Start Strong: The Art of Customer Profiling – Your First Step to Sales Triumph – Video 1 of the New Year Motivation Series

Start Strong: The Art of Customer Profiling – Your First Step to Sales Triumph – Video 1 of the New Year Motivation Series

As someone with experience as a VP of Sales, I am very familiar with the ups and downs of the economy. Every year, experts predict challenges, often painting a negative picture of the business world.

However, what if I told you this year could be your most successful one yet despite these predictions? That’s what my latest video is all about. It’s filled with valuable strategies to empower salespeople, sales managers, and CEOs of small companies.

Debunking the Myth of Economic Downturns

The first eye-opener is simple but profound: stop worrying about the news. Being well-informed is essential, but being overwhelmed by pessimistic forecasts only hinders progress. Remember that your market share is likely a fraction of the overall market size. A minor economic decline doesn’t have an impact on your potential success. It can be an opportunity to refocus and gain market share.

Customer Profiling: The Key to Tailored Success

At the heart of a great sales strategy lies customer profiling. Understanding customers and what motivates them is crucial. This goes beyond their preferences and involves anticipating their future needs and desires. Markets evolve constantly, so you must continually adapt your understanding of your customer base.

This process involves conducting research and sometimes even short surveys to understand why your clients choose you and how you can better meet their needs.

Addressing Current Challenges for Future Benefits

Identifying and resolving the challenges faced by your clients is crucial. Often, other clients also experience the challenges. Finding solutions to these issues strengthens your relationship with existing clients and creates a roadmap for attracting new ones.

Time is of the Essence

Time is something we cannot afford to waste. The objective is to refine these strategies within two weeks. Procrastination hinders progress in sales. By taking action, you set a precedent for the rest of the year, avoiding the familiar rush to meet quarterly targets.

I encourage you to watch the video for an in-depth exploration of these strategies. It offers more than advice; it provides a blueprint for thriving in any economic climate. Start now. Make this year your most successful yet.

Best of luck with your sales efforts this year!

95% of Companies Ranked Themselves Below Average or Worse

95% of Companies Ranked Themselves Below Average or Worse

Market share is an excellent indicator of the overall health of an industry. It can give valuable insight into the performance of other competitors in the same field. Still, it should not limit your approach to your sales strategy.

In fact, the opposite is more accurate, as the world is your oyster if your market share is minuscule.

As salespeople, we must remember that even if our market penetration is small, it’s still possible to make a significant impact. The broader economy cannot affect us enough to make a difference in selling our product or service. Instead, focus on what you can control:

  • building relationships with customers and 
  • honing sales practices

The Power of Relationships

Building long-term customer relationships will ensure success no matter how big or small your market share may be. And as customer needs evolve, they will come back to you when they need help making decisions related to your industry and product. You can quickly become an invaluable part of their buying process by establishing yourself as a reliable resource for honest advice and guidance.

Fine-Tuning Your Practices

In addition to focusing on customer relationships, another way to maximize success regardless of market size is by fine-tuning your sales practices. This means looking hard at whom you’re targeting, what strategies are working best for closing deals with those prospects, and what areas need improvement to reach more people within your target market.

It also means analyzing processes such as lead scoring and qualification criteria to understand which leads will most likely convert into paying customers. Finally, take some time each quarter or year (or whatever works best for you) to review metrics such as conversion rates and average deal sizes so that you can identify trends over time and adjust accordingly if needed.

It would be best if you were quite critical of your confidence that your sales team and company are executing their revenue generation capabilities well. A recent study by Sales Xceleration® shows that 95% of companies ranked themselves below average or worse. In fact, the last research saw that 4% more companies rated themselves as Poor. You can learn more about this study (and how to avoid the worst pitfalls) by attending a Special CEO Workshop by Kevin Lawson and me on March 1, 2023. (

When it comes down to it, market share numbers should never be used as an excuse when determining whether or not it’s worth pursuing a specific segment or area within the industry – instead, focus on what matters most: improving customer relationships and honing sales practices to maximize success regardless of size or scope. By taking advantage of these two powerful tools – relationships and processes – any salesperson can be successful no matter how small their piece of the pie may be!