Two Tall Guys Podcast – Be Respectful – Start Team Meetings on Time, End on Time- Episode 21

Two Tall Guys Podcast – Be Respectful – Start Team Meetings on Time, End on Time- Episode 21

Efficient and effective meetings are essential for the success of any business, and the EOS L10 meetings have become increasingly popular in recent times. It is important for all meetings to start and end on time, avoiding rewarding tardiness and respecting everyone’s schedule. It is crucial to address individuals who regularly arrive late in private. In addition, time management is key to ensuring that each topic is discussed within the allotted time frame, and sales meetings should be approached similarly to a sales call. By adhering to these guidelines, the sales department can increase productivity and achieve its goals promptly and efficiently.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Have a Reason To Hold a Sales Meeting- Episode 20

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Have a Reason To Hold a Sales Meeting- Episode 20

Regular sales team meetings are essential to keep salespeople informed, productive, and on the same page. Before scheduling a sales team meeting, ensure a good reason for doing so. Possible topics for sales team meetings could include reviewing sales goals and strategies, discussing new leads, customer information, and product updates, recognizing salespeople for their accomplishments, pinpointing any areas of improvement, and brainstorming solutions as a team. Finally, make sure to end the meeting on a positive note! If a meeting isn’t necessary or appropriate after all, consider other ways to communicate with your sales team, such as through email or hosting an online webinar.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – The Role of a Salesperson in Their 1:1 Meetings With a Manager – Episode 19

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – The Role of a Salesperson in Their 1:1 Meetings With a Manager – Episode 19

In “The Role of a Salesperson in Their 1:1 Meetings With a Manager” podcast, the hosts, Sean and Kevin, dive into a salesperson’s crucial role in their one-on-one meetings with their manager. They discuss the importance of preparation and setting goals and objectives for the meeting while emphasizing the need to avoid micro-management. The podcast highlights the significance of tracking progress and updating managers on results and offers valuable tips on how to stay motivated and accountable during 1:1s. Overall, this podcast is an informative resource for sales professionals who want to make the most of their meetings with their managers and achieve their targets effectively.

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Manage the Expectations of Upper Management for a Sales Turnaround Effort – Episode 18

Two Tall Guys Talking Sales Podcast – Manage the Expectations of Upper Management for a Sales Turnaround Effort – Episode 18

In this episode, Sean and Kevin discuss the struggle of a sales turnaround. 

It is important to define what a turnaround means for your specific sales department, as the definition may vary depending on the nature of the business, the industry, and the competitive landscape. Once you have a clear understanding of what constitutes a successful turnaround for your team, you can start outlining a plan of action that meets or exceeds the expectations of upper management. This plan should be based on a thorough analysis of the current sales process, customer needs, and market trends and should be realistic and achievable within a specific timeframe.

Communication is key to any successful turnaround. You must share your plan with all sales team members and get their buy-in. This involves explaining the rationale behind the plan, outlining their specific roles and responsibilities, and addressing any concerns or objections they may have. Once everyone is on board, you can start executing the plan and tracking progress on a regular basis. Celebrating successes along the way is important to maintain team morale, but you should also stay focused on the ultimate goal and be prepared to adjust course as necessary based on feedback from management and results achieved. Following these steps can increase your chances of achieving a successful sales turnaround and positioning your department for long-term growth and profitability.