From Features to Solutions: Rethinking Sales for the New Year – Video 6 of the New Year Motivation Series

From Features to Solutions: Rethinking Sales for the New Year – Video 6 of the New Year Motivation Series

As we navigate the early stages of the New Year, the time is ripe for salespeople, managers, and CEOs of small companies to redefine their approach to sales. My mission is to guide you towards a robust start to the year. Remember, a sluggish beginning can set a challenging precedent, so let’s dive into how to kickstart your sales effectively.

At the heart of every successful sale is the ability to solve a problem. It’s not the product itself that’s key, but the solution it provides. Think beyond the immediate features of what you’re selling – drill down to the core issue it addresses for your client.

There’s a classic saying in sales: You don’t sell the drill, but the hole it makes. However, I encourage you to take this even further. It’s not just about the hole; it’s about what your client does with that hole. Your job is understanding and articulating how your product or service facilitates your client’s goals.

Your communications – proposals, emails, or presentations – should be framed around problem-solving. It’s crucial to showcase your understanding of the client’s challenges and how your product or service offers the solution. This approach makes your proposal resonate with your direct contact and with anyone else who might view it.

Documenting case studies where your product or service solved a specific problem can be incredibly powerful. These real-life examples prove your solution’s effectiveness, making your sales pitch more credible and compelling.

When drafting proposals, focus on the problem you’re solving. Avoid just listing product features or part numbers. Your proposal should narrate a story – the story of how you understand and can solve the client’s unique challenges. This approach is essential, especially when your proposal is passed along to decision-makers who might not know you yet.

In this New Year, your success in sales will hinge not just on what you sell but on how well you connect your product to the solutions your clients seek. Shift from a transactional mindset to a problem-solving approach. This is how you’ll differentiate yourself in a crowded market and drive meaningful, long-lasting client relationships.

Watch my video series for more insights and practical strategies to boost your sales this year. These videos will help you start strong and maintain momentum throughout the year.

Happy selling, and here’s to a successful and prosperous new year!

Ace of Hearts: Joint sales calls with top management: Role-playing for Different Scenarios

Ace of Hearts: Joint sales calls with top management: Role-playing for Different Scenarios

When top management joins a sales call, the dynamic shifts dramatically. Like a well-rehearsed play, every dialogue, every objection, and every response can determine the final outcome. In this complex environment, role-playing transcends its initial perception as a mere preparatory exercise, morphing into an indispensable strategy for fine-tuning client engagement tactics. For sales calls involving top management, role-playing is not just beneficial; it is essential. It serves as a rehearsal space, allowing for the anticipation of challenges and the crafting of cohesive strategies.

To be effective, role-playing must replicate the actual sales situation as closely as possible. This means mirroring the physical environment, whether it’s a conference room or a virtual meeting space, and incorporating realistic names, data, and potential scenarios. Pay attention to the details since the more accurate the simulation, the more valuable the insights gained. A well-structured role-playing session will have a designated observer, ideally someone from the sales or training team, whose role is to provide unbiased, constructive feedback. This feedback is instrumental in refining the approach, responses, and overall strategy.

Anticipating and Rehearsing for Varied Client Interactions

Remember, unpredictability is the only constant. Role-playing should, therefore, encompass a wide array of scenarios, from the most optimistic to the most challenging. This could include sudden objections, queries about pricing strategies, or concerns about product implementation. Anticipating these scenarios and rehearsing responses instills confidence in the sales team and ensures that both the team and management are aligned in their approach. It’s about being prepared for every turn the conversation could take.

Feedback: The Cornerstone of Role-Playing

In these practice sessions, feedback is invaluable. The observers and the participants shouldn’t just identify areas of improvement but also recognize and reinforce what works. The observer plays a crucial role here, offering insights into what went wrong and effective tactics and strategies. This feedback should be seen as a growth tool, guiding the sales team and management toward a more refined, impactful interaction with the client.

One of the most significant advantages of role-playing is its opportunity to hone objection-handling skills. In these simulated environments, sales teams and management can practice and perfect their responses to potential client pushbacks. This preparation is crucial, as it enables the team to confidently handle real-time objections, turning potential deal-breakers into opportunities for further engagement.

Active Listening: A Skill Perfected Through Simulation

A common pitfall in sales calls is the tendency to focus solely on delivering the presentation or what the sales and management team will say at the expense of truly listening to the client. Role-playing sessions offer an excellent opportunity to practice active listening. By engaging in these simulated conversations, both the sales team and management learn to tune into the client’s needs and concerns, ensuring that the actual sales call is a two-way dialogue rather than a one-sided presentation.

