Avoiding B2B Sales Mistakes that Limit Growth.

Kevin explains the importance of avoiding mistakes and continuously refining sales strategies and skills. He also discusses businesses’ challenges, such as rising costs and limited resources. Inflation, the Consumer Price Index, and labor costs impact business owners. Kevin advises businesses to adjust their prices accordingly to maintain margins. He emphasizes the need for strategic and tactical management to overcome market factors that affect business outcomes. The goal is to increase the value of the business for future saleability.

Kevin also discusses the importance of being strategic and tactical in business. He emphasizes the need to be organized, focused, and create relevant content. Salespeople should also think like marketers to attract customers.

Kevin then discusses responding to RFPs (Request for Proposals) and suggests that businesses should decide whether or not to respond based on their industry and goals. He highlights the low success rate of RFPs and encourages evaluating if it’s worth investing time in them.

The next topic is Sales Playbooks, which are comprehensive documents that help train sales teams by outlining best practices and providing guidance on client communication. Kevin explains the benefits of having a Sales Playbook but acknowledges that many businesses may not have one or have had lackluster results with them. Finally, Kevin suggests documenting a typical sales process as a foundational step toward creating an effective Sales Playbook.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Special Episode: CEO Workshop – Understand Your Client’s Business To Sell More Effectively – Episode 52

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Special Episode: CEO Workshop – Understand Your Client’s Business To Sell More Effectively – Episode 52

This special episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales comes from a recent CEO Workshop put on by Sean O’Shaughnessey and Kevin Lawson. It was taken from a LinkedIn Live presentation that aired on September 29, 2023. You can listen to this episode or click over to the LinkedIn Live presentation at

Are you a sales leader or CEO looking to supercharge your sales strategy? In this episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey delve deep into the art of understanding your client’s business to sell more effectively. Sean, a seasoned sales expert, shares invaluable insights on transitioning from being just a vendor to becoming a trusted advisor. This episode is a treasure trove of actionable advice, real-world examples, and strategies that can be immediately implemented to elevate your sales game.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. The Power Matrix: Learn how to identify and engage with key stakeholders in your client’s organization, from decision-makers to influencers.
  2. Consultative Selling: Discover the essence of becoming a trusted advisor rather than just a vendor and how this approach can significantly impact your sales.
  3. Financial Acumen: Understand why knowing your client’s financial position can give you a competitive edge and how to gather this information.
  4. Interdepartmental Relationships: Sean discusses the importance of having touchpoints across various departments in your client’s organization and how it can lead to a more tailored sales pitch.
  5. Customer Journey Mapping: Learn how to map out the customer journey to gain a 360-degree understanding of your client’s needs and motivations.

Key Quotes from Sean

  • “You elevate yourself from a vendor to a partner in the B2B sales arena.”
  • “Your proposition becomes not just a response to an RFP, but a comprehensive strategy of partnership.”
  • “This alignment leads to a consultative selling approach, one that evolves from being transactional to being deeply relational.”

Additional Resources

Summary Paragraph

Don’t miss this enlightening special episode that promises to transform your approach to B2B sales. Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or a CEO looking to revamp your sales strategy, this episode offers a comprehensive guide to understanding your client’s business like never before. Tune in to “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” and equip yourself with the tools and insights to become not just a vendor but a strategic partner in your client’s success journey. Subscribe today and stay ahead of the sales game!

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – From Salesperson to Trusted Advisor: The Art of Problem Solving – Episode 50

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – From Salesperson to Trusted Advisor: The Art of Problem Solving – Episode 50

Dive deep into the heart of sales and sales leadership with Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey as they unravel the essence of problem-solving in the sales arena. This episode isn’t just about identifying problems but understanding the art of solving them. If you aim to transition from just selling a product to becoming a trusted advisor, this episode is your roadmap.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. The importance of becoming a trusted advisor in sales.
  2. Building and maintaining long-lasting relationships with clients.
  3. The role of curiosity in understanding a client’s business.
  4. The significance of being well-read and informed about current business challenges.
  5. Networking is a tool for gaining insights and asking better questions.

