Building a Successful Sales Team: A Guide for CEOs and Managers

Building a Successful Sales Team: A Guide for CEOs and Managers

You can overcome obstacles and significantly improve your sales performance with the right mindset, strategies, and tools. For salespeople, sales managers, and CEOs of small companies, the journey to sales excellence is paved with lessons and insights that can be invaluable in improving management capabilities and driving revenue growth.

The sales process is a critical aspect of any business. It’s the engine that drives revenue and growth and the platform on which customer relationships are built. However, businesses often encounter a unique problem in their sales process. The problem isn’t necessarily about the product or service being sold, the market, or the competition. Rather, it’s about the people involved in the process—the salespeople.

Being a salesperson is a challenging profession. It requires a unique set of skills, a deep understanding of the product or service being sold, and a certain level of resilience to face the inevitable rejections that come with the job. But more than that, it requires a mindset that embraces growth, learning, and continuous improvement.

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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Maximizing Customer Relationships: Insights from Chris Goade – E90

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Maximizing Customer Relationships: Insights from Chris Goade – E90

Join Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey in another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales.” This week, they welcome back Chris Goade from 360 Consulting in Dallas. Chris dives deep into the importance of customer retention and intentional engagement strategies. Discover how to transform average customers into great ones and learn practical techniques to elevate your sales game.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. Defining Ideal Customers: Chris emphasizes the need for businesses to understand and define what makes a great customer, moving beyond just high revenue.
  2. Intentional Customer Interactions: Pre-call planning and intentionality in customer meetings are important to foster deeper relationships and uncover more business opportunities.
  3. Handling Customer Problems: How addressing and solving problems can turn challenging customers into loyal advocates.
  4. Roadmapping Conversations: Strategies for sales leaders to guide their teams in having structured, meaningful conversations with clients.
  5. Growing Existing Customers: Real-world examples of how focusing on existing customers can lead to significant business growth without new customer acquisition.
  6. Salesperson Development: Techniques to help salespeople grow comfortable with engaging higher-level executives and having more strategic business conversations.
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Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – The Four Pillars of Sales Success with Veteran Advisor Chris Goade – E89

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – The Four Pillars of Sales Success with Veteran Advisor Chris Goade – E89

Join Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey in this compelling episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” featuring seasoned sales acceleration advisor Chris Goade. As a pioneer in the field from Dallas-Fort Worth, Chris brings a wealth of experience from top companies like Dr. Pepper, PepsiCo, and 3M. Delve into the intricacies of building effective sales processes and learn firsthand about the transformative power of structured sales strategies.

Key Topics Discussed

  • Building Effective Sales Teams: How creating structured processes can accelerate sales performance.
  • Sales Process Fundamentals: Chris outlines the critical pillars of a successful sales process, including lead generation and customer relationship management.
  • Transitioning from Corporate to Consulting: Chris shares his journey from corporate sales to starting his own consulting business and the lessons learned.
  • The Evolution of Sales Tools and Techniques: Discussion on how sales strategies have adapted over time, especially in response to technological advancements.
  • Maintaining Customer Relationships: The importance of nurturing existing relationships to foster long-term business growth.
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Optimizing Sales Territories for Growth and Efficiency

Optimizing Sales Territories for Growth and Efficiency

Territory design is critical for ensuring efficient revenue generation and optimal team performance. Sales leaders, especially those at the helm of small—to mid-sized companies, must revisit and potentially recalibrate their territory strategies to accommodate growth and maintain competitiveness.

Effective territory management starts with a clear understanding of the business landscape. Ensuring that each salesperson has a viable area with ample opportunity is crucial. This may sound straightforward but involves a delicate balance of geographic and customer-based considerations. For instance, some businesses might operate on a model where territories are defined by customer types or specific named accounts, which could include focusing on a set number of businesses to target. On the other hand, more geographically expansive businesses might allocate territories based on regions, such as counties or states, depending on their size and scope.