Implementing Role-Playing as a Standard Practice

To bring this theory into practice, identify an upcoming high-stakes joint sales call and schedule a dedicated role-playing session. Include all key participants, especially those from top management, and create scenarios that mirror the most likely challenges you’ll face. An experienced member of your team should observe and provide actionable feedback. If possible, record these sessions for further analysis and review.

This approach serves several purposes. It prepares the team for the actual call, ensuring everyone is aligned in strategy and messaging. It also helps establish a rapport between the sales team and management, fostering a sense of collaboration and unity. Remember, the goal here is to secure the deal at hand and build a robust, collaborative framework that enhances your overall sales strategy along with the skills of the sales personnel when management is not riding along to the sales call.

In preparation for joint sales calls with top management, role-playing is a strategic necessity. It’s a commitment to excellence that pays dividends not just in the immediate deal but across the sales spectrum. By investing time and resources in these sessions, you’re not just preparing for a sales call; you’re honing a skill set that elevates your entire sales approach.

Analyzing Customer Goals: Understand customer goals and their desire to achieve them to tailor your solution – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 3

Analyzing Customer Goals: Understand customer goals and their desire to achieve them to tailor your solution – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 3

Welcome to an enlightening episode of “Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses,” where we unlock the secrets of turning sales into an art form, much like a tailor crafting a custom-made suit. Sean O’Shaughnessey offers a deep dive into aligning your sales strategies with a client’s multi-dimensional objectives. Elevate your role from a mere vendor to a strategic partner. Tune in to not only understand the theoretical framework but also to arm yourself with actionable steps for immediate implementation.

Key Topics Discussed

The Art of Sales and the Power of Alignment: Why sales is an evolving art form akin to tailoring and the role of ‘alignment’ in contemporary selling.

Understanding Multi-Dimensional Objectives: Breaking down your client’s surface-level goals into a complex tapestry of layered objectives.

The Role of Consultations and Research: Why consultations should not be one-sided show-and-tells, and the importance of comprehensive research in crafting a potent sales strategy.

Unlocking the Goldmine of Annual Reports: A thorough explanation of why and how to read and analyze annual reports to gain deep insights into a company’s goals and challenges.

From Vendor to Strategic Advisor: How to evolve your position in your client’s eyes, transcending from being just a vendor to becoming a strategic advisor.

The Pinnacle: The Final Pitch: Leveraging insights to make your final pitch an act of alignment that seamlessly fits into your client’s broader objectives.

Key Quotes

  • “Solutions explicitly aligned with a company’s goals have a 60% higher probability of being considered.”
  • “You’re not just identifying opportunities; you’re crafting a solution that aligns with multiple facets of the prospect’s strategy.”
  • “You’re proving that you understand the intricacies of their business ecosystem, thereby making your solution not just a ‘good-to-have’ but a strategic imperative.”

Action Items You Can Do Today

Prioritize Listening: Begin consultations by mapping out the intricate goals that guide your potential client’s strategies.

Research Deeply: Dive into annual reports, press releases, and customer reviews to understand your prospects better. Look for recurring themes, as these usually indicate a crucial goal or challenge for the company.

Engage with Stakeholders: Use the Power Matrix to identify and converse with critical people across the organization for a well-rounded view.

Ask for Feedback: Always ask for feedback after initial consultations or presentations to refine your approach.


Strategic Marketing and Execution is a Fractional CMO business that provides marketing leadership to businesses that have an emphasis on growth. The marketing agency churn and burn is real. This is often because there is no strategy. Start with a strategy with an emphasis on revenue growth, and then execute. Strategic Marketing and Execution helps small businesses identify who they are, who to market to, and how to differentiate. Align your marketing efforts with your sales team, and growth will follow. You can learn more at about the process and people and how a fractional marketing leader might be the best fit for your business.

Contact Sean

You can learn more about Sean O’Shaughnessey at www.NewSales.Expert. You can drop him an email at Sean@NewSales.Expert. You can connect with Sean on LinkedIn at

When you listen to this episode, you are taking a transformative step towards redefining your approach to sales. Sean O’Shaughnessey delves into the intricacies of aligning your product not just with the apparent goals but the intricate, layered objectives of your client. Master the art of turning each sales pitch into a finely crafted solution, transforming your role from a mere vendor to a strategic partner in your client’s journey. Hit play to elevate your sales game today!