Key Quotes:

  • Kevin: “How you become a trusted advisor is solving a business problem, not selling a product.”
  • Sean: “The key to the kingdom is to become a trusted advisor to your client. So that that advisor says, I wonder what Kevin thinks about this.”
  • Kevin: “Are you the person who’s reliable? Do you always cancel at the last minute? Do you put somebody to voicemail every time and forget to call them back? That’s a withdrawal from the trusted advisor list.”
  • Sean: “The key is don’t just show up as a salesperson. Don’t just show up as a vendor. Show up as an interested third party that is trying to figure out about their business.”

Additional Resources:

In this enlightening episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” Kevin and Sean emphasize the importance of evolving from a mere salesperson to a trusted advisor. They discuss the nuances of building genuine relationships, the significance of being curious, and the need to be well-informed about the business landscape. Whether you’re a sales newbie or a seasoned professional, this episode offers invaluable insights that can transform your approach to sales. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your sales game. Tune in now!

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Driving Sales Success: Why KPIs Are More Than Just Numbers – Episode 45

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Driving Sales Success: Why KPIs Are More Than Just Numbers – Episode 45

Get ready to unlock the secrets of mastering the sales game with Two Tall Guys Talking Sales! This episode delves into the nuances of key performance indicators (KPIs), their significance in measuring sales efficiency, and the art of mentorship among salespeople. Listen as our hosts Sean and Kevin uncover the analogy of KPIs and share insights about setting the right measures for salespeople at various career stages.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Understanding Leading vs. Lagging Indicators: Foreseeing future trends and not just measuring past achievements is important.
  2. KPIs and the Marriage Analogy: Setting the right measures to cultivate relationships, just as one nurtures a romantic relationship.
  3. Differentiating KPIs for New vs. Veteran Salespeople: Tailoring strategies for those new to the profession, the company, or the industry.
  4. The Power of Mentorship: Leveraging the experiences of veteran salespeople and fostering growth among younger salespeople.
  5. Sales Training and Coaching: How combining formal sales training with hands-on coaching can amplify results.

Key Quotes:

  • Kevin: “KPIs are not about only the number of deals you sold. It’s about, ‘Am I doing the right behaviors over time?'”
  • Sean: “Those KPIs can’t be a hundred percent looking backward. We need to look ahead and say, what are we doing to generate business?”
  • Kevin: “Activity measures for new salespeople are different. I’m talking about doing the well-researched, planned prospecting call.”
  • Sean: “The real advantage of The RAIN Group is its training combined with my coaching.”

Additional Resources:

With a blend of engaging analogies, actionable insights, and personal experiences, Sean and Kevin illuminate the complex world of sales KPIs. Whether you’re a seasoned salesperson or just beginning your journey, this episode is packed with nuggets of wisdom that can transform your approach to sales. Dive deep into the essence of mentorship, discover the right measures for tracking success, and unearth the significance of forward-looking indicators. Don’t miss out on this chance to elevate your sales strategies and metrics. Listen now and redefine your sales mastery with Two Tall Guys Talking Sales!

CEO Workshop: Drive Revenue During A Crisis

CEO Workshop: Drive Revenue During A Crisis

The global pandemic has caused crisis after crisis to hit US companies. These crises include:

  • global supply chain problems affecting worldwide shipping
  • increased prices due to the shortage of components or subassemblies
  • labor shortages

To assist our clients, Sean O’Shaughnessey and Kevin Lawson teamed up to create the following webinar. The webinar originally aired on January 13, 2022.

The following is a transcript of the webinar video above. It has been sparsely edited to increase its readability, but many of the idioms and poor spoken grammar have been left in place. The transcription was automatically generated by and, as capable as that product is, there are times when words are missed or sentence structure was incorrectly interpreted. We have tried to catch all of these software misses, but we are confident that some still remain. The below text is provided for those that would rather read than watch a video.

Read the rest of the article…