Moreover, there’s an art to knowing when and how to split or expand territories without diluting the quality of customer relationships or the sales team’s morale. For example, if a territory becomes too large and unwieldy, it might necessitate division to maintain or increase effectiveness. However, this division must be approached with sensitivity and strategy, ensuring it does not merely become a means to reduce commission costs but rather a method to enhance coverage and customer engagement.

The challenge often lies in the execution. Realigning territories can be as complex as managing a new product launch or entering a new market. Factors such as supply chain logistics, warranty services, and resource allocation must all be considered to ensure the new territory design supports immediate sales goals and long-term business growth.

Sales leaders must also be adept at navigating the internal dynamics of territory adjustments. For instance, a well-performing salesperson might view the reduction of their territory as a punitive measure, rather than an opportunity to enhance focus and potentially increase earnings from a more concentrated area. It is crucial for management to communicate effectively, ensuring that the team understands these changes are aimed at optimizing the entire sales process and enhancing their ability to meet customer needs more effectively.

Ultimately, the goal of territory design should align with the overarching business strategy aimed at growth and sustainability. This includes not only deciding the physical or conceptual boundaries of each territory but also ensuring that each sales team member is positioned to succeed, supported by robust training and resources, and motivated by a clear understanding of their role in the company’s broader objectives.

As companies prepare for another business cycle, revisiting the principles of effective territory management could be the key to unlocking new levels of success and stability. This strategic approach helps maintain a competitive edge and supports a healthy, dynamic sales culture that adapts to the changing landscapes of industries and markets.

Actionable suggestions that sales managers can do today:

  1. Conduct a Territory Audit: Review your current sales territories by evaluating sales data, customer distribution, and team feedback. Identify areas where territories may be too large or too small and assess the potential for restructuring to improve coverage and salesperson efficiency. This will help you understand if your current design aligns with optimal market coverage and team capabilities.
  2. Initiate a Team Discussion: Meet your sales team to discuss the current territory alignment. Use this opportunity to gather insights directly from those on the ground about their territories’ challenges and opportunities. This feedback is invaluable for making informed decisions about potential territory realignments or adjustments to meet customer needs and company goals.
Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – From Missed Quotas to Major Wins: Turning Sales Pitfalls into Triumphs – E84

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – From Missed Quotas to Major Wins: Turning Sales Pitfalls into Triumphs – E84

In this insightful episode, hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey discuss common pitfalls in sales management and strategies for maintaining customer relationships through effective tools like CRM systems. If you’ve ever missed a deal due to a forgotten follow-up or struggled with customer engagement, this episode is packed with practical advice to enhance your sales processes and hit your targets consistently.

Key Topics Discussed

  • The Importance of Follow-up: How missing follow-ups can impact sales and solutions to prevent these issues.
  • Effective Use of CRM Systems: Exploring how CRM systems can streamline operations and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.
  • Project Management and Deadline Adherence: Discussing the critical role of timely project delivery in sales success.
  • Real-world Sales Challenges: Analyzing scenarios from retail and construction to understand complex sales dynamics.
  • Building Lasting Customer Relationships: Strategies for staying top of mind without being overtly sales-driven.
  • Tools vs. Human Effort in Sales: Balancing technology and personal effort in managing customer relationships.

Key Quotes

Kevin Lawson: “There’s nobody else accountable for that but me and my brain. I’ve missed a quarterly quota because I wasn’t diligent and thoughtful enough about my follow-up.”

Sean O’Shaughnessey: “We need to just take care of our customers. Embracing the value of a CRM system is crucial because today, most of us don’t have someone taking care of all the details for us.”

Kevin Lawson: “If you’re not asking your clients, ‘When do you need this by?’ or ‘How much do you need at what time?’ then you’re not really managing your sales effectively.”


Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or just starting out, this episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” is a treasure trove of knowledge. Kevin and Sean tackle the realities of sales management, from the undeniable benefits of using CRM systems to ensuring punctuality in project deadlines. They share personal anecdotes and real-world examples that highlight common mistakes and pitfalls and offer actionable solutions to enhance your sales strategy. Tune in to learn how to leverage technology to boost your sales performance and build stronger, lasting customer relationships. Don’t miss out on transforming your sales approach—listen to this episode today!

