Designing Sales Compensation Plans That Drive Performance

Designing Sales Compensation Plans That Drive Performance

The success of any sales-driven organization in the business-to-business (B2B) space hinges on the sales team’s compensation plan. Over my four decades in B2B sales, I’ve observed that nothing influences the performance of sales personnel more directly than the design and implementation of their compensation plans. Compensation is not merely about rewarding sales achievements but crafting a strategy aligning individual salespeople’s goals with the company’s broader objectives.

A well-structured compensation plan acts as both a motivator and a guide. It compels sales teams not only to meet but exceed their targets, fostering an environment where continuous improvement is not just encouraged but becomes a natural byproduct of the system. For small business CEOs, understanding this dynamic is critical for sustaining and driving growth. Sales compensation is more than just a cost; it’s an investment in the company’s future.

In any sales environment, whether the market is brimming with potential or tightly contested, the compensation plan must be a living document that evolves in response to market conditions, company goals, and team performance. With this adaptability, companies can avoid stagnation or regression in their market positions. As businesses strive to scale and adapt, constructing a compensation plan that genuinely drives the right behaviors becomes all the more pertinent.

To delve deeper into this vital subject, CEOs should consider the immediate impacts of their compensation strategies and their long-term implications on sales culture and employee retention. For those ready to explore the intricacies of effective sales compensation and ensure their strategies are well-suited to their specific business contexts, I am here to lend my expertise. With extensive experience tailoring compensation plans to enhance sales productivity and company profitability, I invite you to reach out for further guidance on crafting a plan that meets and exceeds your strategic goals. You can set a time to talk to me using my link above Book Appointment With Sean.

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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Transforming Opportunities: Chris Cocca’s Insights on Perfecting the Discovery Meeting – E85

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Transforming Opportunities: Chris Cocca’s Insights on Perfecting the Discovery Meeting – E85

In this invigorating episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales, hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey delve into the crucial nuances of discovery meetings with the seasoned sales leader, Chris Cocca. They explore why many deals falter at this stage and how refining the process can dramatically enhance sales outcomes. Tune in to gain deep insights on optimizing discovery meetings to ensure you’re not just participating but capitalizing on these opportunities.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Understanding Discovery Meetings: A primer on what constitutes a discovery meeting and its pivotal role in sales.
  2. Common Pitfalls in Discovery: Chris Cocca discusses the frequent missteps that lead to lost deals post-discovery, emphasizing the need for thorough preparation and engagement.
  3. Refining the Process: Strategies for new and seasoned sales professionals to craft effective discovery processes within their organizations.
  4. Probing Beyond Surface-Level: Techniques for digging deeper during these meetings to uncover clients’ real needs and pain points.
  5. Impact Questions: How to frame questions that reveal the true impact of solutions on a client’s business, which are essential for closing deals.
  6. Managing Multiple Discovery Meetings: This section discusses the feasibility and strategic approach to conducting more than one discovery meeting, depending on the deal size.

Key Quotes:

  • Kevin Lawson: “9 out of 10 losses are a result of a miss during the discovery stage. This implies a critical look at our processes and the necessity for thorough post-mortems on losses.”
  • Sean O’Shaughnessey: “It’s hard to pre-write the third and fourth questions because they are unique to each opportunity. How do you coach your salespeople to dig deeper?”
  • Chris Cocca: “The first answer is never the full answer. You’ve got to probe deeper. It’s about asking the right impact questions to truly understand the client’s pain and needs.”


Don’t miss this compelling episode where Kevin, Sean, and Chris dissect the art of the discovery meeting—a stage where many promising deals are lost. Discover actionable strategies to refine your approach, ask the right questions, and ultimately secure a successful outcome. Whether you’re a rookie in sales or a seasoned veteran, this discussion will equip you with the insights to transform your discovery process and better align with client needs. Tune in now to ensure your next discovery meeting paves the way to a closed deal, not a missed opportunity!

Remember to download this episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales to hear the full conversation and improve your sales strategies today!

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Scoring Big in Sales: Lessons from March Madness – E79

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Scoring Big in Sales: Lessons from March Madness – E79

In this sports-oriented episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey dive into the fascinating parallels between March Madness NCAA basketball tournaments and sales strategies. Kevin and Sean take this opportunity to explore how the tournament’s structure and the season leading up to it offer valuable lessons for developing winning sales strategies.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Preseason Preparation and Regular Season: The significance of constant improvement and team synergy throughout the sales season to refine strategies, similar to a basketball team’s journey to the NCAA tournament.
  2. Tournament Strategy and Sales Planning: Drawing analogies from the NCAA’s regional competitions and seed rankings to sales approaches, market positioning, and competitive analysis.
  3. Winning the Customer Relationship: Identifying the final sales deal as the ‘national championship game,’ focusing on strategic planning and execution to win customer trust and secure business.
  4. Overcoming Adversity and Learning from Losses: The importance of analyzing lost sales opportunities (akin to unexpected tournament upsets) to understand and improve future sales tactics.
  5. Sales Team Dynamics and Individual Growth: Encouraging personal development and adapting roles within the sales team for optimal performance, paralleled with a basketball team’s adjustment to injuries and game dynamics.

Key Quotes:

  • “The trophy in sales is the customer relationship.” – Kevin Lawson
  • “Only one team ends the season with a victory; similarly, in sales, there’s only one winner.” – Sean O’Shaughnessey
  • “It’s important to win through better execution of the plan… and hard work.” – Sean O’Shaughnessey
  • “We’ve got to figure out our place in the market… It’s the same progression in business.” – Kevin Lawson

Additional Resources:

MEDDPICCC for sales strategy and the importance of opportunity qualification –


This episode is a masterclass for sales professionals and leaders looking to elevate their game by drawing inspiration from March Madness’s structure, strategy, and spirit. Kevin and Sean’s dialogue reminds us of the importance of preparation, strategy, resilience, and continuous learning in the quest to win in sales. As the NCAA tournament captivates basketball fans, let it also inspire sales teams to strive for excellence, adapt to challenges, and ultimately clinch their championship trophy: a successful and lasting customer relationship

Tip #8 of 12 – How To Start The New Year STRONG! – Check in with prospects that went another way

Tip #8 of 12 – How To Start The New Year STRONG! – Check in with prospects that went another way

We are coming down on the end of the year and are now on the 8th video in my series of how to start the New Year strong so that you achieve more revenue next year.

In this eighth video in the series, I encourage you to return to the deals you lost.

It’s never a pleasant experience to lose a deal, but sometimes it’s inevitable. If you take the time to properly and strategically follow up on lost deals, however, you may be able to turn things around for yourself. Following up after losing a sale can yield numerous benefits for salespeople and their managers – from increasing revenue to developing relationships with new customers. This video discusses how following up on lost deals can benefit your business.

  • Did they actually buy from your competitor?
  • Do they have buyer’s remorse that you can use to your advantage?
  • Can you do a smaller deal that fills in a shortcoming in the winning solution? After all, some revenue in the new year is better than no revenue.

If you’re a salesperson, chances are you think about “lost deals” quite often. It can be incredibly frustrating to invest time and energy into a potential customer only for them to have opted out at the end of the day! So why did the prospect reject our offer? Be completely honest with yourself (even if you aren’t honest with your management). Can you go back and save it?

You can check out all of the 12 tips as soon as they are published here.