Researching Industry Trends: Stay updated on shifts in the market to provide relevant solutions – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 1

Researching Industry Trends: Stay updated on shifts in the market to provide relevant solutions – Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses – Episode 1

Welcome to another episode of “Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses.” This podcast is your compass in navigating the complex world of B2B sales, especially in the enterprise landscape. In this riveting episode, our host, Sean O’Shaughnessey, deep dives into a topic of crucial significance for sales professionals: Researching Industry Trends in the Enterprise Space. If you’re eager to transform from a transactional vendor into a strategic partner, this episode is your blueprint for success.

Key Topics Discussed

  • The Importance of Research for Enterprise Sales – Unearth the value of knowing your client’s business landscape, from understanding decision-making structures to identifying specific needs.
  • Risk Mitigation as a Sales Strategy – Leverage quality research to transition from merely providing solutions to actively mitigating risks at an enterprise level.
  • Being Predictive, Not Just Reactive – Adopt a visionary approach by predicting future market trends and tailoring your sales strategies to match long-term client needs.
  • Crafting Tailored Sales Messages – Learn how to craft sales proposals that don’t just meet current needs but align with the strategic objectives of your enterprise clients.
  • Strategies for CEOs and Sales Managers – Understand the role of top management in fostering a culture that prioritizes research and long-term client alignment.

Key Quotes

“Market research becomes your navigation tool, guiding you through the labyrinthine structures of enterprise decision-making.”

“Your deep understanding of market dynamics enables you to frame your offering in a way that lowers or even eliminates certain risks.”

“With your research, you become more than a salesperson. You become a consultant equipped with actionable insights into your client’s industry.”

Additional Resources

  • SWOT Analysis Templates – For conducting industry-specific research.
  • Public Records and Financial Reports – Annual reports, quarterly filings, and investor presentations for understanding company goals and strategies.
  • CRM Systems – Efficient tools for sales professionals to organize and manage research data.


Our sponsor for this episode of “Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses” is Carpe Diem Consulting Group. Carpe Diem Consulting Group and its founder, Chris Spanier, drive growth by crafting effective marketing and compelling brand stories for their clients. They love collaborating to bring fresh strategic perspectives that increase their clients’ impact and connections through results-driven marketing – enhancing your online presence, crafting better messaging, prospecting assistance, and more. Working with Carpe Diem Consulting Group leads to more compelling brand narratives, deeper engagement with customers and prospects, and measurable success. You can reach Chris at chris@CDCG.US.

About Sean:

Sean is a professional sales leader with over 38 years of experience in complex business-to-business sales.

Sean helps company owners realize the maximum value of their company by improving their revenue generation capability. ​He helps owners enhance their sales management, methodologies, processes, teams, and messaging to accomplish this.

In his current role as a Fractional Vice President of Sales, Sean has:

  • Helped a company increase its value by 50% with a significant and successful acquisition of the company.
  • Helped a company scale from its angel investments to its series B investments.
  • Helped a company achieve a 50% increase in revenue with a 300% increase in profitability in a single year.
  • Stabilized and put predictability into the sales teams of his clients.

If you need help making your sales organization a top-performing part of your company, you can contact Sean at Sean@NewSales.Expert.

About the podcast:

Driving New Sales: Transforming Small Businesses into Sales Powerhouses focuses on arming CEOs with the knowledge and tools they need to build an exemplary sales operation. This is not a podcast that skims the surface; it delves deep into each facet of sales management, shedding light on the best practices that can elevate a company from mere competence to true excellence. “Driving New Sales” is not just a podcast; it’s a toolkit for building sales powerhouses that are responsive, proactive, efficient, and exemplary.

Eight of Spades: Defining your corporate sales strategy: Crafting a Sales Process Flowchart: Visualize the stages in your sales process for consistency

Eight of Spades: Defining your corporate sales strategy: Crafting a Sales Process Flowchart: Visualize the stages in your sales process for consistency

The Quintessential Blueprint for Sales Mastery

In architecture, the blueprint guides turn an imagined design into a tangible, functional building. Similarly, a Sales Process Flowchart is the foundational structure upon which sales organizations can build scalable, consistent, and successful strategies. The importance of this tool lies in its ability to crystallize the sales process into a series of actionable steps, thereby providing a roadmap to success. The goal is to achieve consistency, predictability, and scalability, key tenets that enable sales organizations to meet and surpass their revenue targets.

Navigating the Symphony of Sales

Imagine a scenario where each musician in an orchestra independently chooses the tune, pitch, or timing, neglecting the conductor’s directions. The result would undoubtedly be a chaotic cacophony rather than a mellifluous melody. The outcome is no different in a sales organization devoid of structured processes. There would be discord, confusion, and, ultimately, a waste of valuable resources, tarnishing the reputation of the organization. It’s crucial to set the stage with a meticulously designed Sales Process Flowchart, which acts as the conductor, harmonizing the orchestra of sales activities to create a seamless and pleasant experience for both the sales team and the clients.