Beyond Numbers: The Leadership Behind Effective Quota Management

Beyond Numbers: The Leadership Behind Effective Quota Management

In B2B sales, mastering the art of quota setting and management is a critical factor driving sales teams’ success across various industries. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of software sales, the intricacies of service offerings, or the demands of manufacturing and distribution, the ability to set realistic yet challenging quotas can significantly impact your team’s performance and, ultimately, your company’s bottom line. This article delves into the essential aspects of quota management, offering valuable insights for salespeople, sales managers aiming to enhance their management capabilities, and CEOs of small companies who find themselves at the helm of sales or managing a team of sales professionals.

At the heart of effective sales management lies the strategic planning process, ideally kicking off well before the new fiscal year begins. Best practices in sales management suggest that CEOs should aim to deliver sales plans and quotas for the coming year by December 1st. This timeline allows sales teams ample opportunity to digest the new targets, make necessary preparations, and hit the ground running as the new year commences. Establishing clear expectations early on fosters a sense of direction and motivation among sales representatives, setting the stage for a productive and goal-oriented year ahead.

However, the task of quota setting extends beyond merely assigning numbers. It requires a deep understanding of your company’s strategic goals, market potential, and the individual capabilities of your sales team. For larger organizations, the luxury of averaging performance across a team can help mitigate the impact of underperformers, while in smaller teams, the challenge intensifies as each member’s contribution weighs heavily on achieving collective goals. Regardless of team size, the key is to strive for a balance that pushes your team to reach new heights without veering into unrealistic expectations.

Quota management also entails navigating the intricacies of assigning quotas that align with company objectives and market realities. Sales leaders must analyze available markets within their representatives’ territories, considering factors such as established customer relationships, potential for new account acquisition, and overall market demand. This analytical approach allows for quotas that are grounded in data and tailored to each sales territory’s unique dynamics.

Moreover, the discussion around quota management underscores the importance of fostering a sales culture that prioritizes relationship building within smaller teams focusing on named accounts and in larger settings where strategic goals dictate sales targets. The emphasis on relationships highlights the notion that successful sales strategies are built on a foundation of trust, understanding, and genuine connections with clients.

Quota setting and management emerge as pivotal elements in the broader sales strategy, demanding careful consideration, strategic planning, and an acute awareness of both internal capabilities and external market conditions. By adopting a methodical approach to quota management, sales leaders can empower their teams to achieve and surpass their targets, driving growth and success in an ever-evolving business environment.

Immediate Action Item 1: Conduct a Comprehensive Sales Team Assessment

Before setting quotas for the upcoming fiscal year, it’s imperative for sales leaders, including CEOs, sales managers, and other decision-makers, to thoroughly assess their sales team’s past performance, capabilities, and areas of improvement. This action item involves gathering data on individual sales representatives’ performance, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the team, and identifying any gaps in skills or resources that could impact their ability to meet proposed quotas.

Steps to Implement:

  • Compile Performance Data: Collect and analyze sales performance data from the past year, focusing on metrics such as achieved versus set quotas, the average size of deals closed, the length of the sales cycle, and customer retention rates.
  • Evaluate Team Capabilities: Assess the skills and expertise of your sales team and determine if any skill gaps need to be addressed through training or hiring.
  • Set Preliminary Performance Benchmarks: Based on your assessment, set realistic performance benchmarks that consider both the achievements of top performers and the potential of those who are struggling.

This exercise not only aids in setting more accurate and attainable quotas but also provides insights into necessary training or resource allocation that could enhance the team’s overall performance.

Immediate Action Item 2: Align Quota Setting with Strategic Business Goals and Market Analysis

In tandem with assessing your sales team’s capabilities, aligning your quota-setting process with your company’s strategic business goals and a thorough market analysis is crucial. This ensures that the quotas reflect not just the capabilities of your sales team but also the realities of the market and your business’s aspirations.

