Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Elevating Sales Success: Insights from Membrain’s Chief Revenue Officer Paul Fuller – E65

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Elevating Sales Success: Insights from Membrain’s Chief Revenue Officer Paul Fuller – E65

Welcome to another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey engage in a compelling conversation with Paul Fuller, the Chief Revenue Officer of Membrain. In this episode, they delve into the challenges and strategies of leading a sales team, especially as we approach the new year with fresh goals and targets.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. The Role of a Chief Revenue Officer: Paul Fuller shares his experiences and responsibilities in driving sales and revenue growth.
  2. Motivating Sales Teams for the New Year: Strategies to inspire and prepare sales teams for achieving new goals as the fiscal year resets.
  3. The Importance of Sales Methodology and CRM Tools: Discussion on how effective sales methodologies and CRM tools can enhance sales performance.
  4. Setting Realistic Sales Goals: Balancing company needs with individual salesperson goals for optimal performance.
  5. The Art and Science of Sales: Exploring the blend of methodical processes and creative problem-solving in sales.

Key Quotes

  • Paul Fuller: “Our why is to elevate the sales profession. It’s about empowering ourselves, our partners, and the companies we work with.”
  • Kevin Lawson: “Good management is always good management, whether you’re doing it with high technology influence or low technology influence.”
  • Sean O’Shaughnessey: “How do you find that importance in what you sell and in your life, especially when it’s not as inherently exciting as some products?”

Additional Resources

Summary Paragraph

This episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” is a must-listen for sales professionals seeking to start the new year on a strong note. With Paul Fuller’s insights on effective sales leadership, the importance of CRM tools, and the art of sales, listeners are equipped with valuable strategies to elevate their sales game. Whether you’re a seasoned sales leader or new to the field, this episode offers practical advice and motivation to achieve your sales goals in the upcoming year.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – From Salesperson to Trusted Advisor: The Art of Problem Solving – Episode 50

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – From Salesperson to Trusted Advisor: The Art of Problem Solving – Episode 50

Dive deep into the heart of sales and sales leadership with Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey as they unravel the essence of problem-solving in the sales arena. This episode isn’t just about identifying problems but understanding the art of solving them. If you aim to transition from just selling a product to becoming a trusted advisor, this episode is your roadmap.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. The importance of becoming a trusted advisor in sales.
  2. Building and maintaining long-lasting relationships with clients.
  3. The role of curiosity in understanding a client’s business.
  4. The significance of being well-read and informed about current business challenges.
  5. Networking is a tool for gaining insights and asking better questions.

Key Quotes:

  • Kevin: “How you become a trusted advisor is solving a business problem, not selling a product.”
  • Sean: “The key to the kingdom is to become a trusted advisor to your client. So that that advisor says, I wonder what Kevin thinks about this.”
  • Kevin: “Are you the person who’s reliable? Do you always cancel at the last minute? Do you put somebody to voicemail every time and forget to call them back? That’s a withdrawal from the trusted advisor list.”
  • Sean: “The key is don’t just show up as a salesperson. Don’t just show up as a vendor. Show up as an interested third party that is trying to figure out about their business.”

Additional Resources:

In this enlightening episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” Kevin and Sean emphasize the importance of evolving from a mere salesperson to a trusted advisor. They discuss the nuances of building genuine relationships, the significance of being curious, and the need to be well-informed about the business landscape. Whether you’re a sales newbie or a seasoned professional, this episode offers invaluable insights that can transform your approach to sales. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your sales game. Tune in now!

CEO Workshop: Drive Revenue During A Crisis

CEO Workshop: Drive Revenue During A Crisis

The global pandemic has caused crisis after crisis to hit US companies. These crises include:

  • global supply chain problems affecting worldwide shipping
  • increased prices due to the shortage of components or subassemblies
  • labor shortages

To assist our clients, Sean O’Shaughnessey and Kevin Lawson teamed up to create the following webinar. The webinar originally aired on January 13, 2022.

The following is a transcript of the webinar video above. It has been sparsely edited to increase its readability, but many of the idioms and poor spoken grammar have been left in place. The transcription was automatically generated by and, as capable as that product is, there are times when words are missed or sentence structure was incorrectly interpreted. We have tried to catch all of these software misses, but we are confident that some still remain. The below text is provided for those that would rather read than watch a video.

Read the rest of the article…
The Pay Is High and Jobs Are Plentiful, but Few Want to Go Into Sales

The Pay Is High and Jobs Are Plentiful, but Few Want to Go Into Sales

According to ZipRecruiter and the Wall Street Journal, people are hesitant to go into sales for a career. ZipRecruiter shows the number of sales roles advertised has risen steadily this year, up 65% to more than 700,000 open positions around the U.S., after big layoffs decimated the field at the outset of the pandemic a year ago.

happy black woman laughing on street
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Many young workers erroneously assume that sales work means convincing customers to buy with high-pressure tactics and are turned off. In recent years, the sales profession has dramatically changed from cold calls to potential customers to consulting with companies that often seek out products.

It’s time to rethink the way you think about sales. The new template for a salesperson is not about cold-calling. You have to be empathetic and deeply curious about your clients’ businesses. Sales is not about high-pressure cold calling techniques, but rather it is about understanding your clients and using your products to achieve their goals.

Sales is not about high-pressure cold calling techniques. Sales is about building relationships with people. If you are looking to grow sales, stop focusing on the trade tricks and start focusing on understanding how to sell effectively. According to top influencers in the field, the best way to do this is by listening more than talking and asking open-ended questions that allow for two-way communication.

Sales is a profession that helps businesses and people solve problems. As salespeople, managers, or executives, you help your company make more money. You also help customers find solutions to their problems. Sales is about solving problems for the betterment of both parties involved in the transaction. The skillset and mindset needed for this profession are not innate but can be learned with hard work and practice.

To establish yourself as an effective salesperson, manager, or executive, it’s important to know how sales works from all angles – customer-facing interactions and internal processes alike. It is also important to always be curious about your company, product, and prospect’s business.

After 36 years in Sales (and God willing many more to come), this is the greatest career in the US industry. I encourage all bright, young professionals that want a daily mental challenge to go into Sales.