More Than Just a Visual Representation

One might argue that a flowchart is simply a visual representation—useful but not essential. However, this understates its pivotal role in an organization. A Sales Process Flowchart serves as a multi-faceted instrument, similar to a map charting the course of a river from its source to the ocean. By meticulously documenting each bend, stream, and tributary, one gains understanding and control over its flow. Such a flowchart aids in:

  • Standardization: By laying out a common framework, the flowchart minimizes ambiguities, ensuring that all team members are aligned in their objectives and strategies.
  • Efficiency: When every stage and step is defined, sales representatives can navigate the selling process faster and with more agility, thereby accelerating the sales cycle.
  • Training and Onboarding: For newcomers to the team, the flowchart acts as a quick reference guide, enabling a quicker path to becoming a productive member of the sales force.

Crafting the Masterpiece: Methodological Precision

The development of a Sales Process Flowchart is neither arbitrary nor superficial; it is a blend of art and science. The task begins with identifying key stages in your sales process, such as lead generation, qualification, and closing deals. Each stage must be broken down into actionable components like a skilled craftsman chiseling away at a block of marble to reveal the sculpture within.

Next, these stages are sequenced in a way that makes logical sense. While the sales process can sometimes be iterative, a primary, repeatable pathway is essential for the sake of uniformity. Feedback mechanisms are integrated at crucial junctures to glean insights for continuous improvement. Remember, the flowchart isn’t a static document; it’s a dynamic blueprint that should evolve with market trends, customer preferences, and organizational changes.

The Endgame: Achieving Clarity and Consistency

The ultimate goal of implementing a Sales Process Flowchart is achieving clarity and ensuring consistency. In an age where most buying experiences are shaped by how customers feel they are being treated, consistency is not merely a bonus—it’s a requirement. The flowchart levels the playing field, ensuring that each customer experiences the same quality of service, irrespective of the sales representative they interact with.

Additionally, for the sales team, the benefit is immense. When the fog of ambiguity is lifted, sales professionals can execute their tasks with a well-defined sense of direction, equipped with measurable benchmarks and a clear vision.

Key Takeaways

For sales leaders aiming to elevate their teams to new heights, neglecting the role of a Sales Process Flowchart is not an option. This tool is instrumental in transforming sales strategies into actionable steps, thereby setting the stage for success. Ask yourself, does your organization have a Sales Process Flowchart? If not, it’s time to draw the blueprint for a harmonious, efficient, and wildly successful sales symphony.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Special Episode: CEO Workshop – Understand Your Client’s Business To Sell More Effectively – Episode 52

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Special Episode: CEO Workshop – Understand Your Client’s Business To Sell More Effectively – Episode 52

This special episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales comes from a recent CEO Workshop put on by Sean O’Shaughnessey and Kevin Lawson. It was taken from a LinkedIn Live presentation that aired on September 29, 2023. You can listen to this episode or click over to the LinkedIn Live presentation at

Are you a sales leader or CEO looking to supercharge your sales strategy? In this episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey delve deep into the art of understanding your client’s business to sell more effectively. Sean, a seasoned sales expert, shares invaluable insights on transitioning from being just a vendor to becoming a trusted advisor. This episode is a treasure trove of actionable advice, real-world examples, and strategies that can be immediately implemented to elevate your sales game.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. The Power Matrix: Learn how to identify and engage with key stakeholders in your client’s organization, from decision-makers to influencers.
  2. Consultative Selling: Discover the essence of becoming a trusted advisor rather than just a vendor and how this approach can significantly impact your sales.
  3. Financial Acumen: Understand why knowing your client’s financial position can give you a competitive edge and how to gather this information.
  4. Interdepartmental Relationships: Sean discusses the importance of having touchpoints across various departments in your client’s organization and how it can lead to a more tailored sales pitch.
  5. Customer Journey Mapping: Learn how to map out the customer journey to gain a 360-degree understanding of your client’s needs and motivations.

Key Quotes from Sean

  • “You elevate yourself from a vendor to a partner in the B2B sales arena.”
  • “Your proposition becomes not just a response to an RFP, but a comprehensive strategy of partnership.”
  • “This alignment leads to a consultative selling approach, one that evolves from being transactional to being deeply relational.”