Steps to Implement:

  • Conduct Market Analysis: Analyze the market dynamics specific to your industry, including potential for growth, competition, and emerging opportunities. This analysis should also consider the territories assigned to each sales rep, focusing on factors like existing customer relationships and the potential for new account acquisitions.
  • Review Strategic Business Goals: Revisit your company’s strategic objectives for the upcoming year. Quotas should not only be about meeting sales targets but also about contributing to the company’s broader goals, whether expanding into new markets, launching new products, or increasing market share.
  • Integrate Market Insights with Business Goals: Use the insights from your market analysis and the understanding of your strategic goals to set challenging yet achievable quotas tailored to the unique dynamics of each sales territory and aligned with where the company aims to grow.

By closely aligning quota setting with a deep understanding of your sales team’s capabilities, market conditions, and strategic business objectives, you create a roadmap for success that is both ambitious and grounded in reality. This approach not only sets your team up for achieving their targets but also ensures that their efforts directly contribute to the company’s overall growth and success.

These immediate actions, rooted in thorough analysis and strategic alignment, provide a solid foundation for setting realistic, motivating quotas that propel sales teams toward achieving exceptional results, thereby enhancing the company’s revenue generation capability and securing its competitive edge in the marketplace.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Uniting Sales and Marketing: A Masterclass with Chris Spanier – E76

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Uniting Sales and Marketing: A Masterclass with Chris Spanier – E76

In this enlightening episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey welcome Chris Spanier, a marketing maven with deep expertise in fostering collaboration between sales and marketing teams. Chris shares his insights on building synergy around B2B sales cycles and how to effectively align sales and marketing efforts for maximum impact. Join us as we delve into the dynamics of this crucial partnership and uncover strategies for achieving mutual success.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. Bridging the Gap Between Sales and Marketing: Chris emphasizes the importance of sales and marketing teams working in harmony, rather than at odds, to capitalize on every opportunity.
  2. The Power of Collaboration: Insights into how open communication and shared goals can transform sales and marketing teams into formidable allies.
  3. Storytelling as a Sales and Marketing Tool: The discussion highlights how compelling narratives can engage prospects and reflect their needs, ultimately driving success.
  4. Feedback Loops and Iterative Improvement: Chris advocates for continuous dialogue between sales and marketing to refine strategies and better serve customers.
  5. The Role of Leadership in Fostering Unity: Exploring how leadership can motivate sales and marketing teams to work together through shared incentives and aligned objectives.

Key Quotes

Chris Spanier:

“It’s just so powerful when you have sales and marketing coming alongside together and working together. It’s just great.”

Sean O’Shaughnessey:

“Marketing and sales are partners. One is not the customer of the other; they’re partners in this journey of customer acquisition.”

Kevin Lawson:

“Can you dig in, get a handhold on how storytelling has a major role in how we go to market, whether you have an internal or external [marketing department]?”

Additional Resources

  • The Story Brand by Donald Miller: Recommended reading for understanding the impact of storytelling in marketing and sales. –
  • Simon Sinek’s “Find Your Why”: A guide to discovering the purpose that drives you and your business. –


This episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales” is a must-listen for anyone involved in the intricate dance between sales and marketing. Chris Spanier sheds light on the significance of unity and collaboration for achieving common business goals. Through a blend of personal anecdotes and actionable advice, Chris, Kevin, and Sean explore how storytelling, shared objectives, and regular feedback can transform the relationship between sales and marketing into a dynamic partnership. Whether you’re a sales manager, marketing director, or CEO, this conversation offers valuable insights on aligning your teams for success.

Tune in to discover how you can leverage the combined strengths of your sales and marketing teams to drive growth and create meaningful customer relationships. Download this episode now and start building a more cohesive, effective approach to your business strategy.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Expanding Your Sales Horizon: Conquering New Territories in Consumable Sales – E71

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Expanding Your Sales Horizon: Conquering New Territories in Consumable Sales – E71

Welcome to another insightful episode of “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales,” where hosts Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey delve into new territories’ challenges and strategies, especially in consumable sales. This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for salespeople and leaders navigating the competitive landscape of selling products that are regularly consumed by customers. Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or just starting in a new territory, this episode offers valuable insights into crafting successful sales strategies.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. Strategies for New Salespeople in Established Territories: Understanding how to enter and grow in a territory with established competition.
  2. Importance of Being a Trusted Advisor: The role of salespeople in becoming integral to their customers’ operations and decision-making processes.
  3. Selling Beyond the Product: Emphasizing the value of the salesperson and the company in addition to the product itself.
  4. Differentiating in a Competitive Market: How to stand out when selling products that are similar to what competitors offer.
  5. Leveraging Non-Traditional ICPs (Ideal Client Profiles): Finding success by targeting non-traditional clients who may only purchase specific items from the sales line.
  6. Building and Sustaining Customer Relationships: Strategies for maintaining long-term customer relationships in consumable sales.

Key Quotes

  • Kevin: “You’ve got to give somebody enough reason to give us a try. Whether you’ve gone through Sandler, that ‘give us a try’ is a strategy or it’s a pricing strategy, product strategy, and where you play in the market.”
  • Sean: “You need to get that prospect, that company that isn’t buying from you today, to buy something from you. You need to start to develop that relationship. You earn the right to sell more to them.”

Additional Resources

  • Book: “Challenger Sale” – Recommended by Sean for understanding how to challenge and drive customer businesses –
  • Sandler Training – Mentioned by Kevin as a resource for sales strategies –


In this episode, Kevin and Sean provide a comprehensive guide on effectively breaking into new territories, especially in industries where products are consumed regularly. They emphasize the importance of being more than just a salesperson; being a trusted advisor and an integral part of the customer’s business. The discussion covers strategies for differentiating in a competitive market, leveraging non-traditional client profiles, and building sustainable customer relationships. This episode is a must-listen for sales professionals looking to expand their reach and deepen their impact in new territories. Join us next week for more insights on “Two Tall Guys Talking Sales.”

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Selling Repeat Products: A Guide to Thriving in Consumable Product Sales – E69

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales – Selling Repeat Products: A Guide to Thriving in Consumable Product Sales – E69

Welcome to another insightful episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales, hosted by Kevin Lawson and Sean O’Shaughnessey. In this episode, the duo delves into the often overlooked but crucial sales aspect – selling consumable products. They explore strategies and insights for salespeople who deal with regularly consumed and repurchased products, such as manufacturing supplies, paper products, and even everyday items like toilet paper.

Key Topics Discussed

  1. The Unique Challenges of Selling Consumable Products: Understanding the dynamics of selling products that are regularly used up and repurchased.
  2. Strategic Sales Approaches: How to effectively sell consumable products in competitive markets.
  3. The Importance of Value Proposition: Emphasizing the significance of a unique selling proposition (USP) in consumable product sales.
  4. Salesperson’s Role in Consumable Sales: The critical impact of the salesperson’s understanding of the customer’s business and needs.
  5. Territory Management and Growth Strategies: Effective methods for expanding sales territories and managing customer accounts.
  6. Cross-Selling and Team Collaboration: Leveraging the strengths of a sales team through cross-pollination of skills and coaching.

Key Quotes

  • Sean: “In the environment we’re talking about here, where it’s a consumable product… the quality of the salesperson comes to play in a big way.”
  • Kevin: “You need to know where and how you compete. It’s as simple as that. Who do I call on? How do I compete? Is it price? Is it value?”

Additional Resources

  • Sean O’Shaughnessey’s book “Eliminate Your Competition” for more in-depth sales strategies –


In this episode, Kevin and Sean provide valuable insights into the world of selling consumable products. They emphasize the importance of understanding the unique challenges of this market, including the need for a strong value proposition and the crucial role of the salesperson in understanding and meeting customer needs. The discussion also covers effective territory management and the benefits of leveraging team strengths for cross-selling. This episode is a must-listen for sales professionals looking to excel in the consumable products market and for those seeking to enhance their sales strategies in competitive environments.

Listen to this episode of Two Tall Guys Talking Sales to gain valuable insights and strategies for excelling in the consumable products market, and to learn how to effectively grow your sales territory and manage customer relationships