Additional Resources

Summary Paragraph

Don’t miss this enlightening special episode that promises to transform your approach to B2B sales. Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or a CEO looking to revamp your sales strategy, this episode offers a comprehensive guide to understanding your client’s business like never before. Tune in to “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” and equip yourself with the tools and insights to become not just a vendor but a strategic partner in your client’s success journey. Subscribe today and stay ahead of the sales game!

Two of Spades: Understanding your client’s business: Identifying Key Decision Makers: Know who holds influence to target presentations and pitches effectively.

Two of Spades: Understanding your client’s business: Identifying Key Decision Makers: Know who holds influence to target presentations and pitches effectively.

Precision in Sales: Identifying Key Decision Makers

Navigating the labyrinth of modern sales requires more than just a sharp understanding of your product. It requires clarity about your audience – the pivotal decision-makers who shape the trajectory of business deals. Drawing an analogy, consider a seasoned archer. The archer’s prowess is not merely in the pull of the bow but in the precision with which he identifies and hits the target. For those vested in sales, this target comprises the key decision-makers within a prospective client’s organization.

To lay the foundation, it’s essential to grasp that today’s corporations are not simplistic entities with a lone decision-making authority. I spend time explaining this in my book Eliminate Your Competition and in the blog posts supporting that book. Picture modern corporations as sprawling metropolises. Yes, there’s a mayor, but a host of other influencers – the business tycoons, policy advisors, and community leaders – each plays a part. Translating this to a corporate setting, beyond the towering presence of the CEO are the department heads, procurement officers, and sometimes, external consultants who play a role in decision-making. A revealing statistic notes that in many large corporations, the buying decision isn’t just the purview of one but a collective of 7-8 individuals, each bringing their perspective to the table.

Dive deeper into the implications of this. Operating blindfolded, with a broad target group of 100 potential influencers in the prospective corporation, your chances of engaging the right decision-makers is a mere 7-8%. However, with precise identification, you amplify your engagement effectiveness to over 90%. The magnitude of this difference in approach isn’t just quantitative but profoundly qualitative, influencing the trajectory of the sales process.

But the path to this precision is laden with challenges. Today’s organizations are evolving, with flatter hierarchies and collaborative decision-making. Unlike earlier times, the decision-making power is not solely with the top-tier executives; influence has become democratized. Though not wearing any significant title, stealth influencers can sometimes significantly steer decisions.

So, how does one maneuver through this intricate maze? The key lies in a blend of practical action and analytical discernment:

  • Industry-Specific Acumen: Every industry has its unique structural DNA. Understand this. The decision-making dynamics in a budding tech startup differ vastly from a century-old manufacturing giant.
  • Relationship Building: Frontline managers and executives, often overlooked, are reservoirs of insights. Their vantage point provides a clearer picture of the organization’s internal decision-making landscape.
  • Digital Platforms: Tools like LinkedIn are not just professional networking platforms but a goldmine for insights. Here, you can go beyond official titles and delve into an individual’s influence, judging by their professional endorsements, content shared, and network strength.
  • Networking at Industry Events: Beyond product showcases, industry events serve as platforms to understand the industry’s influencers.
  • Direct Queries: In your interactions, never hesitate to ask, “Who are the other decision stakeholders?” This showcases your earnestness and intention to cater to all relevant influencers. It is also worthwhile to ask, “The last time you bought a product like mine, can you describe how that decision-making process worked and who was involved?”

Using a tool like the Power Matrix, which I explain in great detail in my book, Eliminate Your Competiton, is worthwhile. The Power Matrix is an excellent tool for understanding the organization. I promise that if you can successfully fill out the Power Matrix in every account, you will be phenomenally successful.

Armed with this understanding, the sales strategy transforms. Recognizing that each decision-maker brings a unique perspective, sales pitches can be tailored. The concerns of a CFO would differ from those of a CTO. Precision targeting ensures your sales narrative addresses these nuances, elevating the pitch from a generic presentation to a tailored engagement.

For CEOs and sales professionals attuned to this discourse, the path to success in sales is akin to a symphony. Each note, each pause, and each crescendo is intentional. By understanding who pulls the strings in decision-making, you elevate your position. Your transition from being just another vendor to a strategic partner who doesn’t just aim to sell but aims to resonate. It’s about precision. It’s about forming lasting relationships. It’s about being in sync with the orchestra of decision-makers, ensuring your notes are pitch-perfect every single time.

You may purchase my book Eliminate Your Competition from your favorite book retailer. The ebook version is available at the most popular retailers, such as Apple, Amazon, Barnes & Noble. The paperback version is also widely available at retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Books